8 research outputs found

    A Performance Evaluation of Local Features for Image-Based 3D Reconstruction

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    This paper performs a comprehensive and comparative evaluation of the state of the art local features for the task of image based 3D reconstruction. The evaluated local features cover the recently developed ones by using powerful machine learning techniques and the elaborately designed handcrafted features. To obtain a comprehensive evaluation, we choose to include both float type features and binary ones. Meanwhile, two kinds of datasets have been used in this evaluation. One is a dataset of many different scene types with groundtruth 3D points, containing images of different scenes captured at fixed positions, for quantitative performance evaluation of different local features in the controlled image capturing situation. The other dataset contains Internet scale image sets of several landmarks with a lot of unrelated images, which is used for qualitative performance evaluation of different local features in the free image collection situation. Our experimental results show that binary features are competent to reconstruct scenes from controlled image sequences with only a fraction of processing time compared to use float type features. However, for the case of large scale image set with many distracting images, float type features show a clear advantage over binary ones. Currently, the most traditional SIFT is very stable with regard to scene types in this specific task and produces very competitive reconstruction results among all the evaluated local features. Meanwhile, although the learned binary features are not as competitive as the handcrafted ones, learning float type features with CNN is promising but still requires much effort in the future


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    In these last years have been calculated several general algorithms to process the images acquired by mobile devices. Nevertheless, they don't always work at their full effectiveness due the numerous constraints and external issues. The latest generation smartphones, pushed by higher user expectations, have increasingly performing camera functions, in particular way, about the always increasing resolution, with a large number of pixels to process or two cameras for stereo view. Considering that pixels in an image sensor synthetizes the number of incoming photons, taking a photograph with a digital camera means to applying a low-pass filter to a scene where the tiny textures, such as characters that measure a few pixels, are observed blurry. This happens when using digital zoom or when the visibility is compromised or during the night artificial lights. For all these reasons the conventional image converter resolution algorithms (as bilinear interpolation algorithm) don't work with the high-frequency information of a scene once lost. All these aspects are more relevant if we are taking photos to carry out a 3D scenario. Indeed, the 3D model will have an higher geometric accuracy if the image resolution will be higher. Super-Resolution algorithms (SRa) are classified into two categories: (1) approaches that reconstruct a high-resolution image from itself and (2) approaches that register multiple low-resolution images to interpolate sub-pixel information. In this paper we verify the geometric accuracy of a 3D model, when using the Morpho Super-Resolution™ algorithm, also in critical condition. This algorithm doesn't require pixel shift, indeed, some cameras have a functionality named pixel shift, which captures multiple images while shifting the image sensor

    On the Comparison of Classic and Deep Keypoint Detector and Descriptor Methods

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    The purpose of this study is to give a performance comparison between several classic hand-crafted and deep key-point detector and descriptor methods. In particular, we consider the following classical algorithms: SIFT, SURF, ORB, FAST, BRISK, MSER, HARRIS, KAZE, AKAZE, AGAST, GFTT, FREAK, BRIEF and RootSIFT, where a subset of all combinations is paired into detector-descriptor pipelines. Additionally, we analyze the performance of two recent and perspective deep detector-descriptor models, LF-Net and SuperPoint. Our benchmark relies on the HPSequences dataset that provides real and diverse images under various geometric and illumination changes. We analyze the performance on three evaluation tasks: keypoint verification, image matching and keypoint retrieval. The results show that certain classic and deep approaches are still comparable, with some classic detector-descriptor combinations overperforming pretrained deep models. In terms of the execution times of tested implementations, SuperPoint model is the fastest, followed by ORB. The source code is published on \url{https://github.com/kristijanbartol/keypoint-algorithms-benchmark}

    Feature detection and description for image matching: from hand-crafted design to deep learning

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    In feature based image matching, distinctive features in images are detected and represented by feature descriptors. Matching is then carried out by assessing the similarity of the descriptors of potentially conjugate points. In this paper, we first shortly discuss the general framework. Then, we review feature detection as well as the determination of affine shape and orientation of local features, before analyzing feature description in more detail. In the feature description review, the general framework of local feature description is presented first. Then, the review discusses the evolution from hand-crafted feature descriptors, e.g. SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform), to machine learning and deep learning based descriptors. The machine learning models, the training loss and the respective training data of learning-based algorithms are looked at in more detail; subsequently the various advantages and challenges of the different approaches are discussed. Finally, we present and assess some current research directions before concluding the paper

    Is there anything new to say about SIFT matching?

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    SIFT is a classical hand-crafted, histogram-based descriptor that has deeply influenced research on image matching for more than a decade. In this paper, a critical review of the aspects that affect SIFT matching performance is carried out, and novel descriptor design strategies are introduced and individually evaluated. These encompass quantization, binarization and hierarchical cascade filtering as means to reduce data storage and increase matching efficiency, with no significant loss of accuracy. An original contextual matching strategy based on a symmetrical variant of the usual nearest-neighbor ratio is discussed as well, that can increase the discriminative power of any descriptor. The paper then undertakes a comprehensive experimental evaluation of state-of-the-art hand-crafted and data-driven descriptors, also including the most recent deep descriptors. Comparisons are carried out according to several performance parameters, among which accuracy and space-time efficiency. Results are provided for both planar and non-planar scenes, the latter being evaluated with a new benchmark based on the concept of approximated patch overlap. Experimental evidence shows that, despite their age, SIFT and other hand-crafted descriptors, once enhanced through the proposed strategies, are ready to meet the future image matching challenges. We also believe that the lessons learned from this work will inspire the design of better hand-crafted and data-driven descriptors

    Image Feature Information Extraction for Interest Point Detection: A Comprehensive Review

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    Interest point detection is one of the most fundamental and critical problems in computer vision and image processing. In this paper, we carry out a comprehensive review on image feature information (IFI) extraction techniques for interest point detection. To systematically introduce how the existing interest point detection methods extract IFI from an input image, we propose a taxonomy of the IFI extraction techniques for interest point detection. According to this taxonomy, we discuss different types of IFI extraction techniques for interest point detection. Furthermore, we identify the main unresolved issues related to the existing IFI extraction techniques for interest point detection and any interest point detection methods that have not been discussed before. The existing popular datasets and evaluation standards are provided and the performances for eighteen state-of-the-art approaches are evaluated and discussed. Moreover, future research directions on IFI extraction techniques for interest point detection are elaborated

    A Performance Evaluation of Local Features for Image-Based 3D Reconstruction

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