772 research outputs found

    Sample Compressed PAC-Bayesian Bounds and learning algorithms

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    Dans le domaine de la classification, les algorithmes d'apprentissage par compression d'échantillons sont des algorithmes qui utilisent les données d'apprentissage disponibles pour construire l'ensemble de classificateurs possibles. Si les données appartiennent seulement à un petit sous-espace de l'espace de toutes les données «possibles», ces algorithmes possédent l'intéressante capacité de ne considérer que les classificateurs qui permettent de distinguer les exemples qui appartiennent à notre domaine d'intérêt. Ceci contraste avec d'autres algorithmes qui doivent considérer l'ensemble des classificateurs avant d'examiner les données d'entraînement. La machine à vecteurs de support (le SVM) est un algorithme d'apprentissage très performant qui peut être considéré comme un algorithme d'apprentissage par compression d'échantillons. Malgré son succès, le SVM est actuellement limité par le fait que sa fonction de similarité doit être un noyau symétrique semi-défini positif. Cette limitation rend le SVM difficilement applicable au cas où on désire utiliser une mesure de similarité quelconque.In classification, sample compression algorithms are the algorithms that make use of the available training data to construct the set of possible predictors. If the data belongs to only a small subspace of the space of all "possible" data, such algorithms have the interesting ability of considering only the predictors that distinguish examples in our areas of interest. This is in contrast with non sample compressed algorithms which have to consider the set of predictors before seeing the training data. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) is a very successful learning algorithm that can be considered as a sample-compression learning algorithm. Despite its success, the SVM is currently limited by the fact that its similarity function must be a symmetric positive semi-definite kernel. This limitation by design makes SVM hardly applicable for the cases where one would like to be able to use any similarity measure of input example. PAC-Bayesian theory has been shown to be a good starting point for designing learning algorithms. In this thesis, we propose a PAC-Bayes sample-compression approach to kernel methods that can accommodate any bounded similarity function. We show that the support vector classifier is actually a particular case of sample-compressed classifiers known as majority votes of sample-compressed classifiers. We propose two different groups of PAC-Bayesian risk bounds for majority votes of sample-compressed classifiers. The first group of proposed bounds depends on the KL divergence between the prior and the posterior over the set of sample-compressed classifiers. The second group of proposed bounds has the unusual property of having no KL divergence when the posterior is aligned with the prior in some precise way that we define later in this thesis. Finally, for each bound, we provide a new learning algorithm that consists of finding the predictor that minimizes the bound. The computation times of these algorithms are comparable with algorithms like the SVM. We also empirically show that the proposed algorithms are very competitive with the SVM

    Non-Vacuous Generalization Bounds at the ImageNet Scale: A PAC-Bayesian Compression Approach

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    Modern neural networks are highly overparameterized, with capacity to substantially overfit to training data. Nevertheless, these networks often generalize well in practice. It has also been observed that trained networks can often be "compressed" to much smaller representations. The purpose of this paper is to connect these two empirical observations. Our main technical result is a generalization bound for compressed networks based on the compressed size. Combined with off-the-shelf compression algorithms, the bound leads to state of the art generalization guarantees; in particular, we provide the first non-vacuous generalization guarantees for realistic architectures applied to the ImageNet classification problem. As additional evidence connecting compression and generalization, we show that compressibility of models that tend to overfit is limited: We establish an absolute limit on expected compressibility as a function of expected generalization error, where the expectations are over the random choice of training examples. The bounds are complemented by empirical results that show an increase in overfitting implies an increase in the number of bits required to describe a trained network.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure. Accepted at ICLR 201

    Generalization Error in Deep Learning

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    Deep learning models have lately shown great performance in various fields such as computer vision, speech recognition, speech translation, and natural language processing. However, alongside their state-of-the-art performance, it is still generally unclear what is the source of their generalization ability. Thus, an important question is what makes deep neural networks able to generalize well from the training set to new data. In this article, we provide an overview of the existing theory and bounds for the characterization of the generalization error of deep neural networks, combining both classical and more recent theoretical and empirical results

    Bayesian Gaussian Process Models: PAC-Bayesian Generalisation Error Bounds and Sparse Approximations

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    Non-parametric models and techniques enjoy a growing popularity in the field of machine learning, and among these Bayesian inference for Gaussian process (GP) models has recently received significant attention. We feel that GP priors should be part of the standard toolbox for constructing models relevant to machine learning in the same way as parametric linear models are, and the results in this thesis help to remove some obstacles on the way towards this goal. In the first main chapter, we provide a distribution-free finite sample bound on the difference between generalisation and empirical (training) error for GP classification methods. While the general theorem (the PAC-Bayesian bound) is not new, we give a much simplified and somewhat generalised derivation and point out the underlying core technique (convex duality) explicitly. Furthermore, the application to GP models is novel (to our knowledge). A central feature of this bound is that its quality depends crucially on task knowledge being encoded faithfully in the model and prior distributions, so there is a mutual benefit between a sharp theoretical guarantee and empirically well-established statistical practices. Extensive simulations on real-world classification tasks indicate an impressive tightness of the bound, in spite of the fact that many previous bounds for related kernel machines fail to give non-trivial guarantees in this practically relevant regime. In the second main chapter, sparse approximations are developed to address the problem of the unfavourable scaling of most GP techniques with large training sets. Due to its high importance in practice, this problem has received a lot of attention recently. We demonstrate the tractability and usefulness of simple greedy forward selection with information-theoretic criteria previously used in active learning (or sequential design) and develop generic schemes for automatic model selection with many (hyper)parameters. We suggest two new generic schemes and evaluate some of their variants on large real-world classification and regression tasks. These schemes and their underlying principles (which are clearly stated and analysed) can be applied to obtain sparse approximations for a wide regime of GP models far beyond the special cases we studied here

    Conformal Prediction: a Unified Review of Theory and New Challenges

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    In this work we provide a review of basic ideas and novel developments about Conformal Prediction -- an innovative distribution-free, non-parametric forecasting method, based on minimal assumptions -- that is able to yield in a very straightforward way predictions sets that are valid in a statistical sense also in in the finite sample case. The in-depth discussion provided in the paper covers the theoretical underpinnings of Conformal Prediction, and then proceeds to list the more advanced developments and adaptations of the original idea.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0706.3188, arXiv:1604.04173, arXiv:1709.06233, arXiv:1203.5422 by other author

    Emergence of Invariance and Disentanglement in Deep Representations

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    Using established principles from Statistics and Information Theory, we show that invariance to nuisance factors in a deep neural network is equivalent to information minimality of the learned representation, and that stacking layers and injecting noise during training naturally bias the network towards learning invariant representations. We then decompose the cross-entropy loss used during training and highlight the presence of an inherent overfitting term. We propose regularizing the loss by bounding such a term in two equivalent ways: One with a Kullbach-Leibler term, which relates to a PAC-Bayes perspective; the other using the information in the weights as a measure of complexity of a learned model, yielding a novel Information Bottleneck for the weights. Finally, we show that invariance and independence of the components of the representation learned by the network are bounded above and below by the information in the weights, and therefore are implicitly optimized during training. The theory enables us to quantify and predict sharp phase transitions between underfitting and overfitting of random labels when using our regularized loss, which we verify in experiments, and sheds light on the relation between the geometry of the loss function, invariance properties of the learned representation, and generalization error.Comment: Deep learning, neural network, representation, flat minima, information bottleneck, overfitting, generalization, sufficiency, minimality, sensitivity, information complexity, stochastic gradient descent, regularization, total correlation, PAC-Baye