899 research outputs found

    ANGELAH: A Framework for Assisting Elders At Home

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    The ever growing percentage of elderly people within modern societies poses welfare systems under relevant stress. In fact, partial and progressive loss of motor, sensorial, and/or cognitive skills renders elders unable to live autonomously, eventually leading to their hospitalization. This results in both relevant emotional and economic costs. Ubiquitous computing technologies can offer interesting opportunities for in-house safety and autonomy. However, existing systems partially address in-house safety requirements and typically focus on only elder monitoring and emergency detection. The paper presents ANGELAH, a middleware-level solution integrating both ”elder monitoring and emergency detection” solutions and networking solutions. ANGELAH has two main features: i) it enables efficient integration between a variety of sensors and actuators deployed at home for emergency detection and ii) provides a solid framework for creating and managing rescue teams composed of individuals willing to promptly assist elders in case of emergency situations. A prototype of ANGELAH, designed for a case study for helping elders with vision impairments, is developed and interesting results are obtained from both computer simulations and a real-network testbed

    On-board Obstacle Avoidance in the Teleoperation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    Teleoperation von Drohnen in Umgebungen ohne GPS-Verbindung und wenig Bewegungsspielraum stellt den Operator vor besondere Herausforderungen. Hindernisse in einer unbekannten Umgebung erfordern eine zuverlĂ€ssige ZustandsschĂ€tzung und Algorithmen zur Vermeidung von Kollisionen. In dieser Dissertation prĂ€sentieren wir ein System zur kollisionsfreien Navigation einer ferngesteuerten Drohne mit vier Propellern (Quadcopter) in abgeschlossenen RĂ€umen. Die Plattform ist mit einem Miniaturcomputer und dem Minimum an Sensoren ausgestattet. Diese Ausstattung genĂŒgt den Anforderungen an die Rechenleistung. Dieses Setup ermöglicht des Weiteren eine hochgenaue ZustandsschĂ€tzung mit Hilfe einer Kaskaden-Architektur, sehr gutes Folgeverhalten bezĂŒglich der kommandierten Geschwindigkeit, sowie eine kollisionsfreie Navigation. Ein KomplementĂ€rfilter berechnet die Höhe der Drohne, wĂ€hrend ein Kalman-Filter Beschleunigung durch eine IMU und Messungen eines Optical-Flow Sensors fusioniert und in die Softwarearchitektur integriert. Eine RGB-D Kamera stellt dem Operator ein visuelles Feedback, sowie Distanzmessungen zur VerfĂŒgung, um ein Roboter-zentriertes Modell umliegender Hindernisse mit Hilfe eines Bin-Occupancy-Filters zu erstellen. Der Algorithmus speichert die Position dieser Hindernisse, auch wenn sie das Sehfeld des Sensors verlassen, mit Hilfe des geschĂ€tzten Zustandes des Roboters. Das Prinzip des Ausweich-Algorithmus basiert auf dem Ansatz einer modell-prĂ€diktiven Regelung. Durch Vorhersage der wahrscheinlichen Position eines Hindernisses werden die durch den Operator kommandierten Sollwerte gefiltert, um eine mögliche Kollision mit einem Hindernis zu vermeiden. Die Plattform wurde experimentell sowohl in einer rĂ€umlich abgeschlossenen Umgebung mit zahlreichen Hindernissen als auch bei TestflĂŒgen in offener Umgebung mit natĂŒrlichen Hindernissen wie z.B. BĂ€ume getestet. Fliegende Roboter bergen das Risiko, im Fall eines Fehlers, sei es ein Bedienungs- oder Berechnungsfehler, durch einen Aufprall am Boden oder an Hindernissen Schaden zu nehmen. Aus diesem Grund nimmt die Entwicklung von Algorithmen dieser Roboter ein hohes Maß an Zeit und Ressourcen in Anspruch. In dieser Arbeit prĂ€sentieren wir zwei Methoden (Software-in-the-loop- und Hardware-in-the-loop-Simulation) um den Entwicklungsprozess zu vereinfachen. Via Software-in-the-loop-Simulation konnte der ZustandsschĂ€tzer mit Hilfe simulierter Sensoren und zuvor aufgenommener DatensĂ€tze verbessert werden. Eine Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation ermöglichte uns, den Roboter in Gazebo (ein bekannter frei verfĂŒgbarer ROS-Simulator) mit zusĂ€tzlicher auf dem Roboter installierter Hardware in Simulation zu bewegen. Ebenso können wir damit die EchtzeitfĂ€higkeit der Algorithmen direkt auf der Hardware validieren und verifizieren. Zu guter Letzt analysierten wir den Einfluss der Roboterbewegung auf das visuelle Feedback des Operators. Obwohl einige Drohnen die Möglichkeit einer mechanischen Stabilisierung der Kamera besitzen, können unsere Drohnen aufgrund von GewichtsbeschrĂ€nkungen nicht auf diese UnterstĂŒtzung zurĂŒckgreifen. Eine Fixierung der Kamera verursacht, wĂ€hrend der Roboter sich bewegt, oft unstetige Bewegungen des Bildes und beeintrĂ€chtigt damit negativ die Manövrierbarkeit des Roboters. Viele wissenschaftliche Arbeiten beschĂ€ftigen sich mit der Lösung dieses Problems durch Feature-Tracking. Damit kann die Bewegung der Kamera rekonstruiert und das Videosignal stabilisiert werden. Wir zeigen, dass diese Methode stark vereinfacht werden kann, durch die Verwendung der Roboter-internen IMU. Unsere Ergebnisse belegen, dass unser Algorithmus das Kamerabild erfolgreich stabilisieren und der rechnerische Aufwand deutlich reduziert werden kann. Ebenso prĂ€sentieren wir ein neues Design eines Quadcopters, um dessen Ausrichtung von der lateralen Bewegung zu entkoppeln. Unser Konzept erlaubt die Neigung der PropellerblĂ€tter unabhĂ€ngig von der Ausrichtung des Roboters mit Hilfe zweier zusĂ€tzlicher Aktuatoren. Nachdem wir das dynamische Modell dieses Systems hergeleitet haben, synthetisierten wir einen auf Feedback-Linearisierung basierten Regler. Simulationen bestĂ€tigen unsere Überlegungen und heben die Verbesserung der ManövrierfĂ€higkeit dieses neuartigen Designs hervor.The teleoperation of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), especially in cramped, GPS-restricted, environments, poses many challenges. The presence of obstacles in an unfamiliar environment requires reliable state estimation and active algorithms to prevent collisions. In this dissertation, we present a collision-free indoor navigation system for a teleoperated quadrotor UAV. The platform is equipped with an on-board miniature computer and a minimal set of sensors for this task and is self-sufficient with respect to external tracking systems and computation. The platform is capable of highly accurate state-estimation, tracking of the velocity commanded by the user and collision-free navigation. The robot estimates its state in a cascade architecture. The attitude of the platform is calculated with a complementary filter and its linear velocity through a Kalman filter integration of inertial and optical flow measurements. An RGB-D camera serves the purpose of providing visual feedback to the operator and depth measurements to build a probabilistic, robot-centric obstacle state with a bin-occupancy filter. The algorithm tracks the obstacles when they leave the field of view of the sensor by updating their positions with the estimate of the robot's motion. The avoidance part of our navigation system is based on the Model Predictive Control approach. By predicting the possible future obstacles states, the UAV filters the operator commands by altering them to prevent collisions. Experiments in obstacle-rich indoor and outdoor environments validate the efficiency of the proposed setup. Flying robots are highly prone to damage in cases of control errors, as these most likely will cause them to fall to the ground. Therefore, the development of algorithm for UAVs entails considerable amount of time and resources. In this dissertation we present two simulation methods, i.e. software- and hardware-in-the-loop simulations, to facilitate this process. The software-in-the-loop testing was used for the development and tuning of the state estimator for our robot using both the simulated sensors and pre-recorded datasets of sensor measurements, e.g., from real robotic experiments. With hardware-in-the-loop simulations, we are able to command the robot simulated in Gazebo, a popular open source ROS-enabled physical simulator, using computational units that are embedded on our quadrotor UAVs. Hence, we can test in simulation not only the correct execution of algorithms, but also the computational feasibility directly on the robot's hardware. Lastly, we analyze the influence of the robot's motion on the visual feedback provided to the operator. While some UAVs have the capacity to carry mechanically stabilized camera equipment, weight limits or other problems may make mechanical stabilization impractical. With a fixed camera, the video stream is often unsteady due to the multirotor's movement and can impair the operator's situation awareness. There has been significant research on how to stabilize videos using feature tracking to determine camera movement, which in turn is used to manipulate frames and stabilize the camera stream. However, we believe that this process could be greatly simplified by using data from a UAV’s on-board inertial measurement unit to stabilize the camera feed. Our results show that our algorithm successfully stabilizes the camera stream with the added benefit of requiring less computational power. We also propose a novel quadrotor design concept to decouple its orientation from the lateral motion of the quadrotor. In our design the tilt angles of the propellers with respect to the quadrotor body are being simultaneously controlled with two additional actuators by employing the parallelogram principle. After deriving the dynamic model of this design, we propose a controller for this platform based on feedback linearization. Simulation results confirm our theoretical findings, highlighting the improved motion capabilities of this novel design with respect to standard quadrotors

    Surveillance Planning against Smart Insurgents in Complex Terrain

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    This study is concerned with finding a way to solve a surveillance system allocation problem based on the need to consider intelligent insurgency that takes place in a complex geographical environment. Although this effort can be generalized to other situations, it is particularly geared towards protecting military outposts in foreign lands. The technological assets that are assumed available include stare-devices, such as tower-cameras and aerostats, as well as manned and unmanned aerial systems. Since acquiring these assets depends on the ability to control and monitor them on the target terrain, their operations on the geo-location of interest ought to be evaluated. Such an assessment has to also consider the risks associated with the environmental advantages that are accessible to a smart adversary. Failure to consider these aspects might render the forces vulnerable to surprise attacks. The problem of this study is formulated as follows: given a complex terrain and a smart adversary, what types of surveillance systems, and how many entities of each kind, does a military outpost need to adequately monitor its surrounding environment? To answer this question, an analytical framework is developed and structured as a series of problems that are solved in a comprehensive and realistic fashion. This includes digitizing the terrain into a grid of cell objects, identifying high-risk spots, generating flight tours, and assigning the appropriate surveillance system to the right route or area. Optimization tools are employed to empower the framework in enforcing constraints--such as fuel/battery endurance, flying assets at adequate altitudes, and respecting the climbing/diving rate limits of the aerial vehicles--and optimizing certain mission objectives--e.g. revisiting critical regions in a timely manner, minimizing manning requirements, and maximizing sensor-captured image quality. The framework is embedded in a software application that supports a friendly user interface, which includes the visualization of maps, tours, and related statistics. The final product is expected to support designing surveillance plans for remote military outposts and making critical decisions in a more reliable manner

    GATSBI: An Online GTSP-Based Algorithm for Targeted Surface Bridge Inspection

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    We study the problem of visually inspecting the surface of a bridge using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for defects. We do not assume that the geometric model of the bridge is known. The UAV is equipped with a LiDAR and RGB sensor that is used to build a 3D semantic map of the environment. Our planner, termed GATSBI, plans in an online fashion a path that is targeted towards inspecting all points on the surface of the bridge. The input to GATSBI consists of a 3D occupancy grid map of the part of the environment seen by the UAV so far. We use semantic segmentation to segment the voxels into those that are part of the bridge and the surroundings. Inspecting a bridge voxel requires the UAV to take images from a desired viewing angle and distance. We then create a Generalized Traveling Salesperson Problem (GTSP) instance to cluster candidate viewpoints for inspecting the bridge voxels and use an off-the-shelf GTSP solver to find the optimal path for the given instance. As more parts of the environment are seen, we replan the path. We evaluate the performance of our algorithm through high-fidelity simulations conducted in Gazebo. We compare the performance of this algorithm with a frontier exploration algorithm. Our evaluation reveals that targeting the inspection to only the segmented bridge voxels and planning carefully using a GTSP solver leads to more efficient inspection than the baseline algorithms.Comment: 8 pages, 16 figure

    Surveys, Astrometric Follow-up & Population Statistics

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    Asteroid surveys are the backbone of asteroid science, and with this in mind we begin with a broad review of the impact of asteroid surveys on our field. We then provide a brief history of asteroid discoveries so as to place contemporary and future surveys in perspective. Surveys in the United States have discovered the vast majority of the asteroids and this dominance has been consolidated since the publication of Asteroids III. Our descriptions of the asteroid surveys that have been operational since that time are focussed upon those that have contributed the vast majority of asteroid observations and discoveries. We also provide some insight into upcoming next-generation surveys that are sure to alter our understanding of the small bodies in the inner solar system and provide evidence to untangle their complicated dynamical and physical histories. The Minor Planet Center, the nerve center of the asteroid discovery effort, has improved its operations significantly in the past decade so that it can manage the increasing discovery rate, and ensure that it is well-placed to handle the data rates expected in the next decade. We also consider the difficulties associated with astrometric follow-up of newly identified objects. It seems clear that both of these efforts must operate in new modes in order to keep pace with expected discovery rates of next-generation ground- and space-based surveys.Comment: Chapter to appear in the book ASTEROIDS IV, (University of Arizona Press) Space Science Series, edited by P. Michel, F. DeMeo and W. Bottk

    State-of-the-art active optical techniques for three-dimensional surface metrology: a review [Invited]

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    This paper reviews recent developments of non-contact three-dimensional (3D) surface metrology using an active structured optical probe. We focus primarily on those active non-contact 3D surface measurement techniques that could be applicable to the manufacturing industry. We discuss principles of each technology, and its advantageous characteristics as well as limitations. Towards the end, we discuss our perspectives on the current technological challenges in designing and implementing these methods in practical applications.Purdue Universit

    Biosensors for Rapid Detection of Avian Influenza

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    The scope of this chapter was to review the advancements made in the area of biosensors for rapid detection of avian influenza viruses (AIVs). It is intended to provide general background about biosensor technology and to discuss important aspects for developing biosensors, such as selection of the suitable biological recognition elements (anti-AIV bioreceptors) as well as their immobilization strategies. A major concern of this chapter is also to critically review the biosensors’ working principles and their applications in AIV detection. A table containing the types of biosensor, bioreceptors, target AIVs, methods, etc. is given in this chapter. A number of papers for the different types of biosensors give hints on the current trends in the field of biosensor research for its application on AIV detection. By discussing recent research and future trends based on many excellent publications and reviews, it is hoped to give the readers a comprehensive view on this fast-growing field

    Towards Urban General Intelligence: A Review and Outlook of Urban Foundation Models

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    Machine learning techniques are now integral to the advancement of intelligent urban services, playing a crucial role in elevating the efficiency, sustainability, and livability of urban environments. The recent emergence of foundation models such as ChatGPT marks a revolutionary shift in the fields of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Their unparalleled capabilities in contextual understanding, problem solving, and adaptability across a wide range of tasks suggest that integrating these models into urban domains could have a transformative impact on the development of smart cities. Despite growing interest in Urban Foundation Models~(UFMs), this burgeoning field faces challenges such as a lack of clear definitions, systematic reviews, and universalizable solutions. To this end, this paper first introduces the concept of UFM and discusses the unique challenges involved in building them. We then propose a data-centric taxonomy that categorizes current UFM-related works, based on urban data modalities and types. Furthermore, to foster advancement in this field, we present a promising framework aimed at the prospective realization of UFMs, designed to overcome the identified challenges. Additionally, we explore the application landscape of UFMs, detailing their potential impact in various urban contexts. Relevant papers and open-source resources have been collated and are continuously updated at https://github.com/usail-hkust/Awesome-Urban-Foundation-Models

    A multiplex self-referencing detection of pathogens using surface enhanced raman scattering nanoprobes with a nano-DEP microfluidic concentrator

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    In this dissertation, I successfully developed the multiplex self-referencing SERS pathogen (E.coli O157: H7) detection biosensor platform which offers high sensitivity (10^1 CFU/mL) and strain level discrimination by measuring the superimposed SERS signatures with multiple characteristic peaks. To harvest the effective Raman molecular probes, I developed methods to fabricate anisotropic metallic nanoparticles to serve as SERS enhancers, and more importantly, I developed surface modification methodology to add functionality to the SERS enhancers so that they can bind specifically to their pathogen targets for highly accurate and sensitive detection. Gold nanorods (GNRs) and gold/silver nanocages are successfully fabricated with high particle yield. Three highly effective linker molecules (4-Aminothiophenol (4-ATP), 3-Amino-1,2,4-triazole-5-thiol (ATT), and 3-Mercaptopropionic acid (3-MPA)) are identified and designed to conjugate on gold nanostructures, and then different monoclonal antibody molecules are designed to bond to the different linkers through diazo-histine binding (4-ATP and ATT) and EDC/NHS bonding (3-MPA-antibody). In addition, this platform demonstrated excellent separation and concentration capacities by using DEP microfluidic devices and further improves the sensitivity to 10^0 CFU/mL. The integration of microfluidic devices with SERS detection has yielded simple and miniaturized instrumentation that is suitable for the detection and characterization of small volume of chemical and biological analytes with high sensitivity and specificity. For data analysis, various preprocessing methods are used for spectral background removal, baseline correction, smoothing, and normalization. Principle Component Analysis (PCA) is applied to reduce the variable dimensions. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) discriminant analysis model based on statistical multivariate model is being developed for superimposed spectra classification. The validation of spectral classification model (target binding VS no target binding) is evaluated by the accuracy percentage, which is above 95%

    Study of environmentally sustainable security in wireless sensor networks

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    The popular technology Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are used in many fields of the application such as the medical, the military, the industry, the agricultural, etc.. In this paper, explains the security issues in the WSNs. Firstly explain the challenges of Wireless Sensor Networks, the security requirements such as Confidentiality, Integrity, Authenticity, Data Freshness, and Availability and the attacks in the WSNs, the security issues are accomplished via these classes: [the encryption algorithms (symmetric, asymmetric, hybrid) , the security protocols such as (Tinysec, SPINS, LEDS, Minisec, LEAP, MASA, Lightweight LCG, MiniSec, VEBEK of WSN), the secure data aggregation, and the key management,etc.]. Also, this paper concentrates on the study researches that fulfill the high level of the security in the WSNs
