8 research outputs found

    A Lévy Flight Based BAT Optimization Algorithm for Block-based Image Compression

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    Many metaheuristics have been adopted to solve the codebook generation problem in image processing. In this paper, the Bat algorithm is combined by the Lévy flight distribution to find out the global optimum codebook. The Lévy flight distribution is combined by the local search procedure. Therefore most of the time the bat concentrate on the local area for specific food while it rarely flies to the different parts of the field for better food opportunities. This process strongly guides the bat on the global minimum way and offers better food, then the bat flies to that direction. Consequently, if a bat is captured by a local minimum point accidentally, the Lévy flight step provides a chance to escape from it easily. Numerical results suggest that the proposed Lévy flight based Bat algorithm is better than the classical ones and provides the global optimum codebook for image compression


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    A novel Vector Quantization (VQ) technique for encoding the Bi-orthogonal wavelet decomposed image using hybrid Adaptive Differential Evolution (ADE) and a Pattern Search optimization algorithm (hADEPS) is proposed. ADE is a modified version of Differential Evolution (DE) in which mutation operation is made adaptive based on the ascending/descending objective function or fitness value and tested on twelve numerical benchmark functions and the results are compared and proved better than Genetic Algorithm (GA), ordinary DE and FA. ADE is a global optimizer which explore the global search space and PS is local optimizer which exploit a local search space, so ADE is hybridized with PS. In the proposed VQ, in a codebook of codewords, 62.5% of codewords are assigned and optimized for the approximation coefficients and the remaining 37.5% are equally assigned to horizontal, vertical and diagonal coefficients. The superiority of proposed hybrid Adaptive Differential Evolution and Pattern Search (hADE-PS) optimized vector quantization over DE is demonstrated. The proposed technique is compared with DE based VQ and ADE based quantization and with standard LBG algorithm. Results show higher Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural Similiraty Index Measure (SSIM) indicating better reconstruction

    Recent Advances in Signal Processing

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    The signal processing task is a very critical issue in the majority of new technological inventions and challenges in a variety of applications in both science and engineering fields. Classical signal processing techniques have largely worked with mathematical models that are linear, local, stationary, and Gaussian. They have always favored closed-form tractability over real-world accuracy. These constraints were imposed by the lack of powerful computing tools. During the last few decades, signal processing theories, developments, and applications have matured rapidly and now include tools from many areas of mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. This book is targeted primarily toward both students and researchers who want to be exposed to a wide variety of signal processing techniques and algorithms. It includes 27 chapters that can be categorized into five different areas depending on the application at hand. These five categories are ordered to address image processing, speech processing, communication systems, time-series analysis, and educational packages respectively. The book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    A Novel Optimizer Based on Particle Swarm Optimizer and LBG for Vector Quantization In Image Coding

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    Recent advances on the reduction and analysis of big and high-dimensional data

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    In an era with remarkable advancements in computer engineering, computational algorithms, and mathematical modeling, data scientists are inevitably faced with the challenge of working with big and high-dimensional data. For many problems, data reduction is a necessary first step; such reduction allows for storage and portability of big data, and enables the computation of expensive downstream quantities. The next step then involves the analysis of big data -- the use of such data for modeling, inference, and prediction. This thesis presents new methods for big data reduction and analysis, with a focus on solving real-world problems in statistics, machine learning and engineering.Ph.D

    Transformation-Invariant Analysis of Visual Signals with Parametric Models

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    The analysis of collections of visual data, e.g., their classification, modeling and clustering, has become a problem of high importance in a variety of applications. Meanwhile, image data captured in uncontrolled environments by arbitrary users is very likely to be exposed to geometric transformations. Therefore, efficient methods are needed for analyzing high-dimensional visual data sets that can cope with geometric transformations of the visual content of interest. In this thesis, we study parametric models for transformation-invariant analysis of geometrically transformed image data, which provide low-dimensional image representations that capture relevant information efficiently. We focus on transformation manifolds, which are image sets created by parametrizable geometric transformations of a reference image model. Transformation manifolds provide a geometric interpretation of several image analysis problems. In particular, image registration corresponds to the computation of the projection of the target image onto the transformation manifold of the reference image. Similarly, in classification, the class label of a query image can be estimated in a transformation-invariant way by comparing its distance to transformation manifolds that represent different image classes. In this thesis, we explore several problems related to the registration, modeling, and classification of images with transformation manifolds. First, we address the problem of sampling transformation manifolds of known parameterization, where we focus on the target applications of image registration and classification in the sampling. We first propose an iterative algorithm for sampling a manifold such that the selected set of samples gives an accurate estimate of the distance of a query image to the manifold. We then extend this method to a classification setting with several transformation manifolds representing different image classes. We develop an algorithm to jointly sample multiple transformation manifolds such that the class label of query images can be estimated accurately by comparing their distances to the class-representative manifold samples. The proposed methods outperform baseline sampling schemes in image registration and classification. Next, we study the problem of learning transformation manifolds that are good models of a given set of geometrically transformed image data. We first learn a representative pattern whose transformation manifold fits well the input images and then generalize the problem to a supervised classification setting, where we jointly learn multiple class-representative pattern transformation manifolds from training images with known class labels. The proposed manifold learning methods exploit the information of the type of the geometric transformation in the data to compute an accurate data model, which is ignored in previous manifold learning algorithms. Finally, we focus on the usage of transformation manifolds in multiscale image registration. We consider two different methods in image registration, namely, the tangent distance method and the minimization of the image intensity difference with gradient descent. We present a multiscale performance analysis of these methods. We derive upper bounds for the alignment errors yielded by the two methods and analyze the variations of these bounds with noise and low-pass filtering, which is useful for gaining an understanding of the performance of these methods in image registration. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first such studies in multiscale registration settings. Geometrically transformed image sets have a particular structure, and classical image analysis methods do not always suit well for the treatment of such data. This thesis is motivated by this observation and proposes new techniques and insights for handling geometric transformations in image analysis and processing