795 research outputs found

    Modeling and simulation enabled UAV electrical power system design

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    With the diversity of mission capability and the associated requirement for more advanced technologies, designing modern unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems is an especially challenging task. In particular, the increasing reliance on the electrical power system for delivering key aircraft functions, both electrical and mechanical, requires that a systems-approach be employed in their development. A key factor in this process is the use of modeling and simulation to inform upon critical design choices made. However, effective systems-level simulation of complex UAV power systems presents many challenges, which must be addressed to maximize the value of such methods. This paper presents the initial stages of a power system design process for a medium altitude long endurance (MALE) UAV focusing particularly on the development of three full candidate architecture models and associated technologies. The unique challenges faced in developing such a suite of models and their ultimate role in the design process is explored, with case studies presented to reinforce key points. The role of the developed models in supporting the design process is then discussed

    Flexible active power control for PV‐ESS systems:A review

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    The penetration of solar energy in the modern power system is still increasing with a fast growth rate after long development due to reduced environmental impact and ever-decreasing photovoltaic panel cost. Meanwhile, distribution networks have to deal with a huge amount and frequent fluctuations of power due to the intermittent nature of solar energy, which influences the grid stability and could cause a voltage rise in the low-voltage grid. In order to reduce these fluctuations and ensure a stable and reliable power supply, energy storage systems are introduced, as they can absorb or release energy on demand, which provides more control flexibility for PV systems. At present, storage technologies are still under development and integrated in renewable applications, especially in smart grids, where lowering the cost and enhancing the reliability are the main tasks. This study reviews and discusses several active power control strategies for hybrid PV and energy storage systems that deliver ancillary services for grid support. The technological advancements and developments of energy storage systems in grid-tied PV applications are also reviewed

    Advanced control strategies for vehicle to grid systems with electric vehicles as distributed sources

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.This thesis focuses on the control and implementation of the vehicle to grid (V2G) system in a smart grid. Important issues like structure, principle, performance, and control of energy storage systems for electrical vehicles and power systems are discussed. In recent decades, due to rapid consumption of the earth’s oil resources, air pollution and global warming (a result of the “greenhouse effect”), the development of electrical vehicles (EVs), hybrid electrical vehicles (HEVs) and plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) are attracting more and more attentions. In order to provide regulation services and spinning reserves (to meet sudden demands for power), V2G services have a promising prospective future for grid support. It has been proposed that in the future development, such use of V2G could buffer and support effectively the penetration of renewable sources in power systems. This PhD thesis project aims to develop novel and competitive control strategies for V2G services implementation for EVs in smart electrical car parks or Smartparks. Through a comprehensive literature review of the current EV development and energy storage systems used for EVs, several energy storage technologies are compared and a hybrid energy storage system consisting of batteries and supercapacitors is proposed. This system combines effectively the advantages of high energy density of battery banks and high power density of supercapacitor banks. Supercapacitor and battery cells are tested in the laboratory using different charging and discharging procedures. Different supercapacitor and battery models are compared, discussed, and verified using the experimental data. For the energy storage system package, a cell voltage balance circuit is developed for the supercapacitor module. The principle of this circuit is also applicable to the battery module. The proposed balancing method is simple and reliable, and presents good performance for voltage balancing to prolong the lifetime of the energy storage system. The essential technology of V2G is based on the bidirectional power flow control of the charger. Besides charging the EV batteries, it can utilize the stored energy to feed electricity back to the power grid when there is a need. Three-phase AC/DC converters have been extensively used in industrial applications and also the V2G chargers. The power converters used for the V2G services are required to operate more efficiently and effectively to maintain high power quality and dynamic stability. Then the AC/DC converter used for the bidirectional V2G charger is developed and modelled. For the control aspect of AC/DC converter, a new control approach using a model predictive control (MPC) scheme is developed for V2G applications. With the advanced control strategy, the EVs in Smartparks can exchange both active and reactive power with the grid flexibly. The MPC algorithm presents excellent steady-state and dynamic performance. When a very large number of EVs are aggregated in Smartparks, the charging and discharging power should be a significant viable contributor to the power grid. New challenges will be introduced into the power system planning and operation. While discharging, the V2G power brings more potential benefits to enhance the power quality and system reliability. Using V2G services, EVs can provide many grid services, such as regulation and spinning reserve, load levelling, serving as external storage for renewable sources. An effective approach to deal with the negligibly small impact of a single EV is to group a large number of EVs. An aggregator is a new player whose role is to collect the EVs by attracting and retaining them so as to result in a MW capacity that can beneficially impact the grid. From the aggregator’ decision, the EVs are determined by the optimal deployment. The aggregator can act as a very effective resource by helping the operator to supply both capacity and energy services to the grid. By supplying active power and reactive power from EVs, the aggregation may be used for frequency and voltage regulation to control frequency and voltage fluctuations that are caused by supply–demand imbalances. Different case studies of EVs’ support to grid are carried out; the results show that V2G services can stabilize the frequency and voltage variations and have control flexibilities to fulfil system reliability and power quality requirements. The main attractiveness of V2G to consumers is that it can produce income to the vehicle owner to maximize car use. On the other hand, the utility companies can use EVs to stabilize the frequency in the power system and improve the utility operation. It also makes the utility companies more efficient with less loss because the energy is generated locally. From this point of view, V2G is a source of revenue in both electricity and transportation system, and it can help the environment reduce pollution and global warming. Various data of V2G systems have been collected for economic analysis, such as EV battery capacities, charging time, and grid electricity price and load demands. Then for the economic issues related to V2G services, optimal charging based on different objectives is presented. Dumbing charging, maximization of the average state of charge (SOC), maximum revenue and minimum cost are compared. Economic issues are a very special aspect of the V2G technology and how a large profit from V2G services can be produced is the main point of attraction to vehicle owners. Significant conclusions based on the research findings are drawn, and possible future works for further development including commercialisation of the V2G technology are proposed

    A hybrid energy storage solution based on supercapacitors and batteries for the grid integration of utility scale photovoltaic plants

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    This paper presents a 2-level controller managing a hybrid energy storage solution (HESS) for the grid integration of photovoltaic (PV) plants in distribution grids. The HESS is based on the interconnection of a lead-acid battery pack and a supercapacitor pack through a modular power electronics cabinet. The inclusion of the HESS into the PV plant –and not an state-of-the-art energy storage system based on a single technology–, is motivated by the diversity of technical requirements for the provision of the services of grid peak power shaving and PV output power ramp limitation. The 2-level controller ensures a synergistic exploitation of the two storage technologies aiming for an optimal service level of the HESS and minimum battery degradation. The higher level of the controller is based on a mathematical optimization problem that solves with the optimal schedule of the storage technologies for peak power shaving purposes. The power setpoints of this optimization are then complemented by a real time controller managing PV plant output ramp limitation. The HESS performance and associated controller has been proved effective through two case studies. The first one adopts a 6.6 MW PV plant including a HESS solution combining a 5.5 MWh and 2.64 MW lead-acid battery pack with a 0.25 MWh and 1.32 MW supercapacitor pack. The second one reports experimental data from an analogous scenario scaled down to kW level and using a laboratory scale prototype for the HESS. All in all, the hardware and software solutions proposed in this paper contribute to a feasible exploitation of multi-purpose energy storages targeting the needs of renewables' and distribution system operators.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Development of Robust and Dynamic Control Solutions for Energy Storage Enabled Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids

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    Development of Robust and Dynamic Control Solutions for Energy Storage Enabled Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid

    Control of Energy Storage

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    Energy storage can provide numerous beneficial services and cost savings within the electricity grid, especially when facing future challenges like renewable and electric vehicle (EV) integration. Public bodies, private companies and individuals are deploying storage facilities for several purposes, including arbitrage, grid support, renewable generation, and demand-side management. Storage deployment can therefore yield benefits like reduced frequency fluctuation, better asset utilisation and more predictable power profiles. Such uses of energy storage can reduce the cost of energy, reduce the strain on the grid, reduce the environmental impact of energy use, and prepare the network for future challenges. This Special Issue of Energies explore the latest developments in the control of energy storage in support of the wider energy network, and focus on the control of storage rather than the storage technology itself

    Sizing and control of a Hybrid hydro-battery-flywheel storage system for frequency regulation services

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    Energy security and environmental challenges are some of the drivers for increasing the electricity generation from non-programmable Renewable Energy Source (RES), adding pressure to the grid, especially if located in weakly connected (or isolated) islands, like Sardinia. Variable-speed Pumped Storage Hydro Power (PSHP) can offer a high degree of flex ibility in providing ancillary services (namely primary and secondary regulations), but due to the hydromechanical nature of the equipment, sudden variations in the power output cause wear and tear. Other energy storage devices can not compete with PSHP in terms of energy and power availability. This work aims to assess the potential benefits derived from the hybridization of a PSHP with Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and Flywheel Energy Storage System (FESS) in providing frequency regulation services to the grid of the Sardinia Island (Italy). The focus of the study tries to cross both the plant owner point of view, whose aim is to have a smooth PSHP operation and the economic incentive to hybridize the plant, and the Transmission System Operator’s, whose aim is to have a fast reacting plant that better stabilizes the grid frequency. This is done by simulations of a detailed dynamic model of the PSHP, whose hydraulic machine has been characterized from real experimental data, the BESS and the FESS. Moreover, two power management strategies are presented, based on different criteria, to effectively coordinate the devices making up the Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS). First the simulations are performed open-loop, to assess the impact of various combinations of installed BESS and FESS powers over the wear and tear of the equipment. Later the model is used in an optimization procedure to find the combination of installed BESS and FESS powers and the respective controlparameters that would guarantee the maximum economic return at the end of the investment life. Last, the model is included into a Sardinian power system model and simulated in a future scenario with high RES penetration, assessing the plant capabilities to effectively contain and restore the frequency. Results show that there is not a catch-all solution in terms of hybridization and that a trade-off must be made between the plant owner’s urge to smoothly operate the plant in order to reduce the equipment degradation, and the TSO’s objective to have fast responsive plants providing high quality frequency regulation services. If on one hand open-loop simulations show that the hybridization reduce the main wear and tear indicators, on the other the optimal hybrid system limits the plant ability to contain the frequency excursions in closed-loop simulations, as the optimization problem was formulated over the plant owner’s interests. The results show that there much potential for frequency stabilization and wear and tear reduction, but more techno-economic data is required to fully investigate the benefits of this configuration.Energy security and environmental challenges are some of the drivers for increasing the electricity generation from non-programmable Renewable Energy Source (RES), adding pressure to the grid, especially if located in weakly connected (or isolated) islands, like Sardinia. Variable-speed Pumped Storage Hydro Power (PSHP) can offer a high degree of flex ibility in providing ancillary services (namely primary and secondary regulations), but due to the hydromechanical nature of the equipment, sudden variations in the power output cause wear and tear. Other energy storage devices can not compete with PSHP in terms of energy and power availability. This work aims to assess the potential benefits derived from the hybridization of a PSHP with Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and Flywheel Energy Storage System (FESS) in providing frequency regulation services to the grid of the Sardinia Island (Italy). The focus of the study tries to cross both the plant owner point of view, whose aim is to have a smooth PSHP operation and the economic incentive to hybridize the plant, and the Transmission System Operator’s, whose aim is to have a fast reacting plant that better stabilizes the grid frequency. This is done by simulations of a detailed dynamic model of the PSHP, whose hydraulic machine has been characterized from real experimental data, the BESS and the FESS. Moreover, two power management strategies are presented, based on different criteria, to effectively coordinate the devices making up the Hybrid Energy Storage System (HESS). First the simulations are performed open-loop, to assess the impact of various combinations of installed BESS and FESS powers over the wear and tear of the equipment. Later the model is used in an optimization procedure to find the combination of installed BESS and FESS powers and the respective controlparameters that would guarantee the maximum economic return at the end of the investment life. Last, the model is included into a Sardinian power system model and simulated in a future scenario with high RES penetration, assessing the plant capabilities to effectively contain and restore the frequency. Results show that there is not a catch-all solution in terms of hybridization and that a trade-off must be made between the plant owner’s urge to smoothly operate the plant in order to reduce the equipment degradation, and the TSO’s objective to have fast responsive plants providing high quality frequency regulation services. If on one hand open-loop simulations show that the hybridization reduce the main wear and tear indicators, on the other the optimal hybrid system limits the plant ability to contain the frequency excursions in closed-loop simulations, as the optimization problem was formulated over the plant owner’s interests. The results show that there much potential for frequency stabilization and wear and tear reduction, but more techno-economic data is required to fully investigate the benefits of this configuration

    Design and test of a new two-stage control scheme for SMES-battery hybrid energy storage systems for microgrid applications

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    This paper proposes a novel control scheme for a hybrid energy storage system (HESS) for microgrid applications. The proposed two-stage control method is used to control the HESS to stabilize a microgrid’s voltage level and extend battery service lifetime during the coupling/decoupling of a microgrid from the main power grid. The conventional HESS control method (the filtration method) is not suitable to compensate for a microgrid’s power demand when it is decoupled from the main grid. This research focuses on using a superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) and battery HESS to assist with the microgrid coupling/decoupling process. To compensate for the instantaneous high power demand during decoupling, the battery will need to rapidly discharge. Moreover, batteries have difficulty supporting high discharging rates, which results in ineffective compensation of the power demand. In this paper, the high power density of the SMES system combined with the high energy density of a battery shows good performance on stabilizing microgrid bus voltage during the decoupling process. A novel energy management method for the HESS is proposed to improve the battery performance when the microgird coupled/decoupled from main grid. The sizing design is simplified based on the control methodology. Moreover, a SMES and battery HESS experimental platform is built to validate the proposed control methodology and its reliability.<br/
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