3 research outputs found

    A Novel Construction of Multi-group Decodable Space-Time Block Codes

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    Complex Orthogonal Design (COD) codes are known to have the lowest detection complexity among Space-Time Block Codes (STBCs). However, the rate of square COD codes decreases exponentially with the number of transmit antennas. The Quasi-Orthogonal Design (QOD) codes emerged to provide a compromise between rate and complexity as they offer higher rates compared to COD codes at the expense of an increase of decoding complexity through partially relaxing the orthogonality conditions. The QOD codes were then generalized with the so called g-symbol and g-group decodable STBCs where the number of orthogonal groups of symbols is no longer restricted to two as in the QOD case. However, the adopted approach for the construction of such codes is based on sufficient but not necessary conditions which may limit the achievable rates for any number of orthogonal groups. In this paper, we limit ourselves to the case of Unitary Weight (UW)-g-group decodable STBCs for 2^a transmit antennas where the weight matrices are required to be single thread matrices with non-zero entries in {1,-1,j,-j} and address the problem of finding the highest achievable rate for any number of orthogonal groups. This special type of weight matrices guarantees full symbol-wise diversity and subsumes a wide range of existing codes in the literature. We show that in this case an exhaustive search can be applied to find the maximum achievable rates for UW-g-group decodable STBCs with g>1. For this purpose, we extend our previously proposed approach for constructing UW-2-group decodable STBCs based on necessary and sufficient conditions to the case of UW-g-group decodable STBCs in a recursive manner.Comment: 12 pages, and 5 tables, accepted for publication in IEEE transactions on communication

    A New Family of Low-Complexity Decodable STBCs for Four Transmit Antennas

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    In this paper we propose a new construction method for rate-1 Fast-Group-Decodable (FGD) Space-Time-Block Codes (STBC)s for 2^a transmit antennas. We focus on the case of a=2 and we show that the new FGD rate-1 code has the lowest worst-case decoding complexity among existing comparable STBCs. The coding gain of the new rate-1 code is then optimized through constellation stretching and proved to be constant irrespective of the underlying QAM constellation prior to normalization. In a second step, we propose a new rate-2 STBC that multiplexes two of our rate-1 codes by the means of a unitary matrix. A compromise between rate and complexity is then obtained through puncturing our rate-2 code giving rise to a new rate-3/2 code. The proposed codes are compared to existing codes in the literature and simulation results show that our rate-3/2 code has a lower average decoding complexity while our rate-2 code maintains its lower average decoding complexity in the low SNR region at the expense of a small performance loss.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures and 1 table. Accepted for publication in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2012), 201