93,067 research outputs found

    Large-Scale Solution Approaches for Healthcare and Supply Chain Scheduling

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    This research proposes novel solution techniques for two real world problems. We first consider a patient scheduling problem in a proton therapy facility with deterministic patient arrivals. In order to assess the impacts of several operational constraints, we propose single and multi-criteria linear programming models. In addition, we ensure that the strategic patient mix restrictions predetermined by the decision makers are also enforced within the planning horizon. We study the mathematical structures of the single criteria model with strict patient mix restrictions and derive analytical equations for the optimal solutions under several operational restrictions. These efforts lead to a set of rule of thumbs that can be utilized to assess the impacts of several input parameters and patient mix levels on the capacity utilization without solving optimization problems. The necessary and sufficient conditions to analytically generate exact efficient frontiers of the bicriteria problem without any additional side constraint are also explored. In a follow up study, we investigate the solution techniques for the same patient scheduling problem with stochastic patient arrivals. We propose two Markov Decision Process (MDP) models that are capable of tackling the stochasticity. The second problem of interest is a variant of the parallel machine scheduling problem. We propose constraint programming (CP) and logic-based Benders decomposition algorithms in order to make the best decisions for scheduling nonidentical jobs with time windows and sequence dependent setup times on dissimilar parallel machines in a fixed planning horizon. This problem is formulated with (i) maximizing total profit and (ii) minimizing makespan objectives. We conduct several sensitivity analysis to test the quality and robustness of the solutions on a real life case study

    Position-Based Multi-Agent Dynamics for Real-Time Crowd Simulation (MiG paper)

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    Exploiting the efficiency and stability of Position-Based Dynamics (PBD), we introduce a novel crowd simulation method that runs at interactive rates for hundreds of thousands of agents. Our method enables the detailed modeling of per-agent behavior in a Lagrangian formulation. We model short-range and long-range collision avoidance to simulate both sparse and dense crowds. On the particles representing agents, we formulate a set of positional constraints that can be readily integrated into a standard PBD solver. We augment the tentative particle motions with planning velocities to determine the preferred velocities of agents, and project the positions onto the constraint manifold to eliminate colliding configurations. The local short-range interaction is represented with collision and frictional contact between agents, as in the discrete simulation of granular materials. We incorporate a cohesion model for modeling collective behaviors and propose a new constraint for dealing with potential future collisions. Our new method is suitable for use in interactive games.Comment: 9 page
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