4 research outputs found

    A novel bio-inspired tactile tumour detection concept for capsule endoscopy

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    Examination of the gastrointestinal(GI) tract has traditionally been performed using endoscopy tools that allow a surgeon to see the inside of the lining of the digestive tract. Endoscopes are rigid or flexible tubes that use fibre-optics or cameras to visualise tissues in natural orifices. This can be an uncomfortable and very invasive procedure for the patient. © 2014 Springer International Publishing

    Endoscopic Tactile Capsule for Non-Polypoid Colorectal Tumour Detection

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    An endoscopic tactile robotic capsule, embedding miniaturized MEMS force sensors, is presented. The capsule is conceived to provide automatic palpation of non-polypoid colorectal tumours during colonoscopy, since it is characterized by high degree of dysplasia, higher invasiveness and lower detection rates with respect to polyps. A first test was performed employing a silicone phantom that embedded inclusions with variable hardness and curvature. A hardness-based classification was implemented, demonstrating detection robustness to curvature variation. By comparing a set of supervised classification algorithms, a weighted 3-nearest neighbor classifier was selected. A bias force normalization model was introduced in order to make different acquisition sets consistent. Parameters of this model were chosen through a particle swarm optimization method. Additionally, an ex-vivo test was performed to assess the capsule detection performance when magnetically-driven along a colonic tissue. Lumps were identified as voltage peaks with a prominence depending on the total magnetic force applied to the capsule. Accuracy of 94 % in hardness classification was achieved, while a 100 % accuracy is obtained for the lump detection within a tolerance of 5 mm from the central path described by the capsule. In real application scenario, we foresee our device aiding physicians to detect tumorous tissues

    Toward Bio-Inspired Tactile Sensing Capsule Endoscopy for Detection of Submucosal Tumors

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    © 2016 IEEE. Here, we present a method for lump characterization using a bio-inspired remote tactile sensing capsule endoscopy system. While current capsule endoscopy utilizes cameras to diagnose lesions on the surface of the gastrointestinal tract lumen, this proposal uses remote palpation to stimulate a bio-inspired tactile sensing surface that deforms under the impression of both hard and soft raised objects. Current capsule endoscopy utilizes cameras to visually diagnose lesions on the surface of the gastrointestinal tract. Our approach introduces remote palpation by deploying a bio-inspired tactile sensor that deforms when pressed against soft or hard lumps. This can enhance visual inspection of lesions and provide more information about the structure of the lesions. Using classifier systems, we have shown that lumps of different sizes, shapes, and hardnesses can be distinguished in a synthetic test environment. This is a promising early start toward achieving a remote palpation system used inside the GI tract that will utilize the clinician's sense of touch