6 research outputs found


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    Pembelajaran daring dilaksanakan sebagai dampak dari menyebarnya virus Covid-19. Selama pembelajaran daring tidak menutup kemungkinan adanya learning loss yang mengakibatkan hilangnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan khusus atau umum dan penurunan kemajuan akademik. Model pembelajaran case study dan project based learning menjadi model pembelajaran aktif dalam pembelajaran daring. Model pembelajaran ini dikombinasikan dengan platform open course berupa LMS Moodle dengan tambahan tools gamifikasi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui penggunaan platform LMS Moodle dengan tambahan tools gamifikasi yang dikombinasikan dengan model pembelajaran case study dan project based learning dapat mencegah terjadinya learning loss di kalangan mahasiswa. Penelitian yang dilaksanakan adalah jenis penelitian pengembangan dengan model pengembangan 4D dan didukung dengan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif untuk mengetahui faktor learning loss. Subjek dan sampel penelitian yaitu mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Kimia pada perkuliahan Evaluasi Proses dan Hasil Belajar. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan produk hasil pengembangan dapat mengurangi learning loss dengan kategori sangat baik pada mahasiswa selama pembelajaran. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan angka motivasi sebesar 80,02%, konsentrasi dalam belajar sebesar 81,02%, dan penyerapan materi sebesar 83,24%


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan aplikasi platform e-learning open course LMS Moodle yang berorientasi pada model pembelajaran Case Study dan PjBL berbasis gamifikasi yang dikembangkan, (2) mengetahui kualitas aplikasi platform e-learning open course LMS Moodle berorientasi model pembelajaran Case Study dan PjBL serta permainan yang telah di kembangkan.Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model 4D yang terdiri dari tahap define (pendefinisian), design (perancangan), develop (pengembangan), dan disseminate (penyebaran). Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket terbuka dan tertutup dengan menggunakan skala likert. Produk yang di kembangkan dinilai oleh ahli media, ahli materi, peer reviewer, dan diujicobakan dengan skala terbatas dan kecil. Sampel uji coba skala terbatas dan kecil merupakan mahasiswa program studi pendidikan kimia semester 3 Universitas Jambi.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan (1) aplikasi platform e-learning open course LMS Moodle yang dikembangkan merupakan aplikasi manajemen media pembelejaran yang mengandung materi pembelajaran, tugas perkuliahan serta, permainan edukasi yang berorientasi pada model pembelajaran Case Study dan PjBL, (2) kualitas aplikasi platform e-learning open course LMS Moodle berdasarkan penilaian dari ahli media, ahli materi, peer reviewer, dan uji coba lapangan skala terbatas dan uji coba lapangan skala kecil termasuk kategori sangat baik

    Intelligent Diagnosis of Covid-19 Based on CNN-PNN

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    Today the whole world suffers and fears the epidemic of the Coronavirus and the developed waves in it, as we have now reached the fourth wave, and this is a serious matter. Where the statistics of the Coronavirus in the current data showed that 213 countries are affected by this epidemic, and about 6 millions of deaths are recorded. This virus spreads rapidly, and patients mainly suffer from breathing. The patient who suffers from pre-existing health problems will be more likely to contract this disease, so there was an urgent need for artificial intelligence to enter to quickly detect this virus, so the world turned to deep learning, which is one of the most powerful methods and techniques for classification because of its use of Bayas Rule, where there is no possibility of error. This paper proposes CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks) and PNN (Proprestitc Neural Networks) mixed tomography scanning model to classify Covid-19 images, the proposed network called the CNN-PNN model. The CNN-PNN model can use CNN to compute the dependency and continuity features of the output of the middle layer of the PNN model, and correlate the properties of these middle levels with the final full network to predict the classification

    Effectiveness of Online Learning at Universities: Do Sociocultural Differences Matter?

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    This study aims to explain the success factors of e-learning. The participants were 427 students in public universities in Indonesia. To demonstrate the success of this e-learning, we developed a more comprehensive e-learning evaluation model that considers the system's characteristics, students, and instructors. The results show that higher student performance is associated with higher student satisfaction. However, the increase in performance is not due to the use of e-learning. Social and cultural factors influence the use of e-learning. Culture and social environment influence students' use of e-learning. The instructor's ability to implement e-learning has been shown to influence student satisfaction. The difference in the implementation of e-learning compared to classroom learning requires different teaching methods that affect student performance. In addition, e-learning is used in all courses during the COVID-19 pandemic

    A Novel Authentication Scheme for E-assessments Based on Student Behavior over E-learning Platform

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    E-Learning and distance education have become common choices for academic institutions. Based on advances in information technology systems, educational institutions have enabled the employment of e-learning systems as teaching courses and evaluation students. However, security issues related to e-learning systems have been raised by e-learning environment stakeholders which including faculty members, and students as well as data. In addition, e-learning opponents argue that incapability of e-learning environment to authenticate examination takers is one of the major challenges. E-assessment is an important element of LMS based e-courses, and student authentication is mostly realized as one of the major concerns for e-assessments. For this reason, the main challenge facing the security of e-assessment and the e-learning environment is how to authenticate students because unauthorized persons can access and manage information. In this work, we propose a novel security scheme that contributes in resolving this vital issue by introducing an efficient secure model for supervising online evaluation including e-assessment or e-exam. The scheme addresses this imperative problem by proposing a novel approach that incorporates available databases authentication technologies in conjunction with e-learning environments for controlling unethical behavior during e-learning evaluation. Moreover, the proposed scheme considers the continuous random authentication using students' information stored previously in the databases that guarantee identity and authentication. To validate our proposal, and evaluate its performances and effectiveness, extensive simulation work is conducted over e-learning platform similar to Desire to learn (D2L)

    Towards sustainable e-learning platforms in the context of cybersecurity: A TAM-driven approach

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    The rapid growth of electronic learning (e-learning) platforms has raised concerns about cybersecurity risks. The vulnerability of university students to cyberattacks and privacy concerns within e-learning platforms presents a pressing issue. Students’ frequent and intense internet presence, coupled with their extensive computer usage, puts them at higher risk of being a potential victim of cyberattacks. This problem necessitates a deeper understanding in order to enhance cybersecurity measures and safeguard students’ privacy and intellectual property in educational environments. This dissertation work addresses the following research questions: (a) To what extent do cybersecurity perspectives affect student’s intention to use e-learning platforms? (b) To what extent do students’ privacy concerns affect their intention to use e-learning platforms? (c) To what extent does students’ cybersecurity awareness affect their intention to use e-learning platforms? (d) To what extent do academic integrity concerns affect their intention to use e-learning platforms? and (e) To what extent does students’ computer self-efficacy affect their intention to use e-learning platforms? This study was conducted using an enhanced version of the technology acceptance model (TAM3) to examine the factors influencing students’ intention to use e-learning platforms. The study involved undergraduate and graduate students at Eastern Michigan University, and data were collected through a web-based questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed using the Qualtrics tool and included validated measures and scales with close-ended questions. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 28, and the significance level for hypothesis testing was set at 0.05. Out of 6,800 distributed surveys, 590 responses were received, and after data cleaning, 582 responses were included in the final sample. The findings revealed that cybersecurity perspectives, cybersecurity awareness, academic integrity concerns, and computer self-efficacy significantly influenced students’ intention to use e-learning platforms. The study has implications for practitioners, educators, and researchers involved in designing secure e-learning platforms, emphasizing the importance of cybersecurity and recommending effective cybersecurity training programs to enhance user engagement. Overall, the study highlights the role of cybersecurity in promoting the adoption and usage of e-learning platforms, providing valuable insights for developers and educators to create secure e-learning environments and benefiting stakeholders in the e-learning industry