4 research outputs found

    Zernike moments and genetic algorithm : tutorial and application

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    Aims/ objectives: To demontrate effectiveness of Zernike Moments for Image Classification. Zernike moment(ZM) is an excellent region-based moment which has attracted the attentions of many image processing researchers since its first application to image analysis. Many papers have been published on several works done on ZM but no single paper ever give a detailed information of how the computation of ZM is done from the time the image is captured to the computation of ZM. This work showed how to effectively apply ZM on RGB images. We have demonstrated the effectiveness of Zernike moment in image classification system. A neuro-genetic intelligent system has been built with PNN classifier. The feature extracted viz ZM and Geometric features were further subjected to GA to bring the best combinatorial features for optimal accuracy. The algebraic structure of our novel fitness function enabled the GA to select the best results. The 10-fold CV used enabled the whole system to be unbiased giving a classification accuracy of 90.05%. A demonstration of affine properties of ZM are comprehensively stated and explained. In summary, the ZM enabled the classifier to have improved accuracy of 91% as compared with Geometric features with 89% accuracy

    The earth observing one (EO-1) Hyperion and Advanced land imager sensors for use in tundra classification studies within the Upper Kuparuk river basin, Alaska

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    The heterogeneity of Arctic vegetation can make land cover classification very difficult when using medium to small resolution imagery (Schneider et al., 2009; Muller et al., 1999). Using high radiometric and spatial resolution imagery, such as the SPOT 5 and IKONOS satellites, have helped arctic land cover classification accuracies rise into the 80 and 90 percentiles (Allard, 2003; Stine et al., 2010; Muller et al., 1999). However, those increases usually come at a high price. High resolution imagery is very expensive and can often add tens of thousands of dollars onto the cost of the research. The EO-1 satellite launched in 2002 carries two sensors that have high spectral and/or high spatial resolutions and can be an acceptable compromise between the resolution versus cost issues. The Hyperion is a hyperspectral sensor with the capability of collecting 242 spectral bands of information. The Advanced Land Imager (ALI) is an advanced multispectral sensor whose spatial resolution can be sharpened to 10 meters. This dissertation compares the accuracies of arctic land cover classifications produced by the Hyperion and ALI sensors to the classification accuracies produced by the Systeme Pour l' Observation de le Terre (SPOT), the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and the Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensors. Hyperion and ALI images from August 2004 were collected over the Upper Kuparuk River Basin, Alaska. Image processing included the stepwise discriminant analysis of pixels that were positively classified from coinciding ground control points, geometric and radiometric correction, and principle component analysis. Finally, stratified random sampling was used to perform accuracy assessments on satellite derived land cover classifications. Accuracy was estimated from an error matrix (confusion matrix) that provided the overall, producer's and user's accuracies. This research found that while the Hyperion sensor produced classification accuracies that were equivalent to the TM and ETM+ sensor (approximately 78%), the Hyperion could not obtain the accuracy of the SPOT 5 HRV sensor. However, the land cover classifications derived from the ALI sensor exceeded most classification accuracies derived from the TM and ETM+ sensors and were even comparable to most SPOT 5 HRV classifications (87%). With the deactivation of the Landsat series satellites, the monitoring of remote locations such as in the Arctic on an uninterrupted basis throughout the world is in jeopardy. The utilization of the Hyperion and ALI sensors are a way to keep that endeavor operational. By keeping the ALI sensor active at all times, uninterrupted observation of the entire Earth can be accomplished. Keeping the Hyperion sensor as a "tasked" sensor can provide scientists with additional imagery and options for their studies without overburdening storage issues

    A neuro-genetic hybrid approach to automatic identification of plant leaves

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    Plants are essential for the existence of most living things on this planet. Plants are used for providing food, shelter, and medicine. The ability to identify plants is very important for several applications, including conservation of endangered plant species, rehabilitation of lands after mining activities and differentiating crop plants from weeds. In recent times, many researchers have made attempts to develop automated plant species recognition systems. However, the current computer-based plants recognition systems have limitations as some plants are naturally complex, thus it is difficult to extract and represent their features. Further, natural differences of features within the same plant and similarities between plants of different species cause problems in classification. This thesis developed a novel hybrid intelligent system based on a neuro-genetic model for automatic recognition of plants using leaf image analysis based on novel approach of combining several image descriptors with Cellular Neural Networks (CNN), Genetic Algorithm (GA), and Probabilistic Neural Networks (PNN) to address classification challenges in plant computer-based plant species identification using the images of plant leaves. A GA-based feature selection module was developed to select the best of these leaf features. Particle Swam Optimization (PSO) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) were also used sideways for comparison and to provide rigorous feature selection and analysis. Statistical analysis using ANOVA and correlation techniques confirmed the effectiveness of the GA-based and PSO-based techniques as there were no redundant features, since the subset of features selected by both techniques correlated well. The number of principal components (PC) from the past were selected by conventional method associated with PCA. However, in this study, GA was used to select a minimum number of PC from the original PC space. This reduced computational cost with respect to time and increased the accuracy of the classifier used. The algebraic nature of the GA’s fitness function ensures good performance of the GA. Furthermore, GA was also used to optimize the parameters of a CNN (CNN for image segmentation) and then uniquely combined with PNN to improve and stabilize the performance of the classification system. The CNN (being an ordinary differential equation (ODE)) was solved using Runge-Kutta 4th order algorithm in order to minimize descritisation errors associated with edge detection. This study involved the extraction of 112 features from the images of plant species found in the Flavia dataset (publically available) using MATLAB programming environment. These features include Zernike Moments (20 ZMs), Fourier Descriptors (21 FDs), Legendre Moments (20 LMs), Hu 7 Moments (7 Hu7Ms), Texture Properties (22 TP) , Geometrical Properties (10 GP), and Colour features (12 CF). With the use of GA, only 14 features were finally selected for optimal accuracy. The PNN was genetically optimized to ensure optimal accuracy since it is not the best practise to fix the tunning parameters for the PNN arbitrarily. Two separate GA algorithms were implemented to optimize the PNN, that is, the GA provided by MATLAB Optimization Toolbox (GA1) and a separately implemented GA (GA2). The best chromosome (PNN spread) for GA1 was 0.035 with associated classification accuracy of 91.3740% while a spread value of 0.06 was obtained from GA2 giving rise to improved classification accuracy of 92.62%. The PNN-based classifier used in this study was benchmarked against other classifiers such as Multi-layer perceptron (MLP), K Nearest Neigbhour (kNN), Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC), Radial Basis Function (RBF), Ensemble classifiers (Adaboost). The best candidate among these classifiers was the genetically optimized PNN. Some computational theoretic properties on PNN are also presented

    A Novel Approach to the Selection of Robust and Invariant Features for Classification of Hyperspectral Images

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    This paper presents a novel approach to feature selection for the classification of hyperspectral images. The proposed approach aims at selecting a subset of the original set of features that exhibits two main properties:( i) high capability to discriminate among the considered classes, (ii) high invariance (stationarity) in the spatial domain of the investigated scene. The feature selection is accomplished by defining a multi-objective criterion that considers two terms: (i) a term that assesses the class separability, (ii) a term that evaluates the spatial invariance of the selected features. The multi-objective problem is solved by an evolutionary algorithm that estimates the Pareto-optimal solutions. Experiments carried out on a hyperspectral image acquired by the Hyperion sensor confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed technique