10 research outputs found


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    Abstract --Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET)are self-arranging, transportation less, unique remote organizations in which the hubs are asset obliged. Interruption Detection Systems (IDS) are developed in MANETs to screen activities in order to identify any interruption in the generally weak organization. In this paper, we present proficient plans for examining and improving the time length for which the interruption identification frameworks need to stay dynamic in a versatile specially appointed organization. A probabilistic model is recommended that utilizes help between IDSs among neighbourhood hubs to diminish their unit dynamic time. Typically, an IDS needs to run constantly on each join to direct the organization conduct


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    Mobile ad hoc networks use the wireless network and have wider applications especially in emergency situation, military combat zones, and the mobility vehicles. The mobile ad hoc network especially poses the problem of security and efficiency as the network is often subject to internal and external attacks. To overcome such problems, different protocols are proposed. In this study, an improved protocol is proposed which makes use of hexacol cluster method and thus provide greater efficiency and security to the network. For validating the proposed method, a stimulation was performed and results were compared with other protocols. The results indicate that the proposed method showed improved performance compare to the other protocol

    Node Activities Learning(NAL)Approach to Build Secure and Privacy-Preserving Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless networks are becoming the most popular in today communication systems, where users prefer to have wireless connectivity regardless of its geographic location. But the open environment of wireless communication increasing threat on the wireless networks under diverse network circumstances. The random and dynamic activity increases the  vulnerability due to the complete dependency on the intermediate nodes which frequently join and leave the network. It is extremely significant to have a secure routing in such a dynamic network to preserve the data privacy. In this paper, we propose a secure and privacy routing based on Node Activities Learning (NAL) approach. This approach knows the runtime activities of the node to predict the probability of activity transformation for the intentional and unintentional activities which interrupt the data communication and affects the privacy. The mean of privacy is decided based on the node individual trust factor. It also suggests a method for the node which loses their trust due to the unintentional activities. A simulation-based evaluation study shows positive improvisation in secure routing in different malicious node environment

    Node activity based trust and reputation estimation approach for secure and QoS routing in MANET

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    Achieving safe and secure communication in MANETs is a key challenge due to its dynamic nature. A number of security studies disclose that reputation management systems are able to be effectual with less overhead. The reputation of a node is calculated by using automated assessment algorithms depend on predefined trust scheme. This paper proposes a Node Activity-based Trust and Reputation estimation (NA-TRE) approach for the security and QoS routing in MANET. NA-TRE aims to find trust estimation and reputation of a node. The NA-TRE approach monitors the activity changes, packet forwarding or dropping in a node to find the status of the node. The various activities of a node like Normal State (NS), Resource Limitation State (RS) and Malicious State (MS) are monitored. This status of a node is helpful in computing trust and reputation. In this paper NA-TRE approach compared with existing protocols AODV, FACE and TMS to evaluate the efficiency of MANET. The experiment results show that 20% increasing of throughput, 10% decrease of overhead and end to end delay

    Secure Routing Protocols Comparison Analysis Between RNBR, SAA, A-UPK

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    The advent of wireless communications and the development of mobile devices have made great strides in the development of roaming communications. The MANET mobile network was developed with the ability for mobile devices to quickly self-configure and extend wireless coverage without infrastructure support. Security is one of the most important areas of research and plays a vital role in determining the success of personal and commercial telephone systems.Therefore, this study focuses on systematically examining MANET security and accountability issues and analyzing the performance of solutions proposed by three different design approaches to security systems.First, it provides an approach for identifying trusted nodes employing the proposed RNBR method for secure routing.it provides a Self-Assured Assessment (SAA) method to estimate node stability. Its main goal is to contribute to a self-assessment-based reliability assessment mechanism that provides a reliable and reliable pathway.it provides a new authentication method to prevent forgery attacks. It supports authentication mechanisms to prevent RF attacks and ensure secure routing development.The main Objective of this paper is compare to packet delivery Ratio ,Control Overhead, Packet Drop Ratio in different secure RNBR,SAA,A-UPK Routing Protocols in MANETS

    Context aware Routing to Assist Routing Decisions for Quality Improvement in Multi Hop Ad hoc Networks

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    The context information is an intriguing aspect of decision making. The context-awareness can be useful in the ad hoc networks in which nodes are mobile, and the conditions are dynamic. In ad hoc networks, routing protocols are intended to discover the route over multi-hop wireless links under varying conditions. The context-awareness can assist the routing protocols in determining the appropriate path. This paper investigates into choosing the appropriate route by applying the context information and presents the approach to improve the decision making and the quality of the route. We consider nodes, connecting links, and different layers as the context. The paper introduces the scalability and flexibility in the set of parameters that govern the eminence of the node inter-connection that, in turn, influences the overall quality of the route. We propose the context-aware dynamic routing protocol (CADR) and present the approach, algorithm, and analysis. We simulate the protocol by taking the flexible combination of the context attributes and the values, also compares the performance with AODV. The simulation results show that the protocol chooses the appropriate route as per the considered attributes and weight, and provide the enhanced performanc

    Game theory analysis and modeling of sophisticated multi-collusion attack in MANETs

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    Mobile Adhoc Network (MANET) has been a core topic of research since the last decade. Currently, this form of networking paradigm is increasingly being construed as an integral part of upcoming urban applications of Internet-of-Things (IoT), consisting of massive connectivity of diverse types of nodes. There is a significant barrier to the applicability of existing routing approaches in conventional MANETs when integrated with IoT. This routing mismatch can lead to security risks for the MANET-based application tied with the IoT platform. This paper examines a pragmatic scenario as a test case wherein the mobile nodes must exchange multimedia signals for supporting real-time streaming applications. There exist two essential security requirements viz. i) securing the data packet and ii) understanding the unpredictable behavior of the attacker. The current study considers sophistication on the part of attacker nodes. They are aware of each other’s identity and thereby collude to conduct lethal attacks, which is rarely reflected in existing security modeling statistics. This research harnesses the potential modeling aspect of game theory to model the multiple-collusion attacker scenario. It contributes towards i) modeling strategies of regular/malicious nodes and ii) applying optimization principle using novel auxiliary information to formulate the optimal strategies. The model advances each regular node’s capability to carry out precise computation about the opponent player’s strategy prediction, i.e., malicious node. The simulation outcome of the proposed mathematical model in MATLAB ascertains that it outperforms the game theory’s baseline approach

    A Novel Approach for Efficient Usage of Intrusion Detection System in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are self-configuring infrastructureless dynamic wireless networks in which the nodes are resource constrained. Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are used in MANETs to monitor activities to detect any intrusion in the otherwise vulnerable network. In this paper, we present efficient schemes for analyzing and optimizing the time duration for which the IDSs need to remain active in a MANET. A probabilistic model is proposed, which makes use of cooperation between IDSs among neighborhood nodes to reduce their individual active time. Typically, an IDS has to run all the time on every node to oversee network behavior. This can turn out to be a costly overhead for a battery-powered mobile device in terms of power and computational resources. Hence, in this work, our aim is to reduce the duration of active time of the IDSs without compromising their effectiveness. To validate our proposed approach, we model the interactions between IDSs as a multiplayer cooperative game in which the players have partially cooperative and partially conflicting goals.We theoretically analyze this game and support it with simulation results

    A Novel Approach for Efficient Usage of Intrusion Detection System in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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