4 research outputs found

    Computation applications in archaeology

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    This thesis is a critical analysis of the use which has been made of the computer in archaeology up to the year 1972. The main chapters cover the applications in archaeology of Statistics, Information Retrieval, Graphics, Pottery Classification and Survey Reduction. A large body of Miscellaneous Applications, including Pollen Analysis, are also examined. The majority of computer applications have been in Statistics. These applications include Numerical Taxonomy, Matrix Manipulation and Seriation, the generation of hypotheses and models, MUltidimensional Scaling, Cumulative Percentage Graphs and Trend Surface Analysis. It is worthwhile to note that for small sets of data several manual methods give comparable results to complex computer analyses and at far less cost. Computer Information Retrieval is examined in the light of its use for large bodies of specialist archaeological information, for museum cataloguing, and for the compilation of a site excavation record using a remote terminal. The use of Computer Graphics in the production of archaeological maps, plans and diagrams is examined. Facilities include the production of dot-density plots, distribution maps, histograms, piecharts, pottery diagrams, site block diagrams with 3D rotation and perspective, sections, pit outlines and projectile point classification by Fourier analysis. The use of the d-Mac Pencil Follower in the objective classification of pottery is described, followed by computer analysis of the resultant multivariate data. The use of the computer in the routine reduction of geophysical observations taken on archaeological sites is described. Complex filtering procedures for the removal of background effects and the enhancement of the archaeological anomalies are examined. Since other workers have concentrated on the applications of statistics in archaeology~ this thesis explores the relatively neglected fields of Graphics and Pottery Classification. Evidence is presented that significant advances have been made in the classification of pottery vessels and projectile points~ and in the graphical output of results. A number of new programs have been developed; these include software which may be operated from a remote terminal at an archaeological site. The P L U T A R C H System (Program Library Useful To ARCHaeologists) is described. This is a control program which uses interactive graphics and overlays to combine all the computer facilities available to the archaeologist. The individual graphics, statistics, instrument survey plotting and information retrieval techniques when combined in this way can communicate via global storage, and become even more powerful

    On Clustering and Evaluation of Narrow Domain Short-Test Corpora

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    En este trabajo de tesis doctoral se investiga el problema del agrupamiento de conjuntos especiales de documentos llamados textos cortos de dominios restringidos. Para llevar a cabo esta tarea, se han analizados diversos corpora y métodos de agrupamiento. Mas aún, se han introducido algunas medidas de evaluación de corpus, técnicas de selección de términos y medidas para la validez de agrupamiento con la finalidad de estudiar los siguientes problemas: -Determinar la relativa dificultad de un corpus para ser agrupado y estudiar algunas de sus características como longitud de los textos, amplitud del dominio, estilometría, desequilibrio de clases y estructura. -Contribuir en el estado del arte sobre el agrupamiento de corpora compuesto de textos cortos de dominios restringidos El trabajo de investigación que se ha llevado a cabo se encuentra parcialmente enfocado en el "agrupamiento de textos cortos". Este tema se considera relevante dado el modo actual y futuro en que las personas tienden a usar un "lenguaje reducido" constituidos por textos cortos (por ejemplo, blogs, snippets, noticias y generación de mensajes de textos como el correo electrónico y el chat). Adicionalmente, se estudia la amplitud del dominio de corpora. En este sentido, un corpus puede ser considerado como restringido o amplio si el grado de traslape de vocabulario es alto o bajo, respectivamente. En la tarea de categorización, es bastante complejo lidiar con corpora de dominio restringido tales como artículos científicos, reportes técnicos, patentes, etc. El objetivo principal de este trabajo consiste en estudiar las posibles estrategias para tratar con los siguientes dos problemas: a) las bajas frecuencias de los términos del vocabulario en textos cortos, y b) el alto traslape de vocabulario asociado a dominios restringidos. Si bien, cada uno de los problemas anteriores es un reto suficientemente alto, cuando se trata con textos cortos de dominios restringidos, la complejidad del problema se incrPinto Avendaño, DE. (2008). On Clustering and Evaluation of Narrow Domain Short-Test Corpora [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/2641Palanci

    A social geography of voting behaviour in Sydney and Melbourne

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    There can be little doubt that geographical factors influence all kinds of behaviour, not just because both the behaviours and the factors happen to have geographical distribution, but because the structure of the environment at any time limits certain activities. For instance Dye (1966) found that for the U.S.A. political policy was typically more dependent upon economic geography than upon the political system characteristics. Others (e.g. Butler and Stokes 19^ 9 > Capecchi and Galli 1969> Dogan 1969* Pelling 1967, Prescott 1959) make it fairly clear that geographical factors contribute significantly to the moulding of political predilections. Amongst other things this study attempts to define one form of structural development of pattern by which party preference becomes a non-simple function of socio-economic status in Australian cities