1,914 research outputs found

    The MSO+U theory of (N, <) is undecidable

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    We consider the logic MSO+U, which is monadic second-order logic extended with the unbounding quantifier. The unbounding quantifier is used to say that a property of finite sets holds for sets of arbitrarily large size. We prove that the logic is undecidable on infinite words, i.e. the MSO+U theory of (N,<) is undecidable. This settles an open problem about the logic, and improves a previous undecidability result, which used infinite trees and additional axioms from set theory.Comment: 9 pages, with 2 figure

    Equivalence-Checking on Infinite-State Systems: Techniques and Results

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    The paper presents a selection of recently developed and/or used techniques for equivalence-checking on infinite-state systems, and an up-to-date overview of existing results (as of September 2004)

    Decidability Results for the Boundedness Problem

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    We prove decidability of the boundedness problem for monadic least fixed-point recursion based on positive monadic second-order (MSO) formulae over trees. Given an MSO-formula phi(X,x) that is positive in X, it is decidable whether the fixed-point recursion based on phi is spurious over the class of all trees in the sense that there is some uniform finite bound for the number of iterations phi takes to reach its least fixed point, uniformly across all trees. We also identify the exact complexity of this problem. The proof uses automata-theoretic techniques. This key result extends, by means of model-theoretic interpretations, to show decidability of the boundedness problem for MSO and guarded second-order logic (GSO) over the classes of structures of fixed finite tree-width. Further model-theoretic transfer arguments allow us to derive major known decidability results for boundedness for fragments of first-order logic as well as new ones

    Modal Logics of Topological Relations

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    Logical formalisms for reasoning about relations between spatial regions play a fundamental role in geographical information systems, spatial and constraint databases, and spatial reasoning in AI. In analogy with Halpern and Shoham's modal logic of time intervals based on the Allen relations, we introduce a family of modal logics equipped with eight modal operators that are interpreted by the Egenhofer-Franzosa (or RCC8) relations between regions in topological spaces such as the real plane. We investigate the expressive power and computational complexity of logics obtained in this way. It turns out that our modal logics have the same expressive power as the two-variable fragment of first-order logic, but are exponentially less succinct. The complexity ranges from (undecidable and) recursively enumerable to highly undecidable, where the recursively enumerable logics are obtained by considering substructures of structures induced by topological spaces. As our undecidability results also capture logics based on the real line, they improve upon undecidability results for interval temporal logics by Halpern and Shoham. We also analyze modal logics based on the five RCC5 relations, with similar results regarding the expressive power, but weaker results regarding the complexity

    On Pebble Automata for Data Languages with Decidable Emptiness Problem

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    In this paper we study a subclass of pebble automata (PA) for data languages for which the emptiness problem is decidable. Namely, we introduce the so-called top view weak PA. Roughly speaking, top view weak PA are weak PA where the equality test is performed only between the data values seen by the two most recently placed pebbles. The emptiness problem for this model is decidable. We also show that it is robust: alternating, nondeterministic and deterministic top view weak PA have the same recognition power. Moreover, this model is strong enough to accept all data languages expressible in Linear Temporal Logic with the future-time operators, augmented with one register freeze quantifier.Comment: An extended abstract of this work has been published in the proceedings of the 34th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS) 2009}, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5734, pages 712-72

    Query Stability in Monotonic Data-Aware Business Processes [Extended Version]

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    Organizations continuously accumulate data, often according to some business processes. If one poses a query over such data for decision support, it is important to know whether the query is stable, that is, whether the answers will stay the same or may change in the future because business processes may add further data. We investigate query stability for conjunctive queries. To this end, we define a formalism that combines an explicit representation of the control flow of a process with a specification of how data is read and inserted into the database. We consider different restrictions of the process model and the state of the system, such as negation in conditions, cyclic executions, read access to written data, presence of pending process instances, and the possibility to start fresh process instances. We identify for which facet combinations stability of conjunctive queries is decidable and provide encodings into variants of Datalog that are optimal with respect to the worst-case complexity of the problem.Comment: This report is the extended version of a paper accepted at the 19th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2016), March 15-18, 2016 - Bordeaux, Franc
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