33,428 research outputs found

    Separation probabilities for products of permutations

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    We study the mixing properties of permutations obtained as a product of two uniformly random permutations of fixed cycle types. For instance, we give an exact formula for the probability that elements 1,2,...,k1,2,...,k are in distinct cycles of the random permutation of {1,2,...,n}\{1,2,...,n\} obtained as product of two uniformly random nn-cycles

    Geometric description of modular and weak values in discrete quantum systems using the Majorana representation

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    We express modular and weak values of observables of three- and higher-level quantum systems in their polar form. The Majorana representation of N-level systems in terms of symmetric states of N-1 qubits provides us with a description on the Bloch sphere. With this geometric approach, we find that modular and weak values of observables of N-level quantum systems can be factored in N-1 contributions. Their modulus is determined by the product of N-1 ratios involving projection probabilities between qubits, while their argument is deduced from a sum of N-1 solid angles on the Bloch sphere. These theoretical results allow us to study the geometric origin of the quantum phase discontinuity around singularities of weak values in three-level systems. We also analyze the three-box paradox [1] from the point of view of a bipartite quantum system. In the Majorana representation of this paradox, an observer comes to opposite conclusions about the entanglement state of the particles that were successfully pre- and postselected

    Group Theory of Non-Abelian Vortices

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    We investigate the structure of the moduli space of multiple BPS non-Abelian vortices in U(N) gauge theory with N fundamental Higgs fields, focusing our attention on the action of the exact global (color-flavor diagonal) SU(N) symmetry on it. The moduli space of a single non-Abelian vortex, CP(N-1), is spanned by a vector in the fundamental representation of the global SU(N) symmetry. The moduli space of winding-number k vortices is instead spanned by vectors in the direct-product representation: they decompose into the sum of irreducible representations each of which is associated with a Young tableau made of k boxes, in a way somewhat similar to the standard group composition rule of SU(N) multiplets. The K\"ahler potential is exactly determined in each moduli subspace, corresponding to an irreducible SU(N) orbit of the highest-weight configuration.Comment: LaTeX 46 pages, 4 figure

    Rotated multifractal network generator

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    The recently introduced multifractal network generator (MFNG), has been shown to provide a simple and flexible tool for creating random graphs with very diverse features. The MFNG is based on multifractal measures embedded in 2d, leading also to isolated nodes, whose number is relatively low for realistic cases, but may become dominant in the limiting case of infinitely large network sizes. Here we discuss the relation between this effect and the information dimension for the 1d projection of the link probability measure (LPM), and argue that the node isolation can be avoided by a simple transformation of the LPM based on rotation.Comment: Accepted for publication in JSTA

    Probing Brownstein-Moffat Gravity via Numerical Simulations

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    In the standard scenario of the Newtonian gravity, a late-type galaxy (i.e., a spiral galaxy) is well described by a disk and a bulge embedded in a halo mainly composed by dark matter. In Brownstein-Moffat gravity, there is a claim that late-type galaxy systems would not need to have halos, avoiding as a result the dark matter problem, i.e., a modified gravity (non-Newtonian) would account for the galactic structure with no need of dark matter. In the present paper, we probe this claim via numerical simulations. Instead of using a "static galaxy," where the centrifugal equilibrium is usually adopted, we probe the Brownstein-Moffat gravity dynamically via numerical NN-body simulations.Comment: 33 pages and 14 figures - To appear in The Astrophysical Journa