12,152 research outputs found

    Minimal Restrained Domination Algorithms on Trees Using Dynamic Programming

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    In this paper we study a special case of graph domination, namely minimal restrained dominating sets on trees. A set S ? V is a dominating set if for every vertex u ? V-S, there exists v ? S such that uv ? E. A set S ? V is a restrained dominating set if every vertex in V-S is adjacent to a vertex in S and another vertex in V-S. A restrained dominating set S is a minimal restrained dominating set if no proper subset of S is also a restrained dominating set. We give a dynamic programming style algorithm for generating largest minimal restrained dominating sets for trees and show that the decision problem for minimal restrained dominating sets is NP-complete for general graphs. We also consider independent restrained domination on trees and its associated decision problem for general graphs

    Characterizations in Domination Theory

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    Let G = (V,E) be a graph. A set R is a restrained dominating set (total restrained dominating set, resp.) if every vertex in V − R (V) is adjacent to a vertex in R and (every vertex in V −R) to a vertex in V −R. The restrained domination number of G (total restrained domination number of G), denoted by gamma_r(G) (gamma_tr(G)), is the smallest cardinality of a restrained dominating set (total restrained dominating set) of G. If T is a tree of order n, then gamma_r(T) is greater than or equal to (n+2)/3. We show that gamma_tr(T) is greater than or equal to (n+2)/2. Moreover, we show that if n is congruent to 0 mod 4, then gamma_tr(T) is greater than or equal to (n+2)/2 + 1. We then constructively characterize the extremal trees achieving these lower bounds. Finally, if G is a graph of order n greater than or equal to 2, such that both G and G\u27 are not isomorphic to P_3, then gamma_r(G) + gamma_r(G\u27) is greater than or equal to 4 and less than or equal to n +2. We provide a similar result for total restrained domination and characterize the extremal graphs G of order n achieving these bounds

    Bounds on several versions of restrained domination number

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    We investigate several versions of restraineddomination numbers and present new bounds on these parameters. We generalize theconcept of restrained domination and improve some well-known bounds in the literature.In particular, for a graph GG of order nn and minimum degree δ≥3\delta\geq 3, we prove thatthe restrained double domination number of GG is at most n−δ+1n-\delta+1. In addition,for a connected cubic graph GG of order nn we show thatthe total restrained domination number of GG is at least n/3n/3 andthe restrained double domination number of GG is at least n/2n/2
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