177 research outputs found

    A note on Ramsey Numbers for Books

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    A book of size N is the union of N triangles sharing a common edge. We show that the Ramsey number of a book of size N vs. a book of size M equals 2N+3 for all N>(10^6)M. Our proof is based on counting.Comment: 9 pages, submitted to Journal of Graph Theory in Aug 200

    A note on Ramsey numbers for Berge- G hypergraphs

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    For a graph G=(V,E), a hypergraph H is called Berge-G if there is a bijection f from E(G) to E(H) such that for each e in E(G), e is a subset of f(e). The set of all Berge-G hypergraphs is denoted B(G). For integers k>1, r>1, and a graph G, let the Ramsey number R_r(B(G), k) be the smallest integer n such that no matter how the edges of a complete r-uniform n-vertex hypergraph are colored with k colors, there is a copy of a monochromatic Berge-G subhypergraph. Furthermore, let R(B(G),k) be the smallest integer n such that no matter how all subsets an n-element set are colored with k colors, there is a monochromatic copy of a Berge-G hypergraph. We give an upper bound for R_r(B(G),k) in terms of graph Ramsey numbers. In particular, we prove that when G becomes acyclic after removing some vertex, R_r(B(G),k)\le 4k|V(G)|+r-2, in contrast with classical multicolor Ramsey numbers. When G is a triangle or a K_4, we find sharper bounds and some exact results and determine some `small' Ramsey numbers: k/2 - o(k) < R_3(B(K_3)), k) < 3k/4+ o(k), For any odd integer t\neq 3, R(B(K_3),2^t-1)=t+2, 2^{ck} < R_3(B(K_4),k) < e(1+o(1))(k-1)k!, R_3(B(K_3),2)=R_3(B(K_3),3)=5, R_3(B(K_3),4)=6, R_3(B(K_3),5)=7, R_3(B(K_3),6)=8, R_3(B(K_3,8)=9, R_3(B(K_4),2)=6.Comment: 11 page

    Lower bounds for Max-Cut in HH-free graphs via semidefinite programming

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    For a graph GG, let f(G)f(G) denote the size of the maximum cut in GG. The problem of estimating f(G)f(G) as a function of the number of vertices and edges of GG has a long history and was extensively studied in the last fifty years. In this paper we propose an approach, based on semidefinite programming (SDP), to prove lower bounds on f(G)f(G). We use this approach to find large cuts in graphs with few triangles and in KrK_r-free graphs.Comment: 21 pages, to be published in LATIN 2020 proceedings, Updated version is rewritten to include additional results along with corrections to original argument
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