3,162 research outputs found

    Restart-Based Fault-Tolerance: System Design and Schedulability Analysis

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    Embedded systems in safety-critical environments are continuously required to deliver more performance and functionality, while expected to provide verified safety guarantees. Nonetheless, platform-wide software verification (required for safety) is often expensive. Therefore, design methods that enable utilization of components such as real-time operating systems (RTOS), without requiring their correctness to guarantee safety, is necessary. In this paper, we propose a design approach to deploy safe-by-design embedded systems. To attain this goal, we rely on a small core of verified software to handle faults in applications and RTOS and recover from them while ensuring that timing constraints of safety-critical tasks are always satisfied. Faults are detected by monitoring the application timing and fault-recovery is achieved via full platform restart and software reload, enabled by the short restart time of embedded systems. Schedulability analysis is used to ensure that the timing constraints of critical plant control tasks are always satisfied in spite of faults and consequent restarts. We derive schedulability results for four restart-tolerant task models. We use a simulator to evaluate and compare the performance of the considered scheduling models

    On the periodic behavior of real-time schedulers on identical multiprocessor platforms

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    This paper is proposing a general periodicity result concerning any deterministic and memoryless scheduling algorithm (including non-work-conserving algorithms), for any context, on identical multiprocessor platforms. By context we mean the hardware architecture (uniprocessor, multicore), as well as task constraints like critical sections, precedence constraints, self-suspension, etc. Since the result is based only on the releases and deadlines, it is independent from any other parameter. Note that we do not claim that the given interval is minimal, but it is an upper bound for any cycle of any feasible schedule provided by any deterministic and memoryless scheduler

    Parametric Schedulability Analysis of Fixed Priority Real-Time Distributed Systems

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    Parametric analysis is a powerful tool for designing modern embedded systems, because it permits to explore the space of design parameters, and to check the robustness of the system with respect to variations of some uncontrollable variable. In this paper, we address the problem of parametric schedulability analysis of distributed real-time systems scheduled by fixed priority. In particular, we propose two different approaches to parametric analysis: the first one is a novel technique based on classical schedulability analysis, whereas the second approach is based on model checking of Parametric Timed Automata (PTA). The proposed analytic method extends existing sensitivity analysis for single processors to the case of a distributed system, supporting preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling, jitters and unconstrained deadlines. Parametric Timed Automata are used to model all possible behaviours of a distributed system, and therefore it is a necessary and sufficient analysis. Both techniques have been implemented in two software tools, and they have been compared with classical holistic analysis on two meaningful test cases. The results show that the analytic method provides results similar to classical holistic analysis in a very efficient way, whereas the PTA approach is slower but covers the entire space of solutions.Comment: Submitted to ECRTS 2013 (http://ecrts.eit.uni-kl.de/ecrts13

    A Novel Side-Channel in Real-Time Schedulers

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    We demonstrate the presence of a novel scheduler side-channel in preemptive, fixed-priority real-time systems (RTS); examples of such systems can be found in automotive systems, avionic systems, power plants and industrial control systems among others. This side-channel can leak important timing information such as the future arrival times of real-time tasks.This information can then be used to launch devastating attacks, two of which are demonstrated here (on real hardware platforms). Note that it is not easy to capture this timing information due to runtime variations in the schedules, the presence of multiple other tasks in the system and the typical constraints (e.g., deadlines) in the design of RTS. Our ScheduLeak algorithms demonstrate how to effectively exploit this side-channel. A complete implementation is presented on real operating systems (in Real-time Linux and FreeRTOS). Timing information leaked by ScheduLeak can significantly aid other, more advanced, attacks in better accomplishing their goals

    Gang FTP scheduling of periodic and parallel rigid real-time tasks

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    In this paper we consider the scheduling of periodic and parallel rigid tasks. We provide (and prove correct) an exact schedulability test for Fixed Task Priority (FTP) Gang scheduler sub-classes: Parallelism Monotonic, Idling, Limited Gang, and Limited Slack Reclaiming. Additionally, we study the predictability of our schedulers: we show that Gang FJP schedulers are not predictable and we identify several sub-classes which are actually predictable. Moreover, we extend the definition of rigid, moldable and malleable jobs to recurrent tasks
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