9 research outputs found

    Rule sets based bilevel decision model

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    Bilevel decision addresses the problem in which two levels of decision makers, each tries to optimize their individual objectives under constraints, act and react in an uncooperative, sequential manner. Such a bilevel optimization structure appears naturally in many aspects of planning, management and policy making. However, bilevel decision making may involve many uncertain factors in a real world problem. Therefore it is hard to determine the objective functions and constraints of the leader and the follower when build a bilevel decision model. To deal with this issue, this study explores the use of rule sets to format a bilevel decision problem by establishing a rule sets based model. After develop a method to construct a rule sets based bilevel model of a real-world problem, an example to illustrate the construction process is presented. Copyright © 2006, Australian Computer Society, Inc

    Rough Sets Applied to Mood of Music Recognition

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    Gene hunting of the Genetic Analysis Workshop 16 rheumatoid arthritis data using rough set theory

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    We propose to use the rough set theory to identify genes affecting rheumatoid arthritis risk from the data collected by the North American Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium. For each gene, we employ generalized dynamic reducts in the rough set theory to select a subset of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to represent the genetic information from this gene. We then group the study subjects into different clusters based on their genotype similarity at the selected markers. Statistical association between disease status and cluster membership is then studied to identify genes associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Based on our proposed approach, we are able to identify a number of statistically significant genes associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Aside from genes on chromosome 6, our identified genes include known disease-associated genes such as PTPN22 and TRAF1. In addition, our list contains other biologically plausible genes, such as ADAM15 and AGPAT2. Our findings suggest that ADAM15 and AGPAT2 may contribute to a genetic predisposition through abnormal angiogenesis and adipose tissue

    Impact of Clustering Parameters on the Efficiency of the Knowledge Mining Process in Rule-based Knowledge Bases

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    In this work the subject of the application of clustering as a knowledge extraction method from real-world data is discussed. The authors analyze an influence of different clustering parameters on the quality of the created structure of rules clusters and the efficiency of the knowledge mining process for rules / rules clusters. The goal of the experiments was to measure the impact of clustering parameters on the efficiency of the knowledge mining process in rulebased knowledge bases denoted by the size of the created clusters or the size of the representatives. Some parameters guarantee to produce shorter/longer representatives of the created rules clusters as well as smaller/greater clusters sizes

    A new solution algorithm for solving rule-sets based bilevel decision problems

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    Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Bilevel decision addresses compromises between two interacting decision entities within a given hierarchical complex system under distributed environments. Bilevel programming typically solves bilevel decision problems. However, formulation of objectives and constraints in mathematical functions is required, which are difficult, and sometimes impossible, in real-world situations because of various uncertainties. Our study develops a rule-set based bilevel decision approach, which models a bilevel decision problem by creating, transforming and reducing related rule sets. This study develops a new rule-sets based solution algorithm to obtain an optimal solution from the bilevel decision problem described by rule sets. A case study and a set of experiments illustrate both functions and the effectiveness of the developed algorithm in solving a bilevel decision problem

    Enhancing the Efficiency of a Decision Support System through the Clustering of Complex Rule-Based Knowledge Bases and Modification of the Inference Algorithm

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    Decision support systems founded on rule-based knowledge representation should be equipped with rule management mechanisms. Effective exploration of new knowledge in every domain of human life requires new algorithms of knowledge organization and a thorough search of the created data structures. In this work, the author introduces an optimization of both the knowledge base structure and the inference algorithm. Hence, a new, hierarchically organized knowledge base structure is proposed as it draws on the cluster analysis method and a new forward-chaining inference algorithm which searches only the so-called representatives of rule clusters. Making use of the similarity approach, the algorithm tries to discover new facts (new knowledge) from rules and facts already known. The author defines and analyses four various representative generation methods for rule clusters. Experimental results contain the analysis of the impact of the proposed methods on the efficiency of a decision support system with such knowledge representation. In order to do this, four representative generation methods and various types of clustering parameters (similarity measure, clustering methods, etc.) were examined. As can be seen, the proposed modification of both the structure of knowledge base and the inference algorithm has yielded satisfactory results

    Finding Optimal Reduct for Rough Sets by Using a Decision Tree Learning Algorithm

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    Rough Set theory is a mathematical theory for classification based on structural analysis of relational data. It can be used to find the minimal reduct. Minimal reduct is the minimal knowledge representation for the relational data. The theory has been successfully applied to various domains in data mining. However, a major limitation in Rough Set theory is that finding the minimal reduct is an NP-hard problem. C4.5 is a very popular decision tree-learning algorithm. It is very efficient at generating a decision tree. This project uses the decision tree generated by C4.5 to find the optimal reduct for a relational table. This method does not guarantee finding a minimal reduct, but test results show that the optimal reduct generated by this approach is equivalent or very close to the minimal reduct

    Rough Set Based Rule Evaluations and Their Applications

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    Knowledge discovery is an important process in data analysis, data mining and machine learning. Typically knowledge is presented in the form of rules. However, knowledge discovery systems often generate a huge amount of rules. One of the challenges we face is how to automatically discover interesting and meaningful knowledge from such discovered rules. It is infeasible for human beings to select important and interesting rules manually. How to provide a measure to evaluate the qualities of rules in order to facilitate the understanding of data mining results becomes our focus. In this thesis, we present a series of rule evaluation techniques for the purpose of facilitating the knowledge understanding process. These evaluation techniques help not only to reduce the number of rules, but also to extract higher quality rules. Empirical studies on both artificial data sets and real world data sets demonstrate how such techniques can contribute to practical systems such as ones for medical diagnosis and web personalization. In the first part of this thesis, we discuss several rule evaluation techniques that are proposed towards rule postprocessing. We show how properly defined rule templates can be used as a rule evaluation approach. We propose two rough set based measures, a Rule Importance Measure, and a Rules-As-Attributes Measure, %a measure of considering rules as attributes, to rank the important and interesting rules. In the second part of this thesis, we show how data preprocessing can help with rule evaluation. Because well preprocessed data is essential for important rule generation, we propose a new approach for processing missing attribute values for enhancing the generated rules. In the third part of this thesis, a rough set based rule evaluation system is demonstrated to show the effectiveness of the measures proposed in this thesis. Furthermore, a new user-centric web personalization system is used as a case study to demonstrate how the proposed evaluation measures can be used in an actual application

    A new version of rough set exploration system

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    Abstract. We introduce a new version of the Rough Set Exploration System – a software tool featuring a library of methods and a graphical user interface supporting variety of rough-set-based computations. Methods, features and abilities of the implemented software are discussed and illustrated with a case study in data analysis.