2,211 research outputs found

    Formal Specification and Automatic Verification of Conditional Commitments

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    Developing and implementing a model checker dedicated to conditional logic with the user interface are urgent requirements for determining whether agents comply with their commitment protocols

    Model Checking Trust-based Multi-Agent Systems

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    Trust has been the focus of many research projects, both theoretical and practical, in the recent years, particularly in domains where open multi-agent technologies are applied (e.g., Internet-based markets, Information retrieval, etc.). The importance of trust in such domains arises mainly because it provides a social control that regulates the relationships and interactions among agents. Despite the growing number of various multi-agent applications, they still encounter many challenges in their formal modeling and the verification of agents’ behaviors. Many formalisms and approaches that facilitate the specifications of trust in Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) can be found in the literature. However, most of these approaches focus on the cognitive side of trust where the trusting entity is normally capable of exhibiting properties about beliefs, desires, and intentions. Hence, the trust is considered as a belief of an agent (the truster) involving ability and willingness of the trustee to perform some actions for the truster. Nevertheless, in open MASs, entities can join and leave the interactions at any time. This means MASs will actually provide no guarantee about the behavior of their agents, which makes the capability of reasoning about trust and checking the existence of untrusted computations highly desired. This thesis aims to address the problem of modeling and verifying at design time trust in MASs by (1) considering a cognitive-independent view of trust where trust ingredients are seen from a non-epistemic angle, (2) introducing a logical language named Trust Computation Tree Logic (TCTL), which extends CTL with preconditional, conditional, and graded trust operators along with a set of reasoning postulates in order to explore its capabilities, (3) proposing a new accessibility relation which is needed to define the semantics of the trust modal operators. This accessibility relation is defined so that it captures the intuition of trust while being easily computable, (4) investigating the most intuitive and efficient algorithm for computing the trust set by developing, implementing, and experimenting different model checking techniques in order to compare between them in terms of memory consumption, efficiency, and scalability with regard to the number of considered agents, (5) evaluating the performance of the model checking techniques by analyzing the time and space complexity. The approach has been applied to different application domains to evaluate its computational performance and scalability. The obtained results reveal the effectiveness of the proposed approach, making it a promising methodology in practice

    Agents for educational games and simulations

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    This book consists mainly of revised papers that were presented at the Agents for Educational Games and Simulation (AEGS) workshop held on May 2, 2011, as part of the Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (AAMAS) conference in Taipei, Taiwan. The 12 full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from various submissions. The papers are organized topical sections on middleware applications, dialogues and learning, adaption and convergence, and agent applications

    Model Checking Logics of Social Commitments for Agent Communication

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    This thesis is about specifying and verifying communications among autonomous and possibly heterogeneous agents, which are the key principle for constructing effective open multi-agent systems (MASs). Effective systems are those that successfully achieve applicability, feasibility, error-freeness and balance between expressiveness and verification efficiency aspects. Over the last two decades, the MAS community has advocated social commitments, which successfully provide a powerful representation for modeling communications in the figure of business contracts from one agent to another. While modeling communications using commitments provides a fundamental basis for capturing flexible communications and helps address the challenge of ensuring compliance with specifications, the designers and business process modelers of the system as a whole cannot guarantee that an agent complies with its commitments as supposed to or at least not wantonly violate or cancel them. They may still wish to first formulate the notion of commitment-based protocols that regulate communications among agents and then establish formal verification (e.g., model checking) by which compliance verification in those protocols is possible. In this thesis, we address the aforementioned challenges by firstly developing a new branching-time temporal logic---called ACTL*c---that extends CTL* with modal operators for representing and reasoning about commitments and all associated actions. The proposed semantics for ACL (agent communication language) messages in terms of commitments and their actions is formal, declarative, meaningful, verifiable and semi-computationally grounded. We use ACTL*c to derive a new specification language of commitment-based protocols, which is expressive and suitable for model checking. We introduce a reduction method to formally transform the problem of model checking ACTL*c to the problem of model checking GCTL* so that the use of the CWB-NC model checker is possible. We prove the soundness of our reduction method and implement it on top of CWB-NC. To check the effectiveness of our reduction method, we report the verification results of the NetBill protocol and Contract Net protocol against some properties. In addition to the reduction method, we develop a new symbolic algorithm to perform model checking ACTL*c. To balance between expressiveness and verification efficiency, we secondly adopt a refined fragment of ACTL*c, called CTLC, an extension of CTL with modalities for commitments and their fulfillment. We extend the formalism of interpreted systems introduced to develop MASs with shared and unshared variables and considered agents' local states in the definition of a full-computationally grounded semantics for ACL messages using commitments. We present reasonable axioms of commitment and fulfillment modalities. In our verification technique, the problem of model checking CTLC is reduced into the problems of model checking ARCTL and GCTL* so that respectively extended NuSMV and CWB-NC (as a benchmark) are usable. We prove the soundness of our reduction methods and then implement them on top of the extended NuSMV and CWB-NC model checkers. To evaluate the effectiveness of our reduction methods, we verified the correctness of two business case studies. We finally proceed to develop a new symbolic model checking algorithm to directly verify commitments and their fulfillment and commitment-based protocols. We analyze the time complexity of CTLC model checking for explicit models and its space complexity for concurrent programs that provide compact representations. We prove that although CTLC extends CTL, their model checking algorithms still have the same time complexity for explicit models, and the same space complexity for concurrent programs. We fully implement the proposed algorithm on top of MCMAS, a model checker for the verification of MASs, and then check its efficiency and scalability using an industrial case study

    State-of-the-art on evolution and reactivity

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    This report starts by, in Chapter 1, outlining aspects of querying and updating resources on the Web and on the Semantic Web, including the development of query and update languages to be carried out within the Rewerse project. From this outline, it becomes clear that several existing research areas and topics are of interest for this work in Rewerse. In the remainder of this report we further present state of the art surveys in a selection of such areas and topics. More precisely: in Chapter 2 we give an overview of logics for reasoning about state change and updates; Chapter 3 is devoted to briefly describing existing update languages for the Web, and also for updating logic programs; in Chapter 4 event-condition-action rules, both in the context of active database systems and in the context of semistructured data, are surveyed; in Chapter 5 we give an overview of some relevant rule-based agents frameworks

    Monitoring multi-party contracts for E-business

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    "Monitoring multi-party contracts for E-business" investigates the issues involved in the performance of econtract monitoring of business automations in business to business e-commerce environment. A pro-active monitoring contract model and monitoring mechanism have been designed and developed. A new architecture and framework is proposed for pro-active monitorable contracts. This pro-active monitoring contract model is supported by a prototyp