1,843 research outputs found

    Efficient Semantic Segmentation via Self-Attention and Self-Distillation

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    Lightweight models are pivotal in efficient semantic segmentation, but they often suffer from insufficient context information due to limited convolution and small receptive field. To address this problem, we propose a tailored approach to efficient semantic segmentation by leveraging two complementary distillation schemes for supplementing context information to small networks: 1) a self-attention distillation scheme, which transfers long-range context knowledge adaptively from large teacher networks to small student networks; and 2) a layer-wise context distillation scheme, which transfers structured context from deep layers to shallow layers within student networks for promoting semantic consistency of the shallow layers. Extensive experiments on the ADE20K, Cityscapes, and Camvid datasets well demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposal

    Memory Structure and Cognitive Maps

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    A common way to understand memory structures in the cognitive sciences is as a cognitive map​. Cognitive maps are representational systems organized by dimensions shared with physical space. The appeal to these maps begins literally: as an account of how spatial information is represented and used to inform spatial navigation. Invocations of cognitive maps, however, are often more ambitious; cognitive maps are meant to scale up and provide the basis for our more sophisticated memory capacities. The extension is not meant to be metaphorical, but the way in which these richer mental structures are supposed to remain map-like is rarely made explicit. Here we investigate this missing link, asking: how do cognitive maps represent non-spatial information?​ We begin with a survey of foundational work on spatial cognitive maps and then provide a comparative review of alternative, non-spatial representational structures. We then turn to several cutting-edge projects that are engaged in the task of scaling up cognitive maps so as to accommodate non-spatial information: first, on the spatial-isometric approach​ , encoding content that is non-spatial but in some sense isomorphic to spatial content; second, on the ​ abstraction approach​ , encoding content that is an abstraction over first-order spatial information; and third, on the ​ embedding approach​ , embedding non-spatial information within a spatial context, a prominent example being the Method-of-Loci. Putting these cases alongside one another reveals the variety of options available for building cognitive maps, and the distinctive limitations of each. We conclude by reflecting on where these results take us in terms of understanding the place of cognitive maps in memory

    Benchmarking Deep Learning Architectures for Urban Vegetation Points Segmentation

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    Vegetation is crucial for sustainable and resilient cities providing various ecosystem services and well-being of humans. However, vegetation is under critical stress with rapid urbanization and expanding infrastructure footprints. Consequently, mapping of this vegetation is essential in the urban environment. Recently, deep learning for point cloud semantic segmentation has shown significant progress. Advanced models attempt to obtain state-of-the-art performance on benchmark datasets, comprising multiple classes and representing real world scenarios. However, class specific segmentation with respect to vegetation points has not been explored. Therefore, selection of a deep learning model for vegetation points segmentation is ambiguous. To address this problem, we provide a comprehensive assessment of point-based deep learning models for semantic segmentation of vegetation class. We have selected four representative point-based models, namely PointCNN, KPConv (omni-supervised), RandLANet and SCFNet. These models are investigated on three different datasets, specifically Chandigarh, Toronto3D and Kerala, which are characterized by diverse nature of vegetation, varying scene complexity and changing per-point features. PointCNN achieves the highest mIoU on the Chandigarh (93.32%) and Kerala datasets (85.68%) while KPConv (omni-supervised) provides the highest mIoU on the Toronto3D dataset (91.26%). The paper develops a deeper insight, hitherto not reported, into the working of these models for vegetation segmentation and outlines the ingredients that should be included in a model specifically for vegetation segmentation. This paper is a step towards the development of a novel architecture for vegetation points segmentation.Comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Weighted Point Cloud Augmentation for Neural Network Training Data Class-Imbalance

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    Recent developments in the field of deep learning for 3D data have demonstrated promising potential for end-to-end learning directly from point clouds. However, many real-world point clouds contain a large class im-balance due to the natural class im-balance observed in nature. For example, a 3D scan of an urban environment will consist mostly of road and facade, whereas other objects such as poles will be under-represented. In this paper we address this issue by employing a weighted augmentation to increase classes that contain fewer points. By mitigating the class im-balance present in the data we demonstrate that a standard PointNet++ deep neural network can achieve higher performance at inference on validation data. This was observed as an increase of F1 score of 19% and 25% on two test benchmark datasets; ScanNet and Semantic3D respectively where no class im-balance pre-processing had been performed. Our networks performed better on both highly-represented and under-represented classes, which indicates that the network is learning more robust and meaningful features when the loss function is not overly exposed to only a few classes.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted for ISPRS Geospatial Week conference 201

    Using layer-wise training for Road Semantic Segmentation in Autonomous Cars

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    A recently developed application of computer vision is pathfinding in self-driving cars. Semantic scene understanding and semantic segmentation, as subfields of computer vision, are widely used in autonomous driving. Semantic segmentation for pathfinding uses deep learning methods and various large sample datasets to train a proper model. Due to the importance of this task, accurate and robust models should be trained to perform properly in different lighting and weather conditions and in the presence of noisy input data. In this paper, we propose a novel learning method for semantic segmentation called layer-wise training and evaluate it on a light efficient structure called an efficient neural network (ENet). The results of the proposed learning method are compared with the classic learning approaches, including mIoU performance, network robustness to noise, and the possibility of reducing the size of the structure on two RGB image datasets on the road (CamVid) and off-road (Freiburg Forest) paths. Using this method partially eliminates the need for Transfer Learning. It also improves network performance when input is noisy
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