28,041 research outputs found

    Data Placement And Task Mapping Optimization For Big Data Workflows In The Cloud

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    Data-centric workflows naturally process and analyze a huge volume of datasets. In this new era of Big Data there is a growing need to enable data-centric workflows to perform computations at a scale far exceeding a single workstation\u27s capabilities. Therefore, this type of applications can benefit from distributed high performance computing (HPC) infrastructures like cluster, grid or cloud computing. Although data-centric workflows have been applied extensively to structure complex scientific data analysis processes, they fail to address the big data challenges as well as leverage the capability of dynamic resource provisioning in the Cloud. The concept of “big data workflows” is proposed by our research group as the next generation of data-centric workflow technologies to address the limitations of exist-ing workflows technologies in addressing big data challenges. Executing big data workflows in the Cloud is a challenging problem as work-flow tasks and data are required to be partitioned, distributed and assigned to the cloud execution sites (multiple virtual machines). In running such big data work-flows in the cloud distributed across several physical locations, the workflow execution time and the cloud resource utilization efficiency highly depends on the initial placement and distribution of the workflow tasks and datasets across the multiple virtual machines in the Cloud. Several workflow management systems have been developed for scientists to facilitate the use of workflows; however, data and work-flow task placement issue has not been sufficiently addressed yet. In this dissertation, I propose BDAP strategy (Big Data Placement strategy) for data placement and TPS (Task Placement Strategy) for task placement, which improve workflow performance by minimizing data movement across multiple virtual machines in the Cloud during the workflow execution. In addition, I propose CATS (Cultural Algorithm Task Scheduling) for workflow scheduling, which improve workflow performance by minimizing workflow execution cost. In this dissertation, I 1) formalize data and task placement problems in workflows, 2) propose a data placement algorithm that considers both initial input dataset and intermediate datasets obtained during workflow run, 3) propose a task placement algorithm that considers placement of workflow tasks before workflow run, 4) propose a workflow scheduling strategy to minimize the workflow execution cost once the deadline is provided by user and 5)perform extensive experiments in the distributed environment to validate that our proposed strategies provide an effective data and task placement solution to distribute and place big datasets and tasks into the appropriate virtual machines in the Cloud within reasonable time

    How Workflow Engines Should Talk to Resource Managers: A Proposal for a Common Workflow Scheduling Interface

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    Scientific workflow management systems (SWMSs) and resource managers together ensure that tasks are scheduled on provisioned resources so that all dependencies are obeyed, and some optimization goal, such as makespan minimization, is fulfilled. In practice, however, there is no clear separation of scheduling responsibilities between an SWMS and a resource manager because there exists no agreed-upon separation of concerns between their different components. This has two consequences. First, the lack of a standardized API to exchange scheduling information between SWMSs and resource managers hinders portability. It incurs costly adaptations when a component should be replaced by another one (e.g., an SWMS with another SWMS on the same resource manager). Second, due to overlapping functionalities, current installations often actually have two schedulers, both making partial scheduling decisions under incomplete information, leading to suboptimal workflow scheduling. In this paper, we propose a simple REST interface between SWMSs and resource managers, which allows any SWMS to pass dynamic workflow information to a resource manager, enabling maximally informed scheduling decisions. We provide an exemplary implementation of this API for Nextflow as an SWMS and Kubernetes as a resource manager. Our experiments with nine real-world workflows show that this strategy reduces makespan by up to 25.1% and 10.8% on average compared to the standard Nextflow/Kubernetes configuration. Furthermore, a more widespread implementation of this API would enable leaner code bases, a simpler exchange of components of workflow systems, and a unified place to implement new scheduling algorithms.Comment: Paper accepted in: 2023 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid

    Executing Large Scale Scientific Workflows in Public Clouds

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    Scientists in different fields, such as high-energy physics, earth science, and astronomy are developing large-scale workflow applications. In many use cases, scientists need to run a set of interrelated but independent workflows (i.e., workflow ensembles) for the entire scientific analysis. As a workflow ensemble usually contains many sub-workflows in each of which hundreds or thousands of jobs exist with precedence constraints, the execution of such a workflow ensemble makes a great concern with cost even using elastic and pay-as-you-go cloud resources. In this thesis, we develop a set of methods to optimize the execution of large-scale scientific workflows in public clouds with both cost and deadline constraints with a two-step approach. Firstly, we present a set of methods to optimize the execution of scientific workflow in public clouds, with the Montage astronomical mosaic engine running on Amazon EC2 as an example. Secondly, we address three main challenges in realizing benefits of using public clouds when executing large-scale workflow ensembles: (1) execution coordination, (2) resource provisioning, and (3) data staging. To this end, we develop a new pulling-based workflow execution system with a profiling-based resource provisioning strategy. Our results show that our solution system can achieve 80% speed-up, by removing scheduling overhead, compared to the well-known Pegasus workflow management system when running scientific workflow ensembles. Besides, our evaluation using Montage workflow ensembles on around 1000-core Amazon EC2 clusters has demonstrated the efficacy of our resource provisioning strategy in terms of cost effectiveness within deadline

    A Taxonomy of Workflow Management Systems for Grid Computing

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    With the advent of Grid and application technologies, scientists and engineers are building more and more complex applications to manage and process large data sets, and execute scientific experiments on distributed resources. Such application scenarios require means for composing and executing complex workflows. Therefore, many efforts have been made towards the development of workflow management systems for Grid computing. In this paper, we propose a taxonomy that characterizes and classifies various approaches for building and executing workflows on Grids. We also survey several representative Grid workflow systems developed by various projects world-wide to demonstrate the comprehensiveness of the taxonomy. The taxonomy not only highlights the design and engineering similarities and differences of state-of-the-art in Grid workflow systems, but also identifies the areas that need further research.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figure

    Tasks, cognitive agents, and KB-DSS in workflow and process management

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    The purpose of this paper is to propose a nonparametric interest rate term structure model and investigate its implications on term structure dynamics and prices of interest rate derivative securities. The nonparametric spot interest rate process is estimated from the observed short-term interest rates following a robust estimation procedure and the market price of interest rate risk is estimated as implied from the historical term structure data. That is, instead of imposing a priori restrictions on the model, data are allowed to speak for themselves, and at the same time the model retains a parsimonious structure and the computational tractability. The model is implemented using historical Canadian interest rate term structure data. The parametric models with closed form solutions for bond and bond option prices, namely the Vasicek (1977) and CIR (1985) models, are also estimated for comparison purpose. The empirical results not only provide strong evidence that the traditional spot interest rate models and market prices of interest rate risk are severely misspecified but also suggest that different model specifications have significant impact on term structure dynamics and prices of interest rate derivative securities.

    Business Process Redesign in the Perioperative Process: A Case Perspective for Digital Transformation

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    This case study investigates business process redesign within the perioperative process as a method to achieve digital transformation. Specific perioperative sub-processes are targeted for re-design and digitalization, which yield improvement. Based on a 184-month longitudinal study of a large 1,157 registered-bed academic medical center, the observed effects are viewed through a lens of information technology (IT) impact on core capabilities and core strategy to yield a digital transformation framework that supports patient-centric improvement across perioperative sub-processes. This research identifies existing limitations, potential capabilities, and subsequent contextual understanding to minimize perioperative process complexity, target opportunity for improvement, and ultimately yield improved capabilities. Dynamic technological activities of analysis, evaluation, and synthesis applied to specific perioperative patient-centric data collected within integrated hospital information systems yield the organizational resource for process management and control. Conclusions include theoretical and practical implications as well as study limitations

    A Time-driven Data Placement Strategy for a Scientific Workflow Combining Edge Computing and Cloud Computing

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    Compared to traditional distributed computing environments such as grids, cloud computing provides a more cost-effective way to deploy scientific workflows. Each task of a scientific workflow requires several large datasets that are located in different datacenters from the cloud computing environment, resulting in serious data transmission delays. Edge computing reduces the data transmission delays and supports the fixed storing manner for scientific workflow private datasets, but there is a bottleneck in its storage capacity. It is a challenge to combine the advantages of both edge computing and cloud computing to rationalize the data placement of scientific workflow, and optimize the data transmission time across different datacenters. Traditional data placement strategies maintain load balancing with a given number of datacenters, which results in a large data transmission time. In this study, a self-adaptive discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm with genetic algorithm operators (GA-DPSO) was proposed to optimize the data transmission time when placing data for a scientific workflow. This approach considered the characteristics of data placement combining edge computing and cloud computing. In addition, it considered the impact factors impacting transmission delay, such as the band-width between datacenters, the number of edge datacenters, and the storage capacity of edge datacenters. The crossover operator and mutation operator of the genetic algorithm were adopted to avoid the premature convergence of the traditional particle swarm optimization algorithm, which enhanced the diversity of population evolution and effectively reduced the data transmission time. The experimental results show that the data placement strategy based on GA-DPSO can effectively reduce the data transmission time during workflow execution combining edge computing and cloud computing
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