210,107 research outputs found

    Accreditation Of Prior Experiential Learning As A Catalyst For Lifelong Learning: Analysis And Proposals Based On French Experiments

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    In this paper, the researchers analyse how lifelong learning can be enriched and develop a different perspective based on the experiment involving the accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL) conducted in France at the university level. The French system for the accreditation of prior experiential learning, called Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience (VAE), accredits prior learning from past experiences (professional and otherwise) and can lead to full university degrees or diplomas. A literature review on lifelong learning shows that worldwide, it is based on different conceptions and approaches, according to the realities of the education and labour systems and the relationship between them. The researchers note however that work experience is less valued than the acquisition of new and complementary knowledge.Studies on VAE in France in higher education show that a thorough analysis of prior experiential learning: first, improves the quality of the experience as a potential source of skills; second, may provide ways to improve the candidate's experiential learning, and third, may help define the direction for lifelong learning. Therefore, recognition of this experiential learning could be a key catalyst for lifelong learning. The findings support two main arguments advocating a central role for the recognition of prior experiential learning in the lifelong learning process particularly in France: potentially individualized learning paths, personal empowerment and shorter training times; and a focus on experience - and not just professional experience - that is in tune with today’s societal changes and the aspirations/constraints of each individual

    Lifelong guidance policy and practice in the EU

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    A study on lifelong guidance (LLG) policy and practice in the EU focusing on trends, challenges and opportunities. Lifelong guidance aims to provide career development support for individuals of all ages, at all career stages. It includes careers information, advice, counselling, assessment of skills and mentoring

    Work-based learning and lifelong guidance policies

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    This Concept Note discusses the relationship between lifelong guidance and work-based learning. While these are distinct activities, they are often advanced as approaches to answering similar broad policy challenges, such as developing a skilled and socially inclusive population, ensuring engagement with education and work, and helping people to progress and live happy and useful lives. This paper argues that lifelong guidance can be particularly useful in relation to work-based learning in three main ways: • Engagement. Increasing citizens’ understanding of work-based learning, the routes into it and the rewards of participation. • Achievement. Helping participants (learners, employers and learning providers) in workbased learning to remain engaged and consider how best to enhance their skills and employability. • Transition. Assisting the effective utilisation of the skills developed within work-based learning by supporting individuals in transitions from work-based learning programmes to sustainable employment

    A European research agenda for lifelong learning

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    It is a generally accepted truth that without a proper educational system no country will prosper, nor will its inhabitants. With the arrival of the post-industrial society, in Europe and elsewhere, it has become increasingly clear that people should continue learning over their entire life-spans lest they or their society suffer the dire consequences. But what does this future lifelong learning society exactly look like? And how then should education prepare for it? What should people learn and how should they do so? How can we afford to pay for all this, what are the socio-economic constraints of the move towards a lifelong-learning society? And, of course, what role can and should the educational establishment of schools and universities play? This are questions that demand serious research efforts, which is what this paper argues for

    Mapping the UK Landscape of Tertiary Lifelong Learning. THEMP Discussion Paper 4.8

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    The concepts of phenomenological studies were focused worldly on the assessment of the lived experiences of disabled persons. The current studies were focusing on the lived experiences of visually impaired student in the one central University of India. These studies were conducted by personal interviews of ten visually impairment students. An outcome of this research explores many difficulties overcoming in the higher education learning process of the visually impaired student. This was due to the several major factors involved behinds this as deficient of modern devices of teaching, class lecture recorder, financial problems, over formalities burden by institutions at the time of examination and admission. Psychosocial adjustment in the new environments is another factor who affected education. Learning is a lifelong process which can affect individuals. Every moment of life of the visually impaired student from school to higher education has been a significant role in its own life and such an impact should not be denied. Therefore, this is necessary to provide special support for the improvement of career success among individuals who are visually impaired and avoid their educated barrier in the higher education system.  Article visualizations