13 research outputs found

    A New Quantum Lower Bound Method, with Applications to Direct Product Theorems and Time-Space Tradeoffs

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    We give a new version of the adversary method for proving lower bounds on quantum query algorithms. The new method is based on analyzing the eigenspace structure of the problem at hand. We use it to prove a new and optimal strong direct product theorem for 2-sided error quantum algorithms computing k independent instances of a symmetric Boolean function: if the algorithm uses significantly less than k times the number of queries needed for one instance of the function, then its success probability is exponentially small in k. We also use the polynomial method to prove a direct product theorem for 1-sided error algorithms for k threshold functions with a stronger bound on the success probability. Finally, we present a quantum algorithm for evaluating solutions to systems of linear inequalities, and use our direct product theorems to show that the time-space tradeoff of this algorithm is close to optimal.Comment: 16 pages LaTeX. Version 2: title changed, proofs significantly cleaned up and made selfcontained. This version to appear in the proceedings of the STOC 06 conferenc

    A strong direct product theorem for quantum query complexity

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    We show that quantum query complexity satisfies a strong direct product theorem. This means that computing kk copies of a function with less than kk times the quantum queries needed to compute one copy of the function implies that the overall success probability will be exponentially small in kk. For a boolean function ff we also show an XOR lemma---computing the parity of kk copies of ff with less than kk times the queries needed for one copy implies that the advantage over random guessing will be exponentially small. We do this by showing that the multiplicative adversary method, which inherently satisfies a strong direct product theorem, is always at least as large as the additive adversary method, which is known to characterize quantum query complexity.Comment: V2: 19 pages (various additions and improvements, in particular: improved parameters in the main theorems due to a finer analysis of the output condition, and addition of an XOR lemma and a threshold direct product theorem in the boolean case). V3: 19 pages (added grant information

    Symmetry-assisted adversaries for quantum state generation

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    We introduce a new quantum adversary method to prove lower bounds on the query complexity of the quantum state generation problem. This problem encompasses both, the computation of partial or total functions and the preparation of target quantum states. There has been hope for quite some time that quantum state generation might be a route to tackle the {\sc Graph Isomorphism} problem. We show that for the related problem of {\sc Index Erasure} our method leads to a lower bound of Ω(N)\Omega(\sqrt N) which matches an upper bound obtained via reduction to quantum search on NN elements. This closes an open problem first raised by Shi [FOCS'02]. Our approach is based on two ideas: (i) on the one hand we generalize the known additive and multiplicative adversary methods to the case of quantum state generation, (ii) on the other hand we show how the symmetries of the underlying problem can be leveraged for the design of optimal adversary matrices and dramatically simplify the computation of adversary bounds. Taken together, these two ideas give the new result for {\sc Index Erasure} by using the representation theory of the symmetric group. Also, the method can lead to lower bounds even for small success probability, contrary to the standard adversary method. Furthermore, we answer an open question due to \v{S}palek [CCC'08] by showing that the multiplicative version of the adversary method is stronger than the additive one for any problem. Finally, we prove that the multiplicative bound satisfies a strong direct product theorem, extending a result by \v{S}palek to quantum state generation problems.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figure

    Post-Quantum Blockchain Proofs of Work

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    A proof of work (PoW) is an important cryptographic construct enabling a party to convince others that they invested some effort in solving a computational task. Arguably, its main impact has been in the setting of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and its underlying blockchain protocol, which received significant attention in recent years due to its potential for various applications as well as for solving fundamental distributed computing questions in novel threat models. PoWs enable the linking of blocks in the blockchain data structure and thus the problem of interest is the feasibility of obtaining a sequence (chain) of such proofs. In this work, we examine the hardness of finding such chain of PoWs against quantum strategies. We prove that the chain of PoWs problem reduces to a problem we call multi-solution Bernoulli search, for which we establish its quantum query complexity. Effectively, this is an extension of a threshold direct product theorem to an average-case unstructured search problem. Our proof, adding to active recent efforts, simplifies and generalizes the recording technique due to Zhandry (Crypto 2019). In addition, we revisit the formal treatment of security of the core of the Bitcoin consensus protocol, called the Bitcoin backbone (Eurocrypt 2015), against quantum adversaries and show that its security holds under a quantum analogue of the ``honest majority'' assumption that we formulate. Our analysis indicates that security of the Bitcoin backbone protocol is guaranteed provided that the number of adversarial quantum queries is bounded so that each quantum query is worth O(p−1/2)O(p^{-1/2}) classical ones, where pp is the probability of success of a single classical query to the protocol's underlying hash function. Somewhat surprisingly, the wait time for safe settlement in the case of quantum adversaries matches the safe settlement time in the classical case.Comment: 30 pages. (v3) changed the title and improved readability. This work supersedes the result of our previous work in eprint.iacr.org/2019/115

    The NISQ Complexity of Collision Finding

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    Collision-resistant hashing, a fundamental primitive in modern cryptography, ensures that there is no efficient way to find distinct inputs that produce the same hash value. This property underpins the security of various cryptographic applications, making it crucial to understand its complexity. The complexity of this problem is well-understood in the classical setting and Θ(N1/2)\Theta(N^{1/2}) queries are needed to find a collision. However, the advent of quantum computing has introduced new challenges since quantum adversaries \unicode{x2013} equipped with the power of quantum queries \unicode{x2013} can find collisions much more efficiently. Brassard, H\"oyer and Tapp and Aaronson and Shi established that full-scale quantum adversaries require Θ(N1/3)\Theta(N^{1/3}) queries to find a collision, prompting a need for longer hash outputs, which impacts efficiency in terms of the key lengths needed for security. This paper explores the implications of quantum attacks in the Noisy-Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) era. In this work, we investigate three different models for NISQ algorithms and achieve tight bounds for all of them: (1) A hybrid algorithm making adaptive quantum or classical queries but with a limited quantum query budget, or (2) A quantum algorithm with access to a noisy oracle, subject to a dephasing or depolarizing channel, or (3) A hybrid algorithm with an upper bound on its maximum quantum depth; i.e., a classical algorithm aided by low-depth quantum circuits. In fact, our results handle all regimes between NISQ and full-scale quantum computers. Previously, only results for the pre-image search problem were known for these models by Sun and Zheng, Rosmanis, Chen, Cotler, Huang and Li while nothing was known about the collision finding problem.Comment: 40 pages; v2: title changed, major extension to other complexity model

    The NISQ Complexity of Collision Finding

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    Collision-resistant hashing, a fundamental primitive in modern cryptography, ensures that there is no efficient way to find distinct inputs that produce the same hash value. This property underpins the security of various cryptographic applications, making it crucial to understand its complexity. The complexity of this problem is well-understood in the classical setting and Θ(N1/2)\Theta(N^{1/2}) queries are needed to find a collision. However, the advent of quantum computing has introduced new challenges since quantum adversaries - equipped with the power of quantum queries - can find collisions much more efficiently. Brassard, Höyer and Tapp and Aaronson and Shi established that full-scale quantum adversaries require Θ(N1/3)\Theta(N^{1/3}) queries to find a collision, prompting a need for longer hash outputs, which impacts efficiency in terms of the key lengths needed for security. This paper explores the implications of quantum attacks in the Noisy-Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) era. In this work, we investigate three different models for NISQ algorithms and achieve tight bounds for all of them: (1) A hybrid algorithm making adaptive quantum or classical queries but with a limited quantum query budget, or (2) A quantum algorithm with access to a noisy oracle, subject to a dephasing or depolarizing channel, or (3) A hybrid algorithm with an upper bound on its maximum quantum depth; i.e., a classical algorithm aided by low-depth quantum circuits. In fact, our results handle all regimes between NISQ and full-scale quantum computers. Previously, only results for the pre-image search problem were known for these models by Sun and Zheng, Rosmanis, Chen, Cotler, Huang and Li while nothing was known about the collision finding problem. Along with our main results, we develop an information-theoretic framework for recording query transcripts of quantum-classical algorithms. The main feature of this framework is that it allows us to record queries in two incompatible bases - classical queries in the standard basis and quantum queries in the Fourier basis - consistently. We call the framework the hybrid compressed oracle as it naturally interpolates between the classical way of recording queries and the compressed oracle framework of Zhandry for recording quantum queries

    Local Hamiltonians in Quantum Computation

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    In this thesis, I investigate aspects of local Hamiltonians in quantum computing. First, I focus on the Adiabatic Quantum Computing model, based on evolution with a time dependent Hamiltonian. I show that to succeed using AQC, the Hamiltonian involved must have local structure, which leads to a result about eigenvalue gaps from information theory. I also improve results about simulating quantum circuits with AQC. Second, I look at classically simulating time evolution with local Hamiltonians and finding their ground state properties. I give a numerical method for finding the ground state of translationally invariant Hamiltonians on an infinite tree. This method is based on imaginary time evolution within the Matrix Product State ansatz, and uses a new method for bringing the state back to the ansatz after each imaginary time step. I then use it to investigate the phase transition in the transverse field Ising model on the Bethe lattice. Third, I focus on locally constrained quantum problems Local Hamiltonian and Quantum Satisfiability and prove several new results about their complexity. Finally, I define a Hamiltonian Quantum Cellular Automaton, a continuous-time model of computation which doesn't require control during the computation process, only preparation of product initial states. I construct two of these, showing that time evolution with a simple, local, translationally invariant and time-independent Hamiltonian can be used to simulate quantum circuits.Comment: Ph.D. Thesis, June 2008, MIT, 176 page

    Collision Finding with Many Classical or Quantum Processors

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    In this thesis, we investigate the cost of finding collisions in a black-box function, a problem that is of fundamental importance in cryptanalysis. Inspired by the excellent performance of the heuristic rho method of collision finding, we define several new models of complexity that take into account the cost of moving information across a large space, and lay the groundwork for studying the performance of classical and quantum algorithms in these models