
Local Hamiltonians in Quantum Computation


In this thesis, I investigate aspects of local Hamiltonians in quantum computing. First, I focus on the Adiabatic Quantum Computing model, based on evolution with a time dependent Hamiltonian. I show that to succeed using AQC, the Hamiltonian involved must have local structure, which leads to a result about eigenvalue gaps from information theory. I also improve results about simulating quantum circuits with AQC. Second, I look at classically simulating time evolution with local Hamiltonians and finding their ground state properties. I give a numerical method for finding the ground state of translationally invariant Hamiltonians on an infinite tree. This method is based on imaginary time evolution within the Matrix Product State ansatz, and uses a new method for bringing the state back to the ansatz after each imaginary time step. I then use it to investigate the phase transition in the transverse field Ising model on the Bethe lattice. Third, I focus on locally constrained quantum problems Local Hamiltonian and Quantum Satisfiability and prove several new results about their complexity. Finally, I define a Hamiltonian Quantum Cellular Automaton, a continuous-time model of computation which doesn't require control during the computation process, only preparation of product initial states. I construct two of these, showing that time evolution with a simple, local, translationally invariant and time-independent Hamiltonian can be used to simulate quantum circuits.Comment: Ph.D. Thesis, June 2008, MIT, 176 page

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