15,163 research outputs found

    New Algorithms for Computing Groebner Bases

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    In this thesis, we present new algorithms for computing Groebner bases. The first algorithm, G2V, is incremental in the same fashion as F5 and F5C. At a typical step, one is given a Groebner basis G for an ideal I and any polynomial g, and it is desired to compute a Groebner basis for the new ideal , obtained from I by joining g. Let (I : g) denote the colon ideal of I divided by g. Our algorithm computes Groebner bases for I, g and (I : g) simultaneously. In previous algorithms, S-polynomials that reduce to zero are useless, in fact, F5 tries to avoid such reductions as much as possible. In our algorithm, however, these \u27useless\u27 S-polynomials give elements in (I : g) and are useful in speeding up the subsequent computations. Computer experiments on some benchmark examples indicate that our algorithm is much more efficient (two to ten times faster) than F5 and F5C. Next, we present a more general algorithm that matches Buchberger\u27s algorithm in simplicity and yet is more flexible than G2V. Given a list of polynomials, the new algorithm computes simultaneously a Groebner basis for the ideal generated by the polynomials and a Groebner basis for the leading terms of the syzygy module of the polynomials. For any term order for the ideal, one may vary the term order for the syzygy module. Under one term order for the syzygy module, the new algorithm specializes to the G2V algorithm, and under another term order for the syzygy module, the new algorithm may be several times faster than G2V, as indicated by computer experiments on benchmark examples. Finally, we present a solid theoretical framework for G2V and GVW which makes the algorithm much more understandable. This theory also gives a major improvement of the GVW algorithm. A proof of termination is provided for all algorithms, and an argument is made that GVW computes the fewest number of generators for the signature based algorithms used by GVW and F5 (similarly for G2V and F5C)

    Modifying Faug\`ere's F5 Algorithm to ensure termination

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    The structure of the F5 algorithm to compute Gr\"obner bases makes it very efficient. However, while it is believed to terminate for so-called regular sequences, it is not clear whether it terminates for all inputs. This paper has two major parts. In the first part, we describe in detail the difficulties related to a proof of termination. In the second part, we explore three variants that ensure termination. Two of these have appeared previously only in dissertations, and ensure termination by checking for a Gr\"obner basis using traditional criteria. The third variant, F5+, identifies a degree bound using a distinction between "necessary" and "redundant" critical pairs that follows from the analysis in the first part. Experimental evidence suggests this third approach is the most efficient of the three.Comment: 19 pages, 1 tabl

    Termination of Original F5

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    The original F5 algorithm introduced by Faug\`ere is formulated for any homogeneous polynomial set input. The correctness of output is shown for any input that terminates the algorithm, but the termination itself is proved only for the case of input being regular polynomial sequence. This article shows that algorithm correctly terminates for any homogeneous input without any reference to regularity. The scheme contains two steps: first it is shown that if the algorithm does not terminate it eventually generates two polynomials where first is a reductor for the second. But first step does not show that this reduction is permitted by criteria introduced in F5. The second step shows that if such pair exists then there exists another pair for which the reduction is permitted by all criteria. Existence of such pair leads to contradiction. Version v3 fixes the bibliography

    The F5 Criterion revised

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    The purpose of this work is to generalize part of the theory behind Faugere's "F5" algorithm. This is one of the fastest known algorithms to compute a Groebner basis of a polynomial ideal I generated by polynomials f_{1},...,f_{m}. A major reason for this is what Faugere called the algorithm's "new" criterion, and we call "the F5 criterion"; it provides a sufficient condition for a set of polynomials G to be a Groebner basis. However, the F5 algorithm is difficult to grasp, and there are unresolved questions regarding its termination. This paper introduces some new concepts that place the criterion in a more general setting: S-Groebner bases and primitive S-irreducible polynomials. We use these to propose a new, simple algorithm based on a revised F5 criterion. The new concepts also enable us to remove various restrictions, such as proving termination without the requirement that f_{1},...,f_{m} be a regular sequence.Comment: Originally submitted by Arri in 2009, with material added by Perry since 2010. The 2016 editions correct typographical issues not caught in previous editions bring the theory of the body into conformity with the published version of the pape

    A survey on signature-based Gr\"obner basis computations

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    This paper is a survey on the area of signature-based Gr\"obner basis algorithms that was initiated by Faug\`ere's F5 algorithm in 2002. We explain the general ideas behind the usage of signatures. We show how to classify the various known variants by 3 different orderings. For this we give translations between different notations and show that besides notations many approaches are just the same. Moreover, we give a general description of how the idea of signatures is quite natural when performing the reduction process using linear algebra. This survey shall help to outline this field of active research.Comment: 53 pages, 8 figures, 11 table

    Gr\"obner Bases of Bihomogeneous Ideals generated by Polynomials of Bidegree (1,1): Algorithms and Complexity

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    Solving multihomogeneous systems, as a wide range of structured algebraic systems occurring frequently in practical problems, is of first importance. Experimentally, solving these systems with Gr\"obner bases algorithms seems to be easier than solving homogeneous systems of the same degree. Nevertheless, the reasons of this behaviour are not clear. In this paper, we focus on bilinear systems (i.e. bihomogeneous systems where all equations have bidegree (1,1)). Our goal is to provide a theoretical explanation of the aforementionned experimental behaviour and to propose new techniques to speed up the Gr\"obner basis computations by using the multihomogeneous structure of those systems. The contributions are theoretical and practical. First, we adapt the classical F5 criterion to avoid reductions to zero which occur when the input is a set of bilinear polynomials. We also prove an explicit form of the Hilbert series of bihomogeneous ideals generated by generic bilinear polynomials and give a new upper bound on the degree of regularity of generic affine bilinear systems. This leads to new complexity bounds for solving bilinear systems. We propose also a variant of the F5 Algorithm dedicated to multihomogeneous systems which exploits a structural property of the Macaulay matrix which occurs on such inputs. Experimental results show that this variant requires less time and memory than the classical homogeneous F5 Algorithm.Comment: 31 page
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