30 research outputs found

    Mitigating Stealthy Link Flooding DDoS Attacks Using SDN-Based Moving Target Defense

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    With the increasing diversity and complication of Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks, it has become extremely challenging to design a fully protected network. For instance, recently, a new type of attack called Stealthy Link Flooding Attack (SLFA) has been shown to cause critical network disconnection problems, where the attacker targets the communication links in the surrounding area of a server. The existing defense mechanisms for this type of attack are based on the detection of some unusual traffic patterns; however, this might be too late as some severe damage might already be done. These mechanisms also do not consider countermeasures during the reconnaissance phase of these attacks. Over the last few years, moving target defense (MTD) has received increasing attention from the research community. The idea is based on frequently changing the network configurations to make it much more difficult for the attackers to attack the network. In this dissertation, we investigate several novel frameworks based on MTD to defend against contemporary DDoS attacks. Specifically, we first introduce MTD against the data phase of SLFA, where the bots are sending data packets to target links. In this framework, we mitigate the traffic if the bandwidth of communication links exceeds the given threshold, and experimentally show that our method significantly alleviates the congestion. As a second work, we propose a framework that considers the reconnaissance phase of SLFA, where the attacker strives to discover critical communication links. We create virtual networks to deceive the attacker and provide forensic features. In our third work, we consider the legitimate network reconnaissance requests while keeping the attacker confused. To this end, we integrate cloud technologies as overlay networks to our system. We demonstrate that the developed mechanism preserves the security of the network information with negligible delays. Finally, we address the problem of identifying and potentially engaging with the attacker. We model the interaction between attackers and defenders into a game and derive a defense mechanism based on the equilibria of the game. We show that game-based mechanisms could provide similar protection against SLFAs like the extensive periodic MTD solution with significantly reduced overhead. The frameworks in this dissertation were verified with extensive experiments as well as with the theoretical analysis. The research in this dissertation has yielded several novel defense mechanisms that provide comprehensive protection against SLFA. Besides, we have shown that they can be integrated conveniently and efficiently to the current network infrastructure

    Wide spectrum attribution: Using deception for attribution intelligence in cyber attacks

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    Modern cyber attacks have evolved considerably. The skill level required to conduct a cyber attack is low. Computing power is cheap, targets are diverse and plentiful. Point-and-click crimeware kits are widely circulated in the underground economy, while source code for sophisticated malware such as Stuxnet is available for all to download and repurpose. Despite decades of research into defensive techniques, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, anti-virus, code auditing, etc, the quantity of successful cyber attacks continues to increase, as does the number of vulnerabilities identified. Measures to identify perpetrators, known as attribution, have existed for as long as there have been cyber attacks. The most actively researched technical attribution techniques involve the marking and logging of network packets. These techniques are performed by network devices along the packet journey, which most often requires modification of existing router hardware and/or software, or the inclusion of additional devices. These modifications require wide-scale infrastructure changes that are not only complex and costly, but invoke legal, ethical and governance issues. The usefulness of these techniques is also often questioned, as attack actors use multiple stepping stones, often innocent systems that have been compromised, to mask the true source. As such, this thesis identifies that no publicly known previous work has been deployed on a wide-scale basis in the Internet infrastructure. This research investigates the use of an often overlooked tool for attribution: cyber de- ception. The main contribution of this work is a significant advancement in the field of deception and honeypots as technical attribution techniques. Specifically, the design and implementation of two novel honeypot approaches; i) Deception Inside Credential Engine (DICE), that uses policy and honeytokens to identify adversaries returning from different origins and ii) Adaptive Honeynet Framework (AHFW), an introspection and adaptive honeynet framework that uses actor-dependent triggers to modify the honeynet envi- ronment, to engage the adversary, increasing the quantity and diversity of interactions. The two approaches are based on a systematic review of the technical attribution litera- ture that was used to derive a set of requirements for honeypots as technical attribution techniques. Both approaches lead the way for further research in this field


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    Ransomware is the most prevalent emerging business risk nowadays. It seriously affects business continuity and operations. According to Deloitte Cyber Security Landscape 2022, up to 4000 ransomware attacks occur daily, while the average number of days an organization takes to identify a breach is 191. Sophisticated cyber-attacks such as ransomware typically must go through multiple consecutive phases (initial foothold, network propagation, and action on objectives) before accomplishing its final objective. This study analyzed decoy-based solutions as an approach (detection, prevention, or mitigation) to overcome ransomware. A systematic literature review was conducted, in which the result has shown that deception-based techniques have given effective and significant performance against ransomware with minimal resources. It is also identified that contrary to general belief, deception techniques mainly involved in passive approaches (i.e., prevention, detection) possess other active capabilities such as ransomware traceback and obstruction (thwarting), file decryption, and decryption key recovery. Based on the literature review, several evaluation methods are also analyzed to measure the effectiveness of these deception-based techniques during the implementation process

    Scalable schemes against Distributed Denial of Service attacks

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    Defense against Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks is one of the primary concerns on the Internet today. DDoS attacks are difficult to prevent because of the open, interconnected nature of the Internet and its underlying protocols, which can be used in several ways to deny service. Attackers hide their identity by using third parties such as private chat channels on IRC (Internet Relay Chat). They also insert false return IP address, spoofing, in a packet which makes it difficult for the victim to determine the packet\u27s origin. We propose three novel and realistic traceback mechanisms which offer many advantages over the existing schemes. All the three schemes take advantage of the Autonomous System topology and consider the fact that the attacker\u27s packets may traverse through a number of domains under different administrative control. Most of the traceback mechanisms make wrong assumptions that the network details of a company under an administrative control are disclosed to the public. For security reasons, this is not the case most of the times. The proposed schemes overcome this drawback by considering reconstruction at the inter and intra AS levels. Hierarchical Internet Traceback (HIT) and Simple Traceback Mechanism (STM) trace back to an attacker in two phases. In the first phase the attack originating Autonomous System is identified while in the second phase the attacker within an AS is identified. Both the schemes, HIT and STM, allow the victim to trace back to the attackers in a few seconds. Their computational overhead is very low and they scale to large distributed attacks with thousands of attackers. Fast Autonomous System Traceback allows complete attack path reconstruction with few packets. We use traceroute maps of real Internet topologies CAIDA\u27s skitter to simulate DDoS attacks and validate our design

    A Defense Framework Against Denial-of-Service in Computer Networks

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    Denial-of-Service (DoS) is a computer security problem that poses a serious challenge totrustworthiness of services deployed over computer networks. The aim of DoS attacks isto make services unavailable to legitimate users, and current network architectures alloweasy-to-launch, hard-to-stop DoS attacks. Particularly challenging are the service-level DoSattacks, whereby the victim service is flooded with legitimate-like requests, and the jammingattack, in which wireless communication is blocked by malicious radio interference. Theseattacks are overwhelming even for massively-resourced services, and effective and efficientdefenses are highly needed. This work contributes a novel defense framework, which I call dodging, against service-level DoS and wireless jamming. Dodging has two components: (1) the careful assignment ofservers to clients to achieve accurate and quick identification of service-level DoS attackersand (2) the continuous and unpredictable-to-attackers reconfiguration of the client-serverassignment and the radio-channel mapping to withstand service-level and jamming DoSattacks. Dodging creates hard-to-evade baits, or traps, and dilutes the attack "fire power".The traps identify the attackers when they violate the mapping function and even when theyattack while correctly following the mapping function. Moreover, dodging keeps attackers"in the dark", trying to follow the unpredictably changing mapping. They may hit a fewtimes but lose "precious" time before they are identified and stopped. Three dodging-based DoS defense algorithms are developed in this work. They are moreresource-efficient than state-of-the-art DoS detection and mitigation techniques. Honeybees combines channel hopping and error-correcting codes to achieve bandwidth-efficientand energy-efficient mitigation of jamming in multi-radio networks. In roaming honeypots, dodging enables the camouflaging of honeypots, or trap machines, as real servers,making it hard for attackers to locate and avoid the traps. Furthermore, shuffling requestsover servers opens up windows of opportunity, during which legitimate requests are serviced.Live baiting, efficiently identifies service-level DoS attackers by employing results fromthe group-testing theory, discovering defective members in a population using the minimumnumber of tests. The cost and benefit of the dodging algorithms are analyzed theoretically,in simulation, and using prototype experiments

    Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation of Network Infrastructure Cyber-Attacks and Cooperative Defense Mechanisms

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    Graphical & digital media application

    A Multi Agent System for Flow-Based Intrusion Detection

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    The detection and elimination of threats to cyber security is essential for system functionality, protection of valuable information, and preventing costly destruction of assets. This thesis presents a Mobile Multi-Agent Flow-Based IDS called MFIREv3 that provides network anomaly detection of intrusions and automated defense. This version of the MFIRE system includes the development and testing of a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) for feature selection that provides agents with the optimal set of features for classifying the state of the network. Feature selection provides separable data points for the selected attacks: Worm, Distributed Denial of Service, Man-in-the-Middle, Scan, and Trojan. This investigation develops three techniques of self-organization for multiple distributed agents in an intrusion detection system: Reputation, Stochastic, and Maximum Cover. These three movement models are tested for effectiveness in locating good agent vantage points within the network to classify the state of the network. MFIREv3 also introduces the design of defensive measures to limit the effects of network attacks. Defensive measures included in this research are rate-limiting and elimination of infected nodes. The results of this research provide an optimistic outlook for flow-based multi-agent systems for cyber security. The impact of this research illustrates how feature selection in cooperation with movement models for multi agent systems provides excellent attack detection and classification

    Cyber Infrastructure Protection: Vol. II

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    View the Executive SummaryIncreased reliance on the Internet and other networked systems raise the risks of cyber attacks that could harm our nation’s cyber infrastructure. The cyber infrastructure encompasses a number of sectors including: the nation’s mass transit and other transportation systems; banking and financial systems; factories; energy systems and the electric power grid; and telecommunications, which increasingly rely on a complex array of computer networks, including the public Internet. However, many of these systems and networks were not built and designed with security in mind. Therefore, our cyber infrastructure contains many holes, risks, and vulnerabilities that may enable an attacker to cause damage or disrupt cyber infrastructure operations. Threats to cyber infrastructure safety and security come from hackers, terrorists, criminal groups, and sophisticated organized crime groups; even nation-states and foreign intelligence services conduct cyber warfare. Cyber attackers can introduce new viruses, worms, and bots capable of defeating many of our efforts. Costs to the economy from these threats are huge and increasing. Government, business, and academia must therefore work together to understand the threat and develop various modes of fighting cyber attacks, and to establish and enhance a framework to assess the vulnerability of our cyber infrastructure and provide strategic policy directions for the protection of such an infrastructure. This book addresses such questions as: How serious is the cyber threat? What technical and policy-based approaches are best suited to securing telecommunications networks and information systems infrastructure security? What role will government and the private sector play in homeland defense against cyber attacks on critical civilian infrastructure, financial, and logistical systems? What legal impediments exist concerning efforts to defend the nation against cyber attacks, especially in preventive, preemptive, and retaliatory actions?https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1527/thumbnail.jp