34,220 research outputs found

    Multiscale modeling and simulation for polymer melt flows between parallel plates

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    The flow behaviors of polymer melt composed of short chains with ten beads between parallel plates are simulated by using a hybrid method of molecular dynamics and computational fluid dynamics. Three problems are solved: creep motion under a constant shear stress and its recovery motion after removing the stress, pressure-driven flows, and the flows in rapidly oscillating plates. In the creep/recovery problem, the delayed elastic deformation in the creep motion and evident elastic behavior in the recovery motion are demonstrated. The velocity profiles of the melt in pressure-driven flows are quite different from those of Newtonian fluid due to shear thinning. Velocity gradients of the melt become steeper near the plates and flatter at the middle between the plates as the pressure gradient increases and the temperature decreases. In the rapidly oscillating plates, the viscous boundary layer of the melt is much thinner than that of Newtonian fluid due to the shear thinning of the melt. Three different rheological regimes, i.e., the viscous fluid, visco-elastic liquid, and visco-elastic solid regimes, form over the oscillating plate according to the local Deborah numbers. The melt behaves as a viscous fluid in a region for ωτR1\omega\tau^R\lesssim 1, and the crossover between the liquid-like and solid-like regime takes place around ωτα1\omega\tau^\alpha\simeq 1 (where ω\omega is the angular frequency of the plate and τR\tau^R and τα\tau^\alpha are Rouse and α\alpha relaxation time, respectively).Comment: 13pages, 12figure

    Pair correlation functions and limiting distributions of iterated cluster point processes

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    We consider a Markov chain of point processes such that each state is a super position of an independent cluster process with the previous state as its centre process together with some independent noise process. The model extends earlier work by Felsenstein and Shimatani describing a reproducing population. We discuss when closed term expressions of the first and second order moments are available for a given state. In a special case it is known that the pair correlation function for these type of point processes converges as the Markov chain progresses, but it has not been shown whether the Markov chain has an equilibrium distribution with this, particular, pair correlation function and how it may be constructed. Assuming the same reproducing system, we construct an equilibrium distribution by a coupling argument

    Interpretation of Polymer Solution Injection Fall-Off Tests

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    An improved rotation-invariant thinning algorithm

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    Ahmed & Ward have recently presented an elegant, rule-based rotation-invariant thinning algorithm to produce a single-pixel wide skeleton from a binary image. We show examples where this algorithm fails on two-pixel wide lines and propose a modified method which corrects this shortcoming based on graph connectivity

    Scalable Inference for Markov Processes with Intractable Likelihoods

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    Bayesian inference for Markov processes has become increasingly relevant in recent years. Problems of this type often have intractable likelihoods and prior knowledge about model rate parameters is often poor. Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques can lead to exact inference in such models but in practice can suffer performance issues including long burn-in periods and poor mixing. On the other hand approximate Bayesian computation techniques can allow rapid exploration of a large parameter space but yield only approximate posterior distributions. Here we consider the combined use of approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) and MCMC techniques for improved computational efficiency while retaining exact inference on parallel hardware

    Exploring high-end climate change scenarios for flood protection of the Netherlands

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    This international scientific assessment has been carried out at the request of the Dutch Delta Committee. The "Deltacommissie" requested that the assessment explore the high-end climate change scenarios for flood protection of the Netherlands. It is a state-of–the art scientific assessment of the upper bound values and longer term projections (for sea level rise up to 2200) of climate induced sea level rise, changing storm surge conditions and peak discharge of river Rhine. It comprises a review of recent studies, model projections and expert opinions of more than 20 leading climate scientists from different countries around the North Sea, Australia and the US