346 research outputs found

    Red power : consummatory rhetoric and the functions of criticism

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    Thesis (M.A.)--University of Kansas, Speech and Drama, 1978

    Acute, but not longer-term, exposure to environmental enrichment attenuates Pavlovian cue-evoked conditioned approach and Fos expression in the prefrontal cortex in mice.

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    Funder: The University of Sussex Strategic Development FundsFunder: Sussex Neuroscience 4‐year PhD programmeExposure to environmental enrichment can modify the impact of motivationally relevant stimuli. For instance, previous studies in rats have found that even a brief, acute (~1 day), but not chronic, exposure to environmentally enriched (EE) housing attenuates instrumental lever pressing for sucrose-associated cues in a conditioned reinforcement setup. Moreover, acute EE reduces corticoaccumbens activity, as measured by decreases in expression of the neuronal activity marker "Fos." Currently, it is not known whether acute EE also reduces sucrose seeking and corticoaccumbens activity elicited by non-contingent or "forced" exposure to sucrose cues, which more closely resembles cue exposure encountered in daily life. We therefore measured the effects of acute/intermittent (1 day or 6 day of EE prior to test day) versus chronic (EE throughout conditioning lasting until test day) EE on the ability of a Pavlovian sucrose cue to elicit sucrose seeking (conditioned approach) and Fos expression in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), and nucleus accumbens (NAc) in mice. One day, but not 6 day or chronic EE , reduced sucrose seeking and Fos in the deep layers of the dorsal mPFC. By contrast, 1 day, 6 day, and chronic EE all reduced Fos in the shallow layers of the OFC. None of the EE manipulations modulated NAc Fos expression. We reveal how EE reduces behavioral reactivity to sucrose cues by reducing activity in select prefrontal cortical brain areas. Our work further demonstrates the robustness of EE in its ability to modulate various forms of reward-seeking across species

    The Idea of Progress

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    The history of the idea that mankind has made progress is traced from earliest times. The idea of progress only became accepted by the Christian west in the mid-seventeen hundreds, found mutual support in Darwinism a century later but today is in serious doubt by many historians. At the same time, the concept of “primitive society” among the anthropologists has been abandoned leaving nothing in its place even though the discipline is still dominated by the belief in evolution. Meanwhile, psychology still cannot offer a rational evolutionary explanation for the genius and the idiot-savant. However, the situation in all three disciplines can be resolved once the creation account of the fall of man given in the book of Genesis is accepted

    Deep Learning-Based Wave Digital Modeling of Rate-Dependent Hysteretic Nonlinearities for Virtual Analog Applications

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    Electromagnetic components greatly contribute to the peculiar timbre of analog audio gear. Indeed, distortion effects due to the nonlinear behavior of magnetic materials are known to play an important role in enriching the harmonic content of an audio signal. However, despite the abundant research that has been devoted to the characterization of nonlinearities in the context of virtual analog modeling over the years, the discrete-time simulation of circuits exhibiting rate-dependent hysteretic phenomena remains an open challenge. In this article, we present a novel data-driven approach for the wave digital modeling of rate-dependent hysteresis using recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Thanks to the modularity of wave digital filters, we are able to locally characterize the wave scattering relations of a hysteretic reluctance by encapsulating an RNN-based model into a single one-port wave digital block. Hence, we successfully apply the proposed methodology to the emulation of the output stage of a vacuum-tube guitar amplifier featuring a nonlinear transformer

    The Transition from the Africa Inland Mission to the Africa Inland Church in Kenya, 1939-1975

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    This thesis examines the relationship between the Africa Inland Mission (AIM) and the Africa Inland Church (AIC) in Kenya between 1939 and 1975. AIM began laying plans for an African denomination in Kenya in 1939 and established the Africa Inland Church in 1943. The mission did not clearly define the nature of its relationship with the church it founded. The arrangement was informal, and evolved over time. In addition, the relationship between the AIM and the AIC between 1939 and 1975 was often troubled. African independent churches were formed in the 1940s because of dissatisfaction over AIM policies. The mission opposed devolution in the 1950s, even when other mission societies were following this policy in preparation for independence in Kenya. AIM continued to resist a mission church merger in the 1960s and did not hand over properties and powers to the church until 1971. The study focuses on how the mission’s relationship with the church it founded evolved during this period. It considers how mission principles and policies created tension in the relationship with the church it founded. First, it examines how mission policy contributed to significant schisms in the 1940s, giving rise to African independent churches. Second, it looks at how AIM interpreted and responded to post-war religious, political and social changes in Kenya. Third, it explores the reasons for AIM’s rejection of a proposed mission-church merger in the late 1950s. Fourth, this study investigates mission motives for resisting increased African pressure for devolution after independence in Kenya even while it helped establish the Association of Evangelicals in Africa and Madagascar. Fifth, it considers what happened to the mission and the church in the aftermath of a merger in 1971


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    The genesis of the series of works entitled Curriculum came from the Cameroonian philosopher Achille Mbembe’s ideas around archive and curriculum. Curriculum I began with exploring the rich archive of Bill T. Jones’s movement phrases which are mostly non-theatrical, non-psychological, non-narrative, all made with the intention of clarity and form. Running parallel to and in juxtaposition with this formal exploration is a ticker tape of topical concerns informed by the 24-hour news cycle: climate change, racial violence, identity politics, reparations, decolonization. Mbembe might categorize these concerns as “planetary curriculum.” Curriculum I was set to premiere at the Holland Festival in the summer of 2020 and was canceled due to COVID-19. At the height of the pandemic, PEAK Performances at Montclair State University commissioned Curriculum II as a film project. As with its predecessor, the work attempts to embrace formal directness and clarity while allowing it to be intruded upon by word fragments, imagery, and the stuff of Mbembe’s planetary curriculum. This time the focal point comes from Louis Chude-Sokei’s treatise The Sound of Culture: Diaspora and Black Technopoetics which explores the connection between race and technology from minstrelsy, music production, and cybernetics to artificial intelligence and posthumanism. Curriculum II came to an abrupt stop because of COVID-19. The work will be reimagined as a live performance for an in-person audience, and as with any curriculum, it is a dynamic entity made up of intersecting parts whose content will and must change in response to time, place, and purpose.https://digitalcommons.montclair.edu/peak-performances-2021-2022/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Spartan Daily, September 17, 1974

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    Volume 63, Issue 5https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/5890/thumbnail.jp

    October 15, 1987

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    The Breeze is the student newspaper of James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia

    Characterizing low-sulfide instrumented waste-rock piles: image grain-size analysis and wind-induced gas transport

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    This study is part of the Diavik Waste-Rock Pile Project taking place at the Diavik Diamond Mine in the Northwest Territories, Canada. The project involves the construction of three 15m-scale low sulfide test waste-rock piles and monitoring of fluid flow, geochemical reactions, heat and gas transport within the waste-rock piles and characterization of the physical properties of the waste-rock piles. The focus of this thesis is characterizing grain-size distribution of the waste-rock and quantifying gas transport in the test waste-rock piles. Grain size of waste rock ranges from millimeters to meters. Sieve analysis typically only provides information of grain size 0.1 m and employs a region-growing algorithm for segmentation of waste-rock grains with pre- and post-processing techniques to improve the accuracy of segmentation. The program was applied to photographs of six different tip faces of the test waste-rock piles. For grain size <0.1 m, data from sieve analyses were attached to the grain-size curves generated from image grain-size analyses to obtain a full spectrum grain-size analyses ranging from boulders to fines. The results show that fine fractions are retained at the top of the tip faces and grain size increases non-linearly from top to bottom of a waste-rock pile. Calculations show that although the greatest mass is associated with the medium and coarse fractions, the greatest surface area is associated with the fine fractions. The results are consistent with field observation that the initial solute concentrations are greatest at the top of the pile and saturated hydraulic conductivity are lower at the top of the pile than in the pile interior. Statistical moments show that the test waste-rock piles have mean grain size of granules and are very poorly sorted, coarse skewed and leptokurtic. Permeability is calculated using empirical formulae and good agreement is obtained between calculated values and field measurements. The heterogeneity of grain size obtained from this study can provide a basis for future modeling efforts. Gas transport analysis focused on 1) substantiating the relationship between wind flow external to the waste-rock pile and gas pressures within the pile, 2) determining the gas flow regime in the pile, and 3) quantifying the temporal variation in wind speed and direction and determining the relevant time scales. Differential gas pressures were measured in 2008 at 49 locations within one of the three test waste-rock piles and 14 locations on the surface of the pile at one-minute intervals. Wind speed and direction were measured at 10-min intervals. Correlations between wind vectors and pressure measurements show that the wind influences pressure fluctuations in the test pile. The strength of the correlation is roughly inversely proportional to the distance between measurement ports and the atmospheric boundary. The linear relationship between internal pressure measurements and surface pressure measurements demonstrate that gas flow is Darcian within the test waste-rock pile. Spectral analysis of wind data and a one-dimensional analytical solution to the flow equations show that the persistence of wind in a certain direction has most pronounced effects on transient gas flow within the pile. The penetration depth of wind-induced gas pressure wave is a function of the periodicity of the wind and permeability of the waste-rock pile