5 research outputs found

    Tongue Liminary Threshold Identification to Electrotactile Stimulation

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    Many applications use electrostimulation of the human skin to provide tactile sensation. The effect of electrotactile stimulations were studied on a 6x6 matrix of tactile electrodes placed on the anterior part of the tongue. The liminary threshold with continuous or discontinuous waveform and patterns with 2 or 4 electrodes was investigated. The result suggest that for energy saving and to improve the yield, it would probably be better to use discontinuous stimulation with two electrode patterns

    A Wireless Lingual Feedback Device to Reduce Overpressures in Seated Posture: A Feasibility Study

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    BACKGROUND:Pressure sores are localized injuries to the skin and underlying tissues and are mainly resulting from overpressure. Paraplegic peoples are particularly subjects to pressure sores because of long-time seated postures and sensory deprivation at the lower limbs. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Here we report outcomes of a feasibility trial involving a biofeedback system aimed at reducing buttock overpressure whilst an individual is seated. The system consists of (1) pressure sensors, (2) a laptop coupling sensors and actuator (3) a wireless Tongue Display Unit (TDU) consisting of a circuit embedded in a dental retainer with electrodes put in contact with the tongue. The principle consists in (1) detecting overpressures in people who are seated over long periods of time, (2) estimating a postural change that could reduce these overpressures and (3) communicating this change through directional information transmitted by the TDU.Twenty-four healthy subjects voluntarily participated in this study. Twelve healthy subjects initially formed the experimental group (EG) and were seated on a chair with the wireless TDU inside their mouth. They were asked to follow TDU orders that were randomly spread throughout the session. They were evaluated during two experimental sessions during which 20 electro-stimulations were sent. Twelve other subjects, added retrospectively, formed the control group (CG). These subjects participated in one session of the same experiment without any biofeedback.Three dependent variables were computed: (1) the ability of subjects to reach target posture (EG versus CG), (2) high pressure reductions after a biofeedback (EG versus CG) and (3) the level of these reductions relative to their initial values (EG only). Results show (1) that EG reached target postures in 90.2% of the trials, against 5,3% in the CG, (2) a significant reduction in overpressures in the EG compared to the CG and (3), for the EG, that the higher the initial pressures were, the more they were decreased. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:The findings suggest that, in this trial, subjects were able to use a tongue tactile feedback system to reduce buttock overpressure while seated. Further evaluation of this system on paraplegic subjects remains to be done

    A New Health Strategy to Prevent Pressure Ulcer Formation in Paraplegics using Computer and Sensory Substitution via the Tongue.

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    Pressure ulcers are recognized as a major health issue in individuals with spinal cord injuries and new approaches to prevent this pathology are necessary. An innovative health strategy is being developed through the use of computer and sensory substitution via the tongue in order to compensate for the sensory loss in the buttock area for individuals with paraplegia. This sensory compensation will enable individuals with spinal cord injuries to be aware of a localized excess of pressure at the skin/seat interface and, consequently, will enable them to prevent the formation of pressure ulcers by relieving the cutaneous area of suffering. This work reports an initial evaluation of this approach and the feasibility of creating an adapted behavior, with a change in pressure as a response to electro-stimulated information on the tongue. Obtained during a clinical study in 10 healthy seated subjects, the first results are encouraging, with 92% success in 100 performed tests. These results, which have to be completed and validated in the paraplegic population, may lead to a new approach to education in health to prevent the formation of pressure ulcers within this population

    A New Health Strategy to Prevent Pressure Ulcer Formation in Paraplegics using Computer and Sensory Substitution via the Tongue

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    Pressure ulcers are recognized as a major health issue in individuals with spinal cord injuries and new approaches to prevent this pathology are necessary. An innovative health strategy is being developed through the use of computer and sensory substitution via the tongue in order to compensate for the sensory loss in the buttock area for individuals with paraplegia. This sensory compensation will enable individuals with spinal cord injuries to be aware of a localized excess of pressure at the skin/seat interface and, consequently, will enable them to prevent the formation of pressure ulcers by relieving the cutaneous area of suffering. This work reports an initial evaluation of this approach and the feasibility of creating an adapted behavior, with a change in pressure as a response to electro-stimulated information on the tongue. Obtained during a clinical study in 10 healthy seated subjects, the first results are encouraging, with 92% success in 100 performed tests. These results, which have to be completed and validated in the paraplegic population, may lead to a new approach to education in health to prevent the formation of pressure ulcers within this population

    Ubiquitäre Systeme (Seminar) und Mobile Computing (Proseminar) WS 2016/17. Mobile und Verteilte Systeme. Ubiquitous Computing. Teil XIV

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    Diese Arbeit wird einen Überblick über virtuelle intelligente Assistenten (VIA), die im deutschen auch oft als Sprachassistenten bezeichnet werden, geben. Es werden die verschiedenen Arten von VIA gezeigt und in welchem Zusammenhang sie momentan schon genutzt werden. Als Beispiel werden einige aktuelle Assistenten dienen. Zudem werden neben den Möglichkeiten der Programme, auch noch die Grenzen dieser Technik dargestellt und mögliche Verbesserungen und Optimierungen für die Zukunft besprochen. Ebenfalls wird das empfindliche Thema Datenschutz mit Bezug auf die VIA behandelt. Am Ende des zweiten Teils gehen wir auf die aktuelle Beliebtheit und Nutzung der Anwendungen ein. Im dritten Abschnitt wird dann die Funktionsweise der Software im Hintergrund der Assistenten betrachtet. Es wird der allgemeine Aufbau eines VIA skizziert. Zudem werden zwei Modelle für die Arbeitsweise der Sprachassistenten betrachtet. Dazu werden auch einige theoretische Konzepte wie Ontologien, Knowledge Graphen und POMDP (partially observable Markov decision process) beleuchtet. Zum Schluss kommt ein Fazit über die weitere Entwicklung der VIA mit Überlegungen für Verbesserungen und Optimierungen