337 research outputs found

    A New Distribution-Sensitive Secure Sketch and Popularity-Proportional Hashing

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    Motivated by typo correction in password authentication, we investigate cryptographic error-correction of secrets in settings where the distribution of secrets is a priori (approximately) known. We refer to this as the distribution-sensitive setting. We design a new secure sketch called the layer-hiding hash (LHH) that offers the best security to date. Roughly speaking, we show that LHH saves an additional log H_0(W) bits of entropy compared to the recent layered sketch construction due to Fuller, Reyzin, and Smith (FRS). Here H_0(W) is the size of the support of the distribution W. When supports are large, as with passwords, our new construction offers a substantial security improvement. We provide two new constructions of typo-tolerant password-based authentication schemes. The first combines a LHH or FRS sketch with a standard slow-to-compute hash function, and the second avoids secure sketches entirely, correcting typos instead by checking all nearby passwords. Unlike the previous such brute-force-checking construction, due to Chatterjee et al., our new construction uses a hash function whose run-time is proportional to the popularity of the password (forcing a longer hashing time on more popular, lower entropy passwords). We refer to this as popularity-proportional hashing (PPH). We then introduce a frame-work for comparing different typo-tolerant authentication approaches. We show that PPH always offers a better time / security trade-off than the LHH and FRS constructions, and for certain distributions outperforms the Chatterjee et al. construction. Elsewhere, this latter construction offers the best trade-off. In aggregate our results suggest that the best known secure sketches are still inferior to simpler brute-force based approaches

    Preserving Trustworthiness and Confidentiality for Online Multimedia

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    Technology advancements in areas of mobile computing, social networks, and cloud computing have rapidly changed the way we communicate and interact. The wide adoption of media-oriented mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets enables people to capture information in various media formats, and offers them a rich platform for media consumption. The proliferation of online services and social networks makes it possible to store personal multimedia collection online and share them with family and friends anytime anywhere. Considering the increasing impact of digital multimedia and the trend of cloud computing, this dissertation explores the problem of how to evaluate trustworthiness and preserve confidentiality of online multimedia data. The dissertation consists of two parts. The first part examines the problem of evaluating trustworthiness of multimedia data distributed online. Given the digital nature of multimedia data, editing and tampering of the multimedia content becomes very easy. Therefore, it is important to analyze and reveal the processing history of a multimedia document in order to evaluate its trustworthiness. We propose a new forensic technique called ``Forensic Hash", which draws synergy between two related research areas of image hashing and non-reference multimedia forensics. A forensic hash is a compact signature capturing important information from the original multimedia document to assist forensic analysis and reveal processing history of a multimedia document under question. Our proposed technique is shown to have the advantage of being compact and offering efficient and accurate analysis to forensic questions that cannot be easily answered by convention forensic techniques. The answers that we obtain from the forensic hash provide valuable information on the trustworthiness of online multimedia data. The second part of this dissertation addresses the confidentiality issue of multimedia data stored with online services. The emerging cloud computing paradigm makes it attractive to store private multimedia data online for easy access and sharing. However, the potential of cloud services cannot be fully reached unless the issue of how to preserve confidentiality of sensitive data stored in the cloud is addressed. In this dissertation, we explore techniques that enable confidentiality-preserving search of encrypted multimedia, which can play a critical role in secure online multimedia services. Techniques from image processing, information retrieval, and cryptography are jointly and strategically applied to allow efficient rank-ordered search over encrypted multimedia database and at the same time preserve data confidentiality against malicious intruders and service providers. We demonstrate high efficiency and accuracy of the proposed techniques and provide a quantitative comparative study with conventional techniques based on heavy-weight cryptography primitives

    Secure Computation Protocols for Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning

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    Machine Learning (ML) profitiert erheblich von der Verfügbarkeit großer Mengen an Trainingsdaten, sowohl im Bezug auf die Anzahl an Datenpunkten, als auch auf die Anzahl an Features pro Datenpunkt. Es ist allerdings oft weder möglich, noch gewollt, mehr Daten unter zentraler Kontrolle zu aggregieren. Multi-Party-Computation (MPC)-Protokolle stellen eine Lösung dieses Dilemmas in Aussicht, indem sie es mehreren Parteien erlauben, ML-Modelle auf der Gesamtheit ihrer Daten zu trainieren, ohne die Eingabedaten preiszugeben. Generische MPC-Ansätze bringen allerdings erheblichen Mehraufwand in der Kommunikations- und Laufzeitkomplexität mit sich, wodurch sie sich nur beschränkt für den Einsatz in der Praxis eignen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, Privatsphäreerhaltendes Machine Learning mittels MPC praxistauglich zu machen. Zuerst fokussieren wir uns auf zwei Anwendungen, lineare Regression und Klassifikation von Dokumenten. Hier zeigen wir, dass sich der Kommunikations- und Rechenaufwand erheblich reduzieren lässt, indem die aufwändigsten Teile der Berechnung durch Sub-Protokolle ersetzt werden, welche auf die Zusammensetzung der Parteien, die Verteilung der Daten, und die Zahlendarstellung zugeschnitten sind. Insbesondere das Ausnutzen dünnbesetzter Datenrepräsentationen kann die Effizienz der Protokolle deutlich verbessern. Diese Beobachtung verallgemeinern wir anschließend durch die Entwicklung einer Datenstruktur für solch dünnbesetzte Daten, sowie dazugehöriger Zugriffsprotokolle. Aufbauend auf dieser Datenstruktur implementieren wir verschiedene Operationen der Linearen Algebra, welche in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen genutzt werden. Insgesamt zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit, dass MPC ein vielversprechendes Werkzeug auf dem Weg zu Privatsphäre-erhaltendem Machine Learning ist, und die von uns entwickelten Protokolle stellen einen wesentlichen Schritt in diese Richtung dar.Machine learning (ML) greatly benefits from the availability of large amounts of training data, both in terms of the number of samples, and the number of features per sample. However, aggregating more data under centralized control is not always possible, nor desirable, due to security and privacy concerns, regulation, or competition. Secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocols promise a solution to this dilemma, allowing multiple parties to train ML models on their joint datasets while provably preserving the confidentiality of the inputs. However, generic approaches to MPC result in large computation and communication overheads, which limits the applicability in practice. The goal of this thesis is to make privacy-preserving machine learning with secure computation practical. First, we focus on two high-level applications, linear regression and document classification. We show that communication and computation overhead can be greatly reduced by identifying the costliest parts of the computation, and replacing them with sub-protocols that are tailored to the number and arrangement of parties, the data distribution, and the number representation used. One of our main findings is that exploiting sparsity in the data representation enables considerable efficiency improvements. We go on to generalize this observation, and implement a low-level data structure for sparse data, with corresponding secure access protocols. On top of this data structure, we develop several linear algebra algorithms that can be used in a wide range of applications. Finally, we turn to improving a cryptographic primitive named vector-OLE, for which we propose a novel protocol that helps speed up a wide range of secure computation tasks, within private machine learning and beyond. Overall, our work shows that MPC indeed offers a promising avenue towards practical privacy-preserving machine learning, and the protocols we developed constitute a substantial step in that direction

    Pool inference attacks on local differential privacy: quantifying the privacy guarantees of apple's count mean sketch in practice

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    Behavioral data generated by users’ devices, ranging from emoji use to pages visited, are collected at scale to improve apps and services. These data, however, contain fine-grained records and can reveal sensitive information about individual users. Local differential privacy has been used by companies as a solution to collect data from users while preserving privacy. We here first introduce pool inference attacks, where an adversary has access to a user’s obfuscated data, defines pools of objects, and exploits the user’s polarized behavior in multiple data collections to infer the user’s preferred pool. Second, we instantiate this attack against Count Mean Sketch, a local differential privacy mechanism proposed by Apple and deployed in iOS and Mac OS devices, using a Bayesian model. Using Apple’s parameters for the privacy loss ε, we then consider two specific attacks: one in the emojis setting — where an adversary aims at inferring a user’s preferred skin tone for emojis — and one against visited websites — where an adversary wants to learn the political orientation of a user from the news websites they visit. In both cases, we show the attack to be much more effective than a random guess when the adversary collects enough data. We find that users with high polarization and relevant interest are significantly more vulnerable, and we show that our attack is well-calibrated, allowing the adversary to target such vulnerable users. We finally validate our results for the emojis setting using user data from Twitter. Taken together, our results show that pool inference attacks are a concern for data protected by local differential privacy mechanisms with a large ε, emphasizing the need for additional technical safeguards and the need for more research on how to apply local differential privacy for multiple collections
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