666 research outputs found

    Compact Hash Codes for Efficient Visual Descriptors Retrieval in Large Scale Databases

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    Locality sensitive hashing: a comparison of hash function types and querying mechanisms

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    International audienceIt is well known that high-dimensional nearest-neighbor retrieval is very expensive. Dramatic performance gains are obtained using approximate search schemes, such as the popular Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH). Several extensions have been proposed to address the limitations of this algorithm, in particular, by choosing more appropriate hash functions to better partition the vector space. All the proposed extensions, however, rely on a structured quantizer for hashing, poorly fitting real data sets, limiting its performance in practice. In this paper, we compare several families of space hashing functions in a real setup, namely when searching for high-dimensional SIFT descriptors. The comparison of random projections, lattice quantizers, k-means and hierarchical k-means reveal that unstructured quantizer significantly improves the accuracy of LSH, as it closely fits the data in the feature space. We then compare two querying mechanisms introduced in the literature with the one originally proposed in LSH, and discuss their respective merits and limitations

    Divide&Classify: Fine-Grained Classification for City-Wide Visual Place Recognition

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    Visual Place recognition is commonly addressed as an image retrieval problem. However, retrieval methods are impractical to scale to large datasets, densely sampled from city-wide maps, since their dimension impact negatively on the inference time. Using approximate nearest neighbour search for retrieval helps to mitigate this issue, at the cost of a performance drop. In this paper we investigate whether we can effectively approach this task as a classification problem, thus bypassing the need for a similarity search. We find that existing classification methods for coarse, planet-wide localization are not suitable for the fine-grained and city-wide setting. This is largely due to how the dataset is split into classes, because these methods are designed to handle a sparse distribution of photos and as such do not consider the visual aliasing problem across neighbouring classes that naturally arises in dense scenarios. Thus, we propose a partitioning scheme that enables a fast and accurate inference, preserving a simple learning procedure, and a novel inference pipeline based on an ensemble of novel classifiers that uses the prototypes learned via an angular margin loss. Our method, Divide&Classify (D&C), enjoys the fast inference of classification solutions and an accuracy competitive with retrieval methods on the fine-grained, city-wide setting. Moreover, we show that D&C can be paired with existing retrieval pipelines to speed up computations by over 20 times while increasing their recall, leading to new state-of-the-art results.Comment: Accepted to ICCV2