34 research outputs found

    A New Biometric Template Protection using Random Orthonormal Projection and Fuzzy Commitment

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    Biometric template protection is one of most essential parts in putting a biometric-based authentication system into practice. There have been many researches proposing different solutions to secure biometric templates of users. They can be categorized into two approaches: feature transformation and biometric cryptosystem. However, no one single template protection approach can satisfy all the requirements of a secure biometric-based authentication system. In this work, we will propose a novel hybrid biometric template protection which takes benefits of both approaches while preventing their limitations. The experiments demonstrate that the performance of the system can be maintained with the support of a new random orthonormal project technique, which reduces the computational complexity while preserving the accuracy. Meanwhile, the security of biometric templates is guaranteed by employing fuzzy commitment protocol.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for IMCOM 201

    THRIVE: Threshold Homomorphic encryption based secure and privacy preserving bIometric VErification system

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    In this paper, we propose a new biometric verification and template protection system which we call the THRIVE system. The system includes novel enrollment and authentication protocols based on threshold homomorphic cryptosystem where the private key is shared between a user and the verifier. In the THRIVE system, only encrypted binary biometric templates are stored in the database and verification is performed via homomorphically randomized templates, thus, original templates are never revealed during the authentication stage. The THRIVE system is designed for the malicious model where the cheating party may arbitrarily deviate from the protocol specification. Since threshold homomorphic encryption scheme is used, a malicious database owner cannot perform decryption on encrypted templates of the users in the database. Therefore, security of the THRIVE system is enhanced using a two-factor authentication scheme involving the user's private key and the biometric data. We prove security and privacy preservation capability of the proposed system in the simulation-based model with no assumption. The proposed system is suitable for applications where the user does not want to reveal her biometrics to the verifier in plain form but she needs to proof her physical presence by using biometrics. The system can be used with any biometric modality and biometric feature extraction scheme whose output templates can be binarized. The overall connection time for the proposed THRIVE system is estimated to be 336 ms on average for 256-bit biohash vectors on a desktop PC running with quad-core 3.2 GHz CPUs at 10 Mbit/s up/down link connection speed. Consequently, the proposed system can be efficiently used in real life applications

    Privacy in Biometric Systems

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    Biometrics are physiological and/or behavioral characteristics of a person that have been used to provide an automatic proof of identity in a growing list of applications including crime/terrorism fighting, forensics, access and border control, securing e-/m-commerce transactions and service entitlements. In recent years, a great deal of research into a variety of new and traditional biometrics has widened the scope of investigations beyond improving accuracy into mechanisms that deal with serious concerns raised about the potential misuse of collected biometric data. Despite the long list of biometrics’ benefits, privacy concerns have become widely shared due to the fact that every time the biometric of a person is checked, a trace is left that could reveal personal and confidential information. In fact, biometric-based recognition has an inherent privacy problem as it relies on capturing, analyzing, and storing personal data about us as individuals. For example, biometric systems deal with data related to the way we look (face, iris), the way we walk (gait), the way we talk (speaker recognition), the way we write (handwriting), the way we type on a keyboard (keystroke), the way we read (eye movement), and many more. Privacy has become a serious concern for the public as biometric systems are increasingly deployed in many applications ranging from accessing our account on a Smartphone or computer to border control and national biometric cards on a very large scale. For example, the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has issued 56 million biometric cards as of January 2014 [1], where each biometric card holds templates of the 10 fingers, the two irises and the face. An essential factor behind the growing popularity of biometrics in recent years is the fact that biometric sensors have become a lot cheaper as well as easier to install and handle. CCTV cameras are installed nearly everywhere and almost all Smartphones are equipped with a camera, microphone, fingerprint scanner, and probably very soon, an iris scanner

    An Overview on Privacy Preserving Biometrics

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    The Internet has consolidated itself as a very powerful platform that has changed the communication and business way. Nowadays, the number of users navigating through Internet is about 1,552 millions according to Internet World Stats. This large audience demands online commerce, e-government, knowledge sharing, social networks, online gaming . . . which grew exponentially over the past few years. The security of these transactions is very important considering the number of information that could be intercepted by an attacker. Within this context, authentication is one of the most important challenges in computer security. Indeed, the authentication step is often considered as the weakest link in the security of electronic transactions. In general, the protection of the message content is achieved by using cryptographic protocols that are well known and established. The well-known ID/password is far the most used authentication method, it is widely spread despite its obvious lack of security. This is mainly due to its implementation ease and to its ergonomic feature: the users are used to this system, which enhances its acceptance and deployment. Many more sophisticated solutions exist in the state of the art to secure logical access control (one time passwords tokens, certificates . . . ) but none of them are used by a large community of users for a lack of simplicity usage (O'Gorman, 2003)..

    Improved security and privacy preservation for biometric hashing

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    We address improving verification performance, as well as security and privacy aspects of biohashing methods in this thesis. We propose various methods to increase the verification performance of the random projection based biohashing systems. First, we introduce a new biohashing method based on optimal linear transform which seeks to find a better projection matrix. Second, we propose another biohashing method based on a discriminative projection selection technique that selects the rows of the random projection matrix by using the Fisher criterion. Third, we introduce a new quantization method that attempts to optimize biohashes using the ideas from diversification of error-correcting output codes classifiers. Simulation results show that introduced methods improve the verification performance of biohashing. We consider various security and privacy attack scenarios for biohashing methods. We propose new attack methods based on minimum l1 and l2 norm reconstructions. The results of these attacks show that biohashing is vulnerable to such attacks and better template protection methods are necessary. Therefore, we propose an identity verification system which has new enrollment and authentication protocols based on threshold homomorphic encryption. The system can be used with any biometric modality and feature extraction method whose output templates can be binarized, therefore it is not limited to biohashing. Our analysis shows that the introduced system is robust against most security and privacy attacks conceived in the literature. In addition, a straightforward implementation of its authentication protocol is su ciently fast enough to be used in real applications

    Biometrics for internet‐of‐things security: A review

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    The large number of Internet‐of‐Things (IoT) devices that need interaction between smart devices and consumers makes security critical to an IoT environment. Biometrics offers an interesting window of opportunity to improve the usability and security of IoT and can play a significant role in securing a wide range of emerging IoT devices to address security challenges. The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive survey on the current biometrics research in IoT security, especially focusing on two important aspects, authentication and encryption. Regarding authentication, contemporary biometric‐based authentication systems for IoT are discussed and classified based on different biometric traits and the number of biometric traits employed in the system. As for encryption, biometric‐cryptographic systems, which integrate biometrics with cryptography and take advantage of both to provide enhanced security for IoT, are thoroughly reviewed and discussed. Moreover, challenges arising from applying biometrics to IoT and potential solutions are identified and analyzed. With an insight into the state‐of‐the‐art research in biometrics for IoT security, this review paper helps advance the study in the field and assists researchers in gaining a good understanding of forward‐looking issues and future research directions

    Fingerprint Verification Using Spectral Minutiae Representations

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    Most fingerprint recognition systems are based on the use of a minutiae set, which is an unordered collection of minutiae locations and orientations suffering from various deformations such as translation, rotation, and scaling. The spectral minutiae representation introduced in this paper is a novel method to represent a minutiae set as a fixed-length feature vector, which is invariant to translation, and in which rotation and scaling become translations, so that they can be easily compensated for. These characteristics enable the combination of fingerprint recognition systems with template protection schemes that require a fixed-length feature vector. This paper introduces the concept of algorithms for two representation methods: the location-based spectral minutiae representation and the orientation-based spectral minutiae representation. Both algorithms are evaluated using two correlation-based spectral minutiae matching algorithms. We present the performance of our algorithms on three fingerprint databases. We also show how the performance can be improved by using a fusion scheme and singular points