40,366 research outputs found

    An Aggregated Optimization Model for Multi-Head SMD Placements

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    In this article we propose an aggregate optimization approach by formulating the multi-head SMD placement optimization problem into a mixed integer program (MIP) with the variables based on batches of components. This MIP is tractable and effective in balancing workload among placement heads, minimizing the number of nozzle exchanges, and improving handling class. The handling class which specifies the traveling speed of the robot arm, to the best of our knowledge, has been for the first time incorporated in an optimization model. While the MIP produces an optimal planning for batches of components, a new sequencing heuristics is developed in order to determine the final sequence of component placements based on the outputs of the MIP. This two-stage approach guarantees a good feasible solution to the multi-head SMD placement optimization problem. The computational performance is examined using real industrial data.Multi-head surface mounting device;Component placement;Variable placement speed

    Planning with SiMBA: Motion Planning under Uncertainty for Temporal Goals using Simplified Belief Guides

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    This paper presents a new multi-layered algorithm for motion planning under motion and sensing uncertainties for Linear Temporal Logic specifications. We propose a technique to guide a sampling-based search tree in the combined task and belief space using trajectories from a simplified model of the system, to make the problem computationally tractable. Our method eliminates the need to construct fine and accurate finite abstractions. We prove correctness and probabilistic completeness of our algorithm, and illustrate the benefits of our approach on several case studies. Our results show that guidance with a simplified belief space model allows for significant speed-up in planning for complex specifications.Comment: 8 pages, to appear in the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 202

    Parameterized Complexity Results for Plan Reuse

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    Planning is a notoriously difficult computational problem of high worst-case complexity. Researchers have been investing significant efforts to develop heuristics or restrictions to make planning practically feasible. Case-based planning is a heuristic approach where one tries to reuse previous experience when solving similar problems in order to avoid some of the planning effort. Plan reuse may offer an interesting alternative to plan generation in some settings. We provide theoretical results that identify situations in which plan reuse is provably tractable. We perform our analysis in the framework of parameterized complexity, which supports a rigorous worst-case complexity analysis that takes structural properties of the input into account in terms of parameters. A central notion of parameterized complexity is fixed-parameter tractability which extends the classical notion of polynomial-time tractability by utilizing the effect of structural properties of the problem input. We draw a detailed map of the parameterized complexity landscape of several variants of problems that arise in the context of case-based planning. In particular, we consider the problem of reusing an existing plan, imposing various restrictions in terms of parameters, such as the number of steps that can be added to the existing plan to turn it into a solution of the planning instance at hand.Comment: Proceedings of AAAI 2013, pp. 224-231, AAAI Press, 201

    Progressive Learning for Physics-informed Neural Motion Planning

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    Motion planning (MP) is one of the core robotics problems requiring fast methods for finding a collision-free robot motion path connecting the given start and goal states. Neural motion planners (NMPs) demonstrate fast computational speed in finding path solutions but require a huge amount of expert trajectories for learning, thus adding a significant training computational load. In contrast, recent advancements have also led to a physics-informed NMP approach that directly solves the Eikonal equation for motion planning and does not require expert demonstrations for learning. However, experiments show that the physics-informed NMP approach performs poorly in complex environments and lacks scalability in multiple scenarios and high-dimensional real robot settings. To overcome these limitations, this paper presents a novel and tractable Eikonal equation formulation and introduces a new progressive learning strategy to train neural networks without expert data in complex, cluttered, multiple high-dimensional robot motion planning scenarios. The results demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art traditional MP, data-driven NMP, and physics-informed NMP methods by a significant margin in terms of computational planning speed, path quality, and success rates. We also show that our approach scales to multiple complex, cluttered scenarios and the real robot set up in a narrow passage environment. The proposed method's videos and code implementations are available at https://github.com/ruiqini/P-NTFields.Comment: Accepted to Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) 202
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