1,645 research outputs found

    Automatic landmark annotation and dense correspondence registration for 3D human facial images

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    Dense surface registration of three-dimensional (3D) human facial images holds great potential for studies of human trait diversity, disease genetics, and forensics. Non-rigid registration is particularly useful for establishing dense anatomical correspondences between faces. Here we describe a novel non-rigid registration method for fully automatic 3D facial image mapping. This method comprises two steps: first, seventeen facial landmarks are automatically annotated, mainly via PCA-based feature recognition following 3D-to-2D data transformation. Second, an efficient thin-plate spline (TPS) protocol is used to establish the dense anatomical correspondence between facial images, under the guidance of the predefined landmarks. We demonstrate that this method is robust and highly accurate, even for different ethnicities. The average face is calculated for individuals of Han Chinese and Uyghur origins. While fully automatic and computationally efficient, this method enables high-throughput analysis of human facial feature variation.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Bayesian Framework for Simultaneous Registration and Estimation of Noisy, Sparse and Fragmented Functional Data

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    Mathematical and Physical Sciences: 3rd Place (The Ohio State University Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum)In many applications, smooth processes generate data that is recorded under a variety of observation regimes, such as dense sampling and sparse or fragmented observations that are often contaminated with error. The statistical goal of registering and estimating the individual underlying functions from discrete observations has thus far been mainly approached sequentially without formal uncertainty propagation, or in an application-specific manner by pooling information across subjects. We propose a unified Bayesian framework for simultaneous registration and estimation, which is flexible enough to accommodate inference on individual functions under general observation regimes. Our ability to do this relies on the specification of strongly informative prior models over the amplitude component of function variability. We provide two strategies for this critical choice: a data-driven approach that defines an empirical basis for the amplitude subspace based on available training data, and a shape-restricted approach when the relative location and number of local extrema is well-understood. The proposed methods build on the elastic functional data analysis framework to separately model amplitude and phase variability inherent in functional data. We emphasize the importance of uncertainty quantification and visualization of these two components as they provide complementary information about the estimated functions. We validate the proposed framework using simulation studies, and real applications to estimation of fractional anisotropy profiles based on diffusion tensor imaging measurements, growth velocity functions and bone mineral density curves.No embarg

    An Image Morphing Technique Based on Optimal Mass Preserving Mapping

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    ©2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TIP.2007.896637Image morphing, or image interpolation in the time domain, deals with the metamorphosis of one image into another. In this paper, a new class of image morphing algorithms is proposed based on the theory of optimal mass transport. The 2 mass moving energy functional is modified by adding an intensity penalizing term, in order to reduce the undesired double exposure effect. It is an intensity-based approach and, thus, is parameter free. The optimal warping function is computed using an iterative gradient descent approach. This proposed morphing method is also extended to doubly connected domains using a harmonic parameterization technique, along with finite-element methods

    Distribution on Warp Maps for Alignment of Open and Closed Curves

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    Alignment of curve data is an integral part of their statistical analysis, and can be achieved using model- or optimization-based approaches. The parameter space is usually the set of monotone, continuous warp maps of a domain. Infinite-dimensional nature of the parameter space encourages sampling based approaches, which require a distribution on the set of warp maps. Moreover, the distribution should also enable sampling in the presence of important landmark information on the curves which constrain the warp maps. For alignment of closed and open curves in Rd,d=1,2,3\mathbb{R}^d, d=1,2,3, possibly with landmark information, we provide a constructive, point-process based definition of a distribution on the set of warp maps of [0,1][0,1] and the unit circle S1\mathbb{S}^1 that is (1) simple to sample from, and (2) possesses the desiderata for decomposition of the alignment problem with landmark constraints into multiple unconstrained ones. For warp maps on [0,1][0,1], the distribution is related to the Dirichlet process. We demonstrate its utility by using it as a prior distribution on warp maps in a Bayesian model for alignment of two univariate curves, and as a proposal distribution in a stochastic algorithm that optimizes a suitable alignment functional for higher-dimensional curves. Several examples from simulated and real datasets are provided

    Parametric Regression on the Grassmannian

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    We address the problem of fitting parametric curves on the Grassmann manifold for the purpose of intrinsic parametric regression. As customary in the literature, we start from the energy minimization formulation of linear least-squares in Euclidean spaces and generalize this concept to general nonflat Riemannian manifolds, following an optimal-control point of view. We then specialize this idea to the Grassmann manifold and demonstrate that it yields a simple, extensible and easy-to-implement solution to the parametric regression problem. In fact, it allows us to extend the basic geodesic model to (1) a time-warped variant and (2) cubic splines. We demonstrate the utility of the proposed solution on different vision problems, such as shape regression as a function of age, traffic-speed estimation and crowd-counting from surveillance video clips. Most notably, these problems can be conveniently solved within the same framework without any specifically-tailored steps along the processing pipeline.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Three-dimensional morphanalysis of the face.

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    The aim of the work reported in this thesis was to determine the extent to which orthogonal two-dimensional morphanalytic (universally relatable) craniofacial imaging methods can be extended into the realm of computer-based three-dimensional imaging. New methods are presented for capturing universally relatable laser-video surface data, for inter-relating facial surface scans and for constructing probabilistic facial averages. Universally relatable surface scans are captured using the fixed relations principle com- bined with a new laser-video scanner calibration method. Inter- subject comparison of facial surface scans is achieved using inter- active feature labelling and warping methods. These methods have been extended to groups of subjects to allow the construction of three-dimensional probabilistic facial averages. The potential of universally relatable facial surface data for applications such as growth studies and patient assessment is demonstrated. In addition, new methods for scattered data interpolation, for controlling overlap in image warping and a fast, high-resolution method for simulating craniofacial surgery are described. The results demonstrate that it is not only possible to extend universally relatable imaging into three dimensions, but that the extension also enhances the established methods, providing a wide range of new applications
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