70 research outputs found

    A near-optimal change-detection based algorithm for piecewise-stationary combinatorial semi-bandits

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    We investigate the piecewise-stationary combinatorial semi-bandit problem. Compared to the original combinatorial semi-bandit problem, our setting assumes the reward distributions of base arms may change in a piecewise-stationary manner at unknown time steps. We propose an algorithm, GLR-CUCB, which incorporates an efficient combinatorial semi-bandit algorithm, CUCB, with an almost parameter-free change-point detector, the Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT). Our analysis shows that the regret of GLR-CUCB is upper bounded by O(√NKT log T), where N is the number of piecewise-stationary segments, K is the number of base arms, and T is the number of time steps. As a complement, we also derive a nearly matching regret lower bound on the order of Ω(√NKT), for both piecewise-stationary multi-armed bandits and combinatorial semi-bandits, using information-theoretic techniques and judiciously constructed piecewise-stationary bandit instances. Our lower bound is tighter than the best available regret lower bound, which is Ω(√T). Numerical experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of GLR-CUCB compared to other state-of-the-art algorithms

    Distributed Consensus Algorithm for Decision-Making in Multi-agent Multi-armed Bandit

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    We study a structured multi-agent multi-armed bandit (MAMAB) problem in a dynamic environment. A graph reflects the information-sharing structure among agents, and the arms' reward distributions are piecewise-stationary with several unknown change points. The agents face the identical piecewise-stationary MAB problem. The goal is to develop a decision-making policy for the agents that minimizes the regret, which is the expected total loss of not playing the optimal arm at each time step. Our proposed solution, Restarted Bayesian Online Change Point Detection in Cooperative Upper Confidence Bound Algorithm (RBO-Coop-UCB), involves an efficient multi-agent UCB algorithm as its core enhanced with a Bayesian change point detector. We also develop a simple restart decision cooperation that improves decision-making. Theoretically, we establish that the expected group regret of RBO-Coop-UCB is upper bounded by O(KNMlog⁥T+KMTlog⁥T)\mathcal{O}(KNM\log T + K\sqrt{MT\log T}), where K is the number of agents, M is the number of arms, and T is the number of time steps. Numerical experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms

    Online Influence Maximization in Non-Stationary Social Networks

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    Social networks have been popular platforms for information propagation. An important use case is viral marketing: given a promotion budget, an advertiser can choose some influential users as the seed set and provide them free or discounted sample products; in this way, the advertiser hopes to increase the popularity of the product in the users' friend circles by the world-of-mouth effect, and thus maximizes the number of users that information of the production can reach. There has been a body of literature studying the influence maximization problem. Nevertheless, the existing studies mostly investigate the problem on a one-off basis, assuming fixed known influence probabilities among users, or the knowledge of the exact social network topology. In practice, the social network topology and the influence probabilities are typically unknown to the advertiser, which can be varying over time, i.e., in cases of newly established, strengthened or weakened social ties. In this paper, we focus on a dynamic non-stationary social network and design a randomized algorithm, RSB, based on multi-armed bandit optimization, to maximize influence propagation over time. The algorithm produces a sequence of online decisions and calibrates its explore-exploit strategy utilizing outcomes of previous decisions. It is rigorously proven to achieve an upper-bounded regret in reward and applicable to large-scale social networks. Practical effectiveness of the algorithm is evaluated using both synthetic and real-world datasets, which demonstrates that our algorithm outperforms previous stationary methods under non-stationary conditions.Comment: 10 pages. To appear in IEEE/ACM IWQoS 2016. Full versio

    Poisson process bandits:Sequential models and algorithms for maximising the detection of point data

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    In numerous settings in areas as diverse as security, ecology, astronomy, and logistics, it is desirable to optimally deploy a limited resource to observe events, which may be modelled as point data arising according to a Non-homogeneous Poisson process. Increasingly, thanks to developments in mobile and adaptive technologies, it is possible to update a deployment of such resource and gather feedback on the quality of multiple actions. Such a capability presents the opportunity to learn, and with it a classic problem in operations research and machine learning - the explorationexploitation dilemma. To perform optimally, how should investigative choices which explore the value of poorly understood actions and optimising choices which choose actions known to be of a high value be balanced? Effective techniques exist to resolve this dilemma in simpler settings, but the Poisson process data brings new challenges. In this thesis, effective solution methods for the problem of sequentially deploying resource are developed, via a combination of efficient inference schemes, bespoke optimisation approaches, and advanced sequential decision-making strategies. Furthermore, extensive theoretical work provides strong guarantees on the performance of the proposed solution methods and an understanding of the challenges of this problem and more complex extensions. In particular, Upper Confidence Bound and Thompson Sampling (TS) approaches are derived for combinatorial and continuum-armed bandit versions of the problem, with accompanying analysis displaying that the regret of the approaches is of optimal order. A broader understanding of the performance of TS based on non-parametric models for smooth reward functions is developed, and new posterior contraction results for the Gaussian Cox Process, a popular Bayesian non-parametric model of point data, are derived. These results point to effective strategies for more challenging variants of the event detection problem, and more generally advance the understanding of bandit decision-making with complex data structures

    MNL-Bandit in non-stationary environments

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    In this paper, we study the MNL-Bandit problem in a non-stationary environment and present an algorithm with a worst-case expected regret of O~(min⁡{NTL  ,  N13(Δ∞K)13T23+NT})\tilde{O}\left( \min \left\{ \sqrt{NTL}\;,\; N^{\frac{1}{3}}(\Delta_{\infty}^{K})^{\frac{1}{3}} T^{\frac{2}{3}} + \sqrt{NT}\right\}\right). Here NN is the number of arms, LL is the number of changes and Δ∞K\Delta_{\infty}^{K} is a variation measure of the unknown parameters. Furthermore, we show matching lower bounds on the expected regret (up to logarithmic factors), implying that our algorithm is optimal. Our approach builds upon the epoch-based algorithm for stationary MNL-Bandit in Agrawal et al. 2016. However, non-stationarity poses several challenges and we introduce new techniques and ideas to address these. In particular, we give a tight characterization for the bias introduced in the estimators due to non stationarity and derive new concentration bounds

    A survey on multi-player bandits

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    works released after June 2022 are not considered in this surveyDue mostly to its application to cognitive radio networks, multiplayer bandits gained a lot of interest in the last decade. A considerable progress has been made on its theoretical aspect. However, the current algorithms are far from applicable and many obstacles remain between these theoretical results and a possible implementation of multiplayer bandits algorithms in real cognitive radio networks. This survey contextualizes and organizes the rich multiplayer bandits literature. In light of the existing works, some clear directions for future research appear. We believe that a further study of these different directions might lead to theoretical algorithms adapted to real-world situations

    Self-Concordant Analysis of Generalized Linear Bandits with Forgetting

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    International audienceContextual sequential decision problems with categorical or numerical observations are ubiquitous and Generalized Linear Bandits (GLB) offer a solid theoretical framework to address them. In contrast to the case of linear bandits, existing algorithms for GLB have two drawbacks undermining their applicability. First, they rely on excessively pessimistic concentration bounds due to the non-linear nature of the model. Second, they require either non-convex projection steps or burn-in phases to enforce boundedness of the estimators. Both of these issues are worsened when considering non-stationary models, in which the GLB parameter may vary with time. In this work, we focus on self-concordant GLB (which include logistic and Poisson regression) with forgetting achieved either by the use of a sliding window or exponential weights. We propose a novel confidence-based algorithm for the maximum-likehood estimator with forgetting and analyze its perfomance in abruptly changing environments. These results as well as the accompanying numerical simulations highlight the potential of the proposed approach to address non-stationarity in GLB
