62 research outputs found

    An Efficient and Transparent Thread Migration Scheme in the PM2 Runtime System

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    International audienceThis paper describes a new iso-address approach to the dynamic allocation of data in a multithreaded runtime system with thread migration capability. The system guarantees that the migrated threads and their associated static data are relocated exactly at the same virtual address on the destination nodes, so that no post-migration processing is needed to keep pointers valid. In the experiments reported, a thread can be migrated in less than 75μs

    Macroservers: An Execution Model for DRAM Processor-In-Memory Arrays

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    The emergence of semiconductor fabrication technology allowing a tight coupling between high-density DRAM and CMOS logic on the same chip has led to the important new class of Processor-In-Memory (PIM) architectures. Newer developments provide powerful parallel processing capabilities on the chip, exploiting the facility to load wide words in single memory accesses and supporting complex address manipulations in the memory. Furthermore, large arrays of PIMs can be arranged into a massively parallel architecture. In this report, we describe an object-based programming model based on the notion of a macroserver. Macroservers encapsulate a set of variables and methods; threads, spawned by the activation of methods, operate asynchronously on the variables' state space. Data distributions provide a mechanism for mapping large data structures across the memory region of a macroserver, while work distributions allow explicit control of bindings between threads and data. Both data and work distributuions are first-class objects of the model, supporting the dynamic management of data and threads in memory. This offers the flexibility required for fully exploiting the processing power and memory bandwidth of a PIM array, in particular for irregular and adaptive applications. Thread synchronization is based on atomic methods, condition variables, and futures. A special type of lightweight macroserver allows the formulation of flexible scheduling strategies for the access to resources, using a monitor-like mechanism

    An Efficient and Transparent Thread Migration Scheme in the PM2 Runtime System

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    International audienceThis paper describes a new iso-address approach to the dynamic allocation of data in a multithreaded runtime system with thread migration capability. The system guarantees that the migrated threads and their associated static data are relocated exactly at the same virtual address on the destination nodes, so that no post-migration processing is needed to keep pointers valid. In the experiments reported, a thread can be migrated in less than 75μs

    Dynamic Task and Data Placement over NUMA Architectures: an OpenMP Runtime Perspective

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    International audienceExploiting the full computational power of current hierarchical multiprocessor machines requires a very careful distribution of threads and data among the underlying non-uniform architecture so as to avoid memory access penalties. Directive-based programming languages such as OpenMP provide programmers with an easy way to structure the parallelism of their application and to transmit this information to the runtime system. Our runtime, which is based on a multi-level thread scheduler combined with a NUMA-aware memory manager, converts this information into ``scheduling hints'' to solve thread/memory affinity issues. It enables dynamic load distribution guided by application structure and hardware topology, thus helping to achieve performance portability. First experiments show that mixed solutions (migrating threads and data) outperform Next-touch-based data distribution policies and open possibilities for new optimizations

    ForestGOMP: an efficient OpenMP environment for NUMA architectures

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    International audienceExploiting the full computational power of current hierarchical multiprocessor machines requires a very careful distribution of threads and data among the underlying non-uniform architecture so as to avoid remote memory access penalties. Directive-based programming languages such as OpenMP, can greatly help to perform such a distribution by providing programmers with an easy way to structure the parallelism of their application and to transmit this information to the runtime system. Our runtime, which is based on a multi-level thread scheduler combined with a NUMA-aware memory manager, converts this information into Scheduling Hints related to thread-memory affinity issues. These hints enable dynamic load distribution guided by application structure and hardware topology, thus helping to achieve performance portability. Several experiments show that mixed solutions (migrating both threads and data) outperform work-stealing based balancing strategies and Next-Touch-based data distribution policies. These techniques provide insights about additional optimizations

    LLOV: A Fast Static Data-Race Checker for OpenMP Programs

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    In the era of Exascale computing, writing efficient parallel programs is indispensable and at the same time, writing sound parallel programs is highly difficult. While parallel programming is easier with frameworks such as OpenMP, the possibility of data races in these programs still persists. In this paper, we propose a fast, lightweight, language agnostic, and static data race checker for OpenMP programs based on the LLVM compiler framework. We compare our tool with other state-of-the-art data race checkers on a variety of well-established benchmarks. We show that the precision, accuracy, and the F1 score of our tool is comparable to other checkers while being orders of magnitude faster. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the only tool among the state-of-the-art data race checkers that can verify a FORTRAN program to be data race free

    Programming models for parallel computing

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    Mit dem Auftauchen von Multicore Prozessoren beginnt parallele Programmierung den Massenmarkt zu erobern. Derzeit ist der Parallelismus noch relativ eingeschränkt, da aktuelle Prozessoren nur über eine geringe Anzahl an Kernen verfügen, doch schon bald wird der Schritt zu Prozessoren mit Hunderten an Kernen vollzogen sein. Während sich die Hardware unaufhaltsam in Richtung Parallelismus weiterentwickelt, ist es für Softwareentwickler schwierig, mit diesen Entwicklungen Schritt zu halten. Parallele Programmierung erfordert neue Ansätze gegenüber den bisher verwendeten sequentiellen Programmiermodellen. In der Vergangenheit war es ausreichend, die nächste Prozessorgeneration abzuwarten, um Computerprogramme zu beschleunigen. Heute jedoch kann ein sequentielles Programm mit einem neuen Prozessor sogar langsamer werden, da die Geschwindigkeit eines einzelnen Prozessorkerns nun oft zugunsten einer größeren Gesamtzahl an Kernen in einem Prozessor reduziert wird. Angesichts dieser Tatsache wird es in der Softwareentwicklung in Zukunft notwendig sein, Parallelismus explizit auszunutzen, um weiterhin performante Programme zu entwickeln, die auch auf zukünftigen Prozessorgenerationen skalieren. Die Problematik liegt dabei darin, dass aktuelle Programmiermodelle weiterhin auf dem sogenannten "Assembler der parallelen Programmierung", d.h. auf Multithreading für Shared-Memory- sowie auf Message Passing für Distributed-Memory Architekturen basieren, was zu einer geringen Produktivität und einer hohen Fehleranfälligkeit führt. Um dies zu ändern, wird an neuen Programmiermodellen, -sprachen und -werkzeugen, die Parallelismus auf einer höheren Abstraktionsebene als bisherige Programmiermodelle zu behandeln versprechen, geforscht. Auch wenn bereits einige Teilerfolge erzielt wurden und es gute, performante Lösungen für bestimmte Bereiche gibt, konnte bis jetzt noch kein allgemeingültiges paralleles Programmiermodell entwickelt werden - viele bezweifeln, dass das überhaupt möglich ist. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, einen Überblick über aktuelle Entwicklungen bei parallelen Programmiermodellen zu geben. Da homogenen Multi- und Manycore Prozessoren in nächster Zukunft die meiste Bedeutung zukommen wird, wird das Hauptaugenmerk darauf gelegt, inwieweit die behandelten Programmiermodelle für diese Plattformen nützlich sind. Durch den Vergleich unterschiedlicher, auch experimenteller Ansätze soll erkennbar werden, wohin die Entwicklung geht und welche Werkzeuge aktuell verwendet werden können.With the emergence of multi-core processors in the consumer market, parallel computing is moving to the mainstream. Currently parallelism is still very restricted as modern consumer computers only contain a small number of cores. Nonetheless, the number is constantly increasing, and the time will come when we move to hundreds of cores. For software developers it is becoming more difficult to keep up with these new developments. Parallel programming requires a new way of thinking. No longer will a new processor generation accelerate every existing program. On the contrary, some programs might even get slower because good single-thread performance of a processor is traded in for a higher level of parallelism. For that reason, it becomes necessary to exploit parallelism explicitly and to make sure that the program scales well. Unfortunately, parallelism in current programming models is mostly based on the "assembler of parallel programming", namely low level threading for shared multiprocessors and message passing for distributed multiprocessors. This leads to low programmer productivity and erroneous programs. Because of this, a lot of effort is put into developing new high level programming models, languages and tools that should help parallel programming to keep up with hardware development. Although there have been successes in different areas, no good all-round solution has emerged until now, and there are doubts that there ever will be one. The aim of this work is to give an overview of current developments in the area of parallel programming models. The focus is put onto programming models for multi- and many-core architectures as this is the area most relevant for the near future. Through the comparison of different approaches, including experimental ones, the reader will be able to see which existing programming models can be used for which tasks and to anticipate future developments

    Software Development for Parallel and Multi-Core Processing

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    Enabling Locality-Aware Computations in OpenMP

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    Transparent Adaptive Parallelism on NOWs using OpenMP

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    We present a system that allows OpenMP programs to execute on a network of workstations with a variable number of nodes. The ability to adapt to a variable number of nodes allows a program to take advantage of additional nodes that become available after it starts execution, or to gracefully scale down when the number of available nodes is reduced. We demonstrate that the cost of adaptation is modest; the system allows a program to adapt at a moderate rate without much performance loss.Two ideas underlie the efficiency of our design. First, we recognize that OpenMP programs exhibit convenient adaptation points during their execution, points at which the cost of adaptation can be much reduced. Second, by allowing a process a certain grace period before it must leave a node, we insure that most adaptations can occur at these adaptation points, and thus at low cost. Migration of a process, a much more expensive method for providing adaptivity, is used only as a back-up solution, when the process cannot reach an adaptation point within the grace period.Our implementation consists of an OpenMP pre-processor that generates TreadMarks distributed shared memory (DSM) programs, and a version of TreadMarks modified to adapt to a variable number of nodes. Using a DSM as the underlying substrate facilitates the data (re-)distribution necessary after an adaptation