1,037 research outputs found

    Enriching Ontologies with Multilingual Information

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    Multilinguality in ontologies has become an impending need for institutions worldwide that have to deal with data and linguistic resources in different natural languages. Since most ontologies are developed in one language, obtaining multilingual ontologies implies to localize or adapt them to a concrete language and culture community. As the adaptation of the ontology conceptualization demands considerable efforts, we propose to modify the ontology terminological layer by associating an external repository of linguistic data to the ontology. With this aim we provide a model called Linguistic Information Repository (LIR) that associated to the ontology meta-model allows terminological layer localization

    Modelling Multilinguality in Ontologies

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    an impending need for institutions worldwide with valuable linguistic resources in different natural languages. Since most ontologies are developed in one language, obtaining multilingual ontologies implies to localize or adapt them to a concrete language and culture community. As the adaptation of the ontology conceptualization demands considerable efforts, we propose to modify the ontology terminological layer, and provide a model called Linguistic Information Repository (LIR) that associated to the ontology meta-model allows terminological layer localization

    Lexically-based Ontologies and Ontologically Based Lexicons

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    This paper deals with the relations between ontologies and lexicons. We study the role of these two components and their evolution during the last years in the field of Computational Linguistics. Subsequently, we survey the current lines of research at ILC-CNR which tackle this topic. They involve (I) the reuse of already existing Lexical Resources to derive formal ontologies, (II) the conversion and combination of terminologies into rich and formal Lexical Resources and (III) the use of formal ontologies as the backbone of multilingual Lexical Resources

    Localizing Ontologies in OWL

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    This paper presents a model for linguistic/terminological information, which can be used in tandem with an ontological model, in order to link lexicalizations and concepts. The main aim of the proposed model is to provide multilingual information to ontologies. Interoperability with existing standard models of terminological description as well as access to authoritative linguistic resources are crucial aspects that have been considered in the design of the proposed model

    Mapping Persian Words to WordNet Synsets

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    Lexical ontologies are one of the main resources for developing natural language processing and semantic web applications. Mapping lexical ontologies of different languages is very important for inter-lingual tasks. On the other hand mapping approaches can be implied to build lexical ontologies for a new language based on pre-existing resources of other languages. In this paper we propose a semantic approach for mapping Persian words to Princeton WordNet Synsets. As there is no lexical ontology for Persian, our approach helps not only in building one for this language but also enables semantic web applications on Persian documents. To do the mapping, we calculate the similarity of Persian words and English synsets using their features such as super-classes and subclasses, domain and related words. Our approach is an improvement of an existing one applying in a new domain, which increases the recall noticeably

    Is it possible to enrich ontologies with a specialized domain linguistic resource?

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    Enriching ontologies with linguistic resources is considered an important target in natural language applications. These linguistic resources should contain not only linguistic but knowledge information. However the linguistic resources available, such as WordNet, are built around lexical relations such as synonymy, antonym, hyponymy, etc. and they do not provide enough information for ontology building. On the other hand, ontologies building requires deeper and more accurate knowledge than general vocabulary contains and, consequently, demands specialized domain resources. This paper presents a linguistic resource developed for Spanish, that has been built followingsome Meaning-Text Theory principles, in order to contain as much possible knowledge related to several specialized domains

    Ontology Localization

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    nternational organizations (e.g., FAO1 , WHO2 , etc.) are increasingly expressing the need for multilingual ontologies for di®erent purposes, e.g., ontology-based multilingual machine translation, multilingual informa- tion retrieval. However, most of the ontologies built so far have mainly English or another natural language as basis. Since multilingual ontology building is a very ex- pensive and time-consuming undertaking, we propose methods for guiding users in the localization of ontolo- gies, and provide tools for supporting the process. The main contributions of this paper are: i) the descrip- tion of a generic Ontology Localization Activity and a methodology for guiding in the localization of ontolo- gies; ii) the description of a tool built according to the guidelines proposed for an automatic localization of on- tologies; and iii) a set of experiments used to evaluate the methodological and technological aspects of the On- tology Localization Activity

    Semantic Search of Internet Information Resources on Base of Ontologies and Multilinguistic Thesauruses

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    The approaches to the analysis of various information resources pertinent to user requirements at a semantic level are determined by the thesauruses of the appropriate subject domains. The algorithms of formation and normalization of the multilinguistic thesaurus, and also methods of their comparison are given