5 research outputs found

    Connectivity Analysis in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network based on VDTN

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    In the last decade, user demand has been increasing exponentially based on modern communication systems. One of these new technologies is known as mobile ad-hoc networking (MANET). One part of MANET is called a vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET). It has different types such as vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicular delay-tolerant networks, and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I). To provide sufficient quality of communication service in the Vehicular Delay-Tolerant Network (VDTN), it is important to present a comprehensive survey that shows the challenges and limitations of VANET. In this paper, we focus on one type of VANET, which is known as VDTNs. To investigate realistic communication systems based on VANET, we considered intelligent transportation systems (ITSs) and the possibility of replacing the roadside unit with VDTN. Many factors can affect the message propagation delay. When road-side units (RSUs) are present, which leads to an increase in the message delivery efficiency since RSUs can collaborate with vehicles on the road to increase the throughput of the network, we propose new methods based on environment and vehicle traffic and present a comprehensive evaluation of the newly suggested VDTN routing method. Furthermore, challenges and prospects are presented to stimulate interest in the scientific community

    Спосіб конструювання трафіку в кластерних транспортних мережах з урахуванням заданих параметрів якості обслуговування

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    В бакалаврському дипломному проекті реалізовано спосіб конструювання трафіку в кластерних транспортних мережах з урахуванням заданих параметрів якості обслуговування, суть якого полягає формуванні оптимального шляху для передачі маршрутної інформації. Програма дозволяє обчислити множину оптимальних маршрутів всередині кластерів транспортної мережі та визначати маршрут, що найбільше відповідає якості обслуговування на основі заданих параметрів для пошуку маршруту. Програмний продукт був створений на мові програмування Python 3.9, у візуальному середовищі PyCharm Community Edition 2021.1.1. Для візуалізації графа кластерної мережі, вводу початкових даних та отримання результатів моделювання використовується оболонка PyQT5 5.15.4 бібліотеки Qt на мові Python. Для процесу поділу графа на кластери використовується алгоритм кластеризації k-середніх імпортований з бібліотеки Scikit-learn.In this project for a Bachelor's Degree, traffic engineering method in cluster-based vehicular networks taking into account the specified parameters of Quality of Service is realized, the essence of which is to construct a path for efficient transmission of route information. The software product makes it possible to calculate the set of optimal routes within the clusters of vehicular network and determine the route that best meets the Quality of Service metrics based on input parameters for route search. The software product was realized in Python 3.9 programming language in PyCharm Community Edition 2021.1.1. visual environment. The PyQT5 5.15.4 shell of the Python Qt library is used to visualize the graph of cluster-based network, input of the initial data and output of the algorithm simulation results. The k-means clustering algorithm imported from the Scikit-learn library is used for the process of dividing the graph into clusters

    A Multiconstrained QoS-Compliant Routing Scheme for Highway-Based Vehicular Networks

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    With the deployment of multimedia services over VANETs, there is a need to develop new techniques to insure various levels of quality of services (QoS) for real time applications. However, in such environments, it is not an easy task to determine adequate routes to transmit data with specific application QoS requirements. In this paper, we propose CBQoS-Vanet, a new QoS-based routing protocol tailored towards vehicular networks in a highway scenario. This protocol is based on the use of two techniques: first a clustering technique which organizes and optimizes the exchange of routing information and, second, a bee colony inspired algorithm, which calculates the best routes from a source to a destination based on given QoS criteria. In our approach, clusters are formed around cluster heads that are themselves elected based on QoS considerations. The QoS criteria here are based on the two categories of metrics: QoS metrics and mobility metrics. The QoS metrics consists of the available bandwidth, the end-to-end delay, and the jitter. The mobility metrics consists of link expiration time and average velocity difference. We have studied the performance of CBQoS-Vanet through simulation and compared it to existing approaches. The results that we obtained show that our technique outperforms, in many aspects, the approaches that it was compared against

    SDN-based VANET routing: A comprehensive survey on architectures, protocols, analysis, and future challenges

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    As the automotive and telecommunication industries advance, more vehicles are becoming connected, leading to the realization of intelligent transportation systems (ITS). Vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) supports various ITS services, including safety, convenience, and infotainment services for drivers and passengers. Generally, such services are realized through data sharing among vehicles and nearby infrastructures or vehicles over multi-hop data routing mechanisms. Vehicular data routing faces many challenges caused by vehicle dynamicity, intermittent connectivity, and diverse application requirements. Consequently, the software-defined networking (SDN) paradigm offers unique features such as programmability and flexibility to enhance vehicular network performance and management and meet the quality of services (QoS) requirements of various VANET services. Recently, VANET routing protocols have been improved using the multilevel knowledge and an up-to-date global view of traffic conditions offered by SDN technology. The primary objective of this study is to furnish comprehensive information regarding the current SDN-based VANET routing protocols, encompassing intricate details of their underlying mechanisms, forwarding algorithms, and architectural considerations. Each protocol will be thoroughly examined individually, elucidating its strengths, weaknesses, and proposed enhancements. Also, the software-defined vehicular network (SDVN) architectures are presented according to their operation modes and controlling degree. Then, the potential of SDN-based VANET is explored from the aspect of routing and the design requirements of routing protocols in SDVNs. SDVN routing algorithms are uniquely classified according to various criteria. In addition, a complete comparative analysis will be achieved to analyze the protocols regarding performance, optimization, and simulation results. Finally, the challenges and upcoming research directions for developing such protocols are widely stated here. By presenting such insights, this paper provides a comprehensive overview and inspires researchers to enhance existing protocols and explore novel solutions, thereby paving the way for innovation in this field