106 research outputs found

    Encouraging LSTMs to Anticipate Actions Very Early

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    In contrast to the widely studied problem of recognizing an action given a complete sequence, action anticipation aims to identify the action from only partially available videos. As such, it is therefore key to the success of computer vision applications requiring to react as early as possible, such as autonomous navigation. In this paper, we propose a new action anticipation method that achieves high prediction accuracy even in the presence of a very small percentage of a video sequence. To this end, we develop a multi-stage LSTM architecture that leverages context-aware and action-aware features, and introduce a novel loss function that encourages the model to predict the correct class as early as possible. Our experiments on standard benchmark datasets evidence the benefits of our approach; We outperform the state-of-the-art action anticipation methods for early prediction by a relative increase in accuracy of 22.0% on JHMDB-21, 14.0% on UT-Interaction and 49.9% on UCF-101.Comment: 13 Pages, 7 Figures, 11 Tables. Accepted in ICCV 2017. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1611.0552

    Spatio-Temporal Action Detection with Cascade Proposal and Location Anticipation

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    In this work, we address the problem of spatio-temporal action detection in temporally untrimmed videos. It is an important and challenging task as finding accurate human actions in both temporal and spatial space is important for analyzing large-scale video data. To tackle this problem, we propose a cascade proposal and location anticipation (CPLA) model for frame-level action detection. There are several salient points of our model: (1) a cascade region proposal network (casRPN) is adopted for action proposal generation and shows better localization accuracy compared with single region proposal network (RPN); (2) action spatio-temporal consistencies are exploited via a location anticipation network (LAN) and thus frame-level action detection is not conducted independently. Frame-level detections are then linked by solving an linking score maximization problem, and temporally trimmed into spatio-temporal action tubes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our model on the challenging UCF101 and LIRIS-HARL datasets, both achieving state-of-the-art performance.Comment: Accepted at BMVC 2017 (oral

    Cascaded Boundary Regression for Temporal Action Detection

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    Temporal action detection in long videos is an important problem. State-of-the-art methods address this problem by applying action classifiers on sliding windows. Although sliding windows may contain an identifiable portion of the actions, they may not necessarily cover the entire action instance, which would lead to inferior performance. We adapt a two-stage temporal action detection pipeline with Cascaded Boundary Regression (CBR) model. Class-agnostic proposals and specific actions are detected respectively in the first and the second stage. CBR uses temporal coordinate regression to refine the temporal boundaries of the sliding windows. The salient aspect of the refinement process is that, inside each stage, the temporal boundaries are adjusted in a cascaded way by feeding the refined windows back to the system for further boundary refinement. We test CBR on THUMOS-14 and TVSeries, and achieve state-of-the-art performance on both datasets. The performance gain is especially remarkable under high IoU thresholds, e.g. map@tIoU=0.5 on THUMOS-14 is improved from 19.0% to 31.0%

    Symmetric Dilated Convolution for Surgical Gesture Recognition

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    Automatic surgical gesture recognition is a prerequisite of intra-operative computer assistance and objective surgical skill assessment. Prior works either require additional sensors to collect kinematics data or have limitations on capturing temporal information from long and untrimmed surgical videos. To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel temporal convolutional architecture to automatically detect and segment surgical gestures with corresponding boundaries only using RGB videos. We devise our method with a symmetric dilation structure bridged by a self-attention module to encode and decode the long-term temporal patterns and establish the frame-to-frame relationship accordingly. We validate the effectiveness of our approach on a fundamental robotic suturing task from the JIGSAWS dataset. The experiment results demonstrate the ability of our method on capturing long-term frame dependencies, which largely outperform the state-of-the-art methods on the frame-wise accuracy up to ∌ 6 points and the F1@50 score ∌ 6 points

    Weakly Supervised Action Localization by Sparse Temporal Pooling Network

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    We propose a weakly supervised temporal action localization algorithm on untrimmed videos using convolutional neural networks. Our algorithm learns from video-level class labels and predicts temporal intervals of human actions with no requirement of temporal localization annotations. We design our network to identify a sparse subset of key segments associated with target actions in a video using an attention module and fuse the key segments through adaptive temporal pooling. Our loss function is comprised of two terms that minimize the video-level action classification error and enforce the sparsity of the segment selection. At inference time, we extract and score temporal proposals using temporal class activations and class-agnostic attentions to estimate the time intervals that correspond to target actions. The proposed algorithm attains state-of-the-art results on the THUMOS14 dataset and outstanding performance on ActivityNet1.3 even with its weak supervision.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 201

    Hierarchical Attention Network for Action Segmentation

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    The temporal segmentation of events is an essential task and a precursor for the automatic recognition of human actions in the video. Several attempts have been made to capture frame-level salient aspects through attention but they lack the capacity to effectively map the temporal relationships in between the frames as they only capture a limited span of temporal dependencies. To this end we propose a complete end-to-end supervised learning approach that can better learn relationships between actions over time, thus improving the overall segmentation performance. The proposed hierarchical recurrent attention framework analyses the input video at multiple temporal scales, to form embeddings at frame level and segment level, and perform fine-grained action segmentation. This generates a simple, lightweight, yet extremely effective architecture for segmenting continuous video streams and has multiple application domains. We evaluate our system on multiple challenging public benchmark datasets, including MERL Shopping, 50 salads, and Georgia Tech Egocentric datasets, and achieves state-of-the-art performance. The evaluated datasets encompass numerous video capture settings which are inclusive of static overhead camera views and dynamic, ego-centric head-mounted camera views, demonstrating the direct applicability of the proposed framework in a variety of settings.Comment: Published in Pattern Recognition Letter
