1,433 research outputs found

    A Multi-Core Solver for Parity Games

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    We describe a parallel algorithm for solving parity games,\ud with applications in, e.g., modal mu-calculus model\ud checking with arbitrary alternations, and (branching) bisimulation\ud checking. The algorithm is based on Jurdzinski's Small Progress\ud Measures. Actually, this is a class of algorithms, depending on\ud a selection heuristics.\ud \ud Our algorithm operates lock-free, and mostly wait-free (except for\ud infrequent termination detection), and thus allows maximum\ud parallelism. Additionally, we conserve memory by avoiding storage\ud of predecessor edges for the parity graph through strictly\ud forward-looking heuristics.\ud \ud We evaluate our multi-core implementation's behaviour on parity games\ud obtained from mu-calculus model checking problems for a set of\ud communication protocols, randomly generated problem instances, and\ud parametric problem instances from the literature.\ud \u

    Parity games : descriptive complexity and algorithms for new solvers

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    Parity games are 2-person, 0-sum, graph-based, and determined games that form an important foundational concept in formal methods (see e.g., [Zie98]), and their exact computational complexity has been an open problem for over twenty years now. In this thesis, we study algorithms that solve parity games in that they determine which nodes are won by which player, and where such decisions are supported with winning strategies. We modify and so improve a known algorithm but also propose new algorithmic approaches to solving parity games and to understanding their descriptive complexity. For all of our contributions, we write our own custom frameworks, in the Scala programming language, to perform tailored experiments and empirical studies to demonstrate and support our theoretical findings. First, we improve on one of the solver algorithms, based on small progress measures [Jur00], by use of concurrency. We show that, for many parity games, it is possible to deliver extra performance using this technique in a multi-core environment. Second, we design algorithms to reduce the computational complexity of parity games, and create implementations to observe and evaluate the behaviours of these reductions in our experimental settings. The measure Rabin index, arising from the design of the said algorithm, is shown to be a new descriptive complexity for parity games. Finally, we define a new family of attractors and derive new parity game solvers from them. Although these new solvers are ā€œpartialā€, in that they do not solve all parity games completely, our experiments show that they do solve a set of benchmark games (i.e., games with known structures) designed to stress test solvers from PGSolver toolkit [FL10] completely, and some of these partial solvers deliver favourable performance against a known high performance solver in many circumstances

    Generating and Solving Symbolic Parity Games

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    We present a new tool for verification of modal mu-calculus formulae for process specifications, based on symbolic parity games. It enhances an existing method, that first encodes the problem to a Parameterised Boolean Equation System (PBES) and then instantiates the PBES to a parity game. We improved the translation from specification to PBES to preserve the structure of the specification in the PBES, we extended LTSmin to instantiate PBESs to symbolic parity games, and implemented the recursive parity game solving algorithm by Zielonka for symbolic parity games. We use Multi-valued Decision Diagrams (MDDs) to represent sets and relations, thus enabling the tools to deal with very large systems. The transition relation is partitioned based on the structure of the specification, which allows for efficient manipulation of the MDDs. We performed two case studies on modular specifications, that demonstrate that the new method has better time and memory performance than existing PBES based tools and can be faster (but slightly less memory efficient) than the symbolic model checker NuSMV.Comment: In Proceedings GRAPHITE 2014, arXiv:1407.767

    Benchmarks for Parity Games (extended version)

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    We propose a benchmark suite for parity games that includes all benchmarks that have been used in the literature, and make it available online. We give an overview of the parity games, including a description of how they have been generated. We also describe structural properties of parity games, and using these properties we show that our benchmarks are representative. With this work we provide a starting point for further experimentation with parity games.Comment: The corresponding tool and benchmarks are available from https://github.com/jkeiren/paritygame-generator. This is an extended version of the paper that has been accepted for FSEN 201

    Oink: an Implementation and Evaluation of Modern Parity Game Solvers

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    Parity games have important practical applications in formal verification and synthesis, especially to solve the model-checking problem of the modal mu-calculus. They are also interesting from the theory perspective, as they are widely believed to admit a polynomial solution, but so far no such algorithm is known. In recent years, a number of new algorithms and improvements to existing algorithms have been proposed. We implement a new and easy to extend tool Oink, which is a high-performance implementation of modern parity game algorithms. We further present a comprehensive empirical evaluation of modern parity game algorithms and solvers, both on real world benchmarks and randomly generated games. Our experiments show that our new tool Oink outperforms the current state-of-the-art.Comment: Accepted at TACAS 201

    Efficient Instantiation of Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems to Parity Games

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    Parameterised Boolean Equation Systems (PBESs) are sequences of Boolean fixed point equations with data variables, used for, e.g., verification of modal Ī¼-calculus formulae for process algebraic specifications with data. Solving a PBES is usually done by instantiation to a Parity Game and then solving the game. Practical game solvers exist, but the instantiation step is the bottleneck. We enhance the instantiation in two steps. First, we transform the PBES to a Parameterised Parity Game (PPG), a PBES with each equation either conjunctive or disjunctive. Then we use LTSmin, that offers transition caching, efficient storage of states and both distributed and symbolic state space generation, for generating the game graph. To that end we define a language module for LTSmin, consisting of an encoding of variables with parameters into state vectors, a grouped transition relation and a dependency matrix to indicate the dependencies between parts of the state vector and transition groups. Benchmarks on some large case studies, show that the method speeds up the instantiation significantly and decreases memory usage drastically

    Synthesising Strategy Improvement and Recursive Algorithms for Solving 2.5 Player Parity Games

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    2.5 player parity games combine the challenges posed by 2.5 player reachability games and the qualitative analysis of parity games. These two types of problems are best approached with different types of algorithms: strategy improvement algorithms for 2.5 player reachability games and recursive algorithms for the qualitative analysis of parity games. We present a method that - in contrast to existing techniques - tackles both aspects with the best suited approach and works exclusively on the 2.5 player game itself. The resulting technique is powerful enough to handle games with several million states

    Symbolic Parity Game Solvers that Yield Winning Strategies

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    Parity games play an important role for LTL synthesis as evidenced by recent breakthroughs on LTL synthesis, which rely in part on parity game solving. Yet state space explosion remains a major issue if we want to scale to larger systems or specifications. In order to combat this problem, we need to investigate symbolic methods such as BDDs, which have been successful in the past to tackle exponentially large systems. It is therefore essential to have symbolic parity game solving algorithms, operating using BDDs, that are fast and that can produce the winning strategies used to synthesize the controller in LTL synthesis. Current symbolic parity game solving algorithms do not yield winning strategies. We now propose two symbolic algorithms that yield winning strategies, based on two recently proposed fixpoint algorithms. We implement the algorithms and empirically evaluate them using benchmarks obtained from SYNTCOMP 2020. Our conclusion is that the algorithms are competitive with or faster than an earlier symbolic implementation of Zielonka's recursive algorithm, while also providing the winning strategies.Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2020, arXiv:2009.0936

    Improving parity games in practice

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    Parity games are infinite-round two-player games played on directed graphs whose nodes are labeled with priorities. The winner of a play is determined by the smallest priority (even or odd) that is encountered infinitely often along the play. In the last two decades, several algorithms for solving parity games have been proposed and implemented in PGSolver, a platform written in OCaml. PGSolver includes the Zielonkaā€™s recursive algorithm (RE, for short) which is known to be the best performing one over random games. Notably, several attempts have been carried out with the aim of improving the performance of RE in PGSolver, but with small advances in practice. In this work, we deeply revisit the implementation of RE by dealing with the use of specific data structures and programming languages such as Scala, Java, C++, and Go. Our empirical evaluation shows that these choices are successful, gaining up to three orders of magnitude in running time over the classic version of the algorithm implemented in PGSolver
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