8,889 research outputs found

    A Model-based Completeness Proof of Extended Narrowing And Resolution

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    We give a proof of refutational completeness for Extended Narrowing And Resolution (ENAR), a calculus introduced by Dowek, Hardin and Kirchner in the context of Theorem Proving Modulo. ENAR integrates narrowing with respect to a set of rewrite rules on propositions into automated first-order theorem proving by resolution. Our proof allows to impose ordering restriction- s on ENAR and provides general redundancy criteria, which are crucial for finding nontrivial proofs. On the other hand, it requires confluence and termination of the rewrite system, and in addition the existence of a well-founded ordering on propositions that is compatible with rewriting, compatible with ground inferences, total on ground clauses, and has some additional technical properties. Such orderings exist for hierarchical definitions of predicates. As an exampe we provide such an ordering for a fragment of set theory

    Equational methods in first order predicate calculus

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    We show that the application of the resolution principle to a set of clauses can be regarded as the construction of a term rewriting system confluent on valid formulas. This result allows the extension of usual properties and methods of equational theories (such as Birkhoff's theorem and the Knuth and Bendix completion algorithm) to quantifier-free first order theories. These results are extended to first order predicate calculus in an equational theory, as studied by Plotkin (1972), Slagle (1974) and Lankford (1975). This paper is a continuation of the work of Hsiang & Dershowitz (1983), who have already shown that rewrite methods can be used in first order predicate calculus. The main difference is the following: Hsiang uses rewrite methods only as a refutational proof technique, the initial set of formulas being unsatisfiable iff the equation TRUE = FALSE is generated by the completion algorithm. We generalise these methods to satisfiable theories; in particular, we show that the concept of confluent rewriting system, which is the main tool for studying equational theories, can be extended to any quantifier-free first order theory. Furthermore, we show that rewrite methods can be used even if formulas are kept in clausal form

    Non-constructive interval simulation of dynamic systems

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    Nondeterminism in algebraic specifications and algebraic programs

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    "Nondeterminism in Algebraic Specifications and Algebraic Programs" presents a mathematical theory for the integration of three concepts: non-determinism, axiomatic specification and term rewriting. For non-deterministic programs, an algebraic specification language is provided which admits the application of automated tools based on term rewriting techniques. This general framework is used to explore connections between logic programming and algebraic programming. Examples from various areas of computer science are given, including results of computer experiments with a prototypical implementation. This book should be of interest to readers working within several fields of theoretical computer science, from algebraic specification theory to formal descriptions of distributed systems