283 research outputs found

    A Model of Stimulus-Specific Neural Assemblies in the Insect Antennal Lobe

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    It has been proposed that synchronized neural assemblies in the antennal lobe of insects encode the identity of olfactory stimuli. In response to an odor, some projection neurons exhibit synchronous firing, phase-locked to the oscillations of the field potential, whereas others do not. Experimental data indicate that neural synchronization and field oscillations are induced by fast GABAA-type inhibition, but it remains unclear how desynchronization occurs. We hypothesize that slow inhibition plays a key role in desynchronizing projection neurons. Because synaptic noise is believed to be the dominant factor that limits neuronal reliability, we consider a computational model of the antennal lobe in which a population of oscillatory neurons interact through unreliable GABAA and GABAB inhibitory synapses. From theoretical analysis and extensive computer simulations, we show that transmission failures at slow GABAB synapses make the neural response unpredictable. Depending on the balance between GABAA and GABAB inputs, particular neurons may either synchronize or desynchronize. These findings suggest a wiring scheme that triggers stimulus-specific synchronized assemblies. Inhibitory connections are set by Hebbian learning and selectively activated by stimulus patterns to form a spiking associative memory whose storage capacity is comparable to that of classical binary-coded models. We conclude that fast inhibition acts in concert with slow inhibition to reformat the glomerular input into odor-specific synchronized neural assemblies

    Data-driven modeling of the olfactory neural codes and their dynamics in the insect antennal lobe

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    Recordings from neurons in the insects' olfactory primary processing center, the antennal lobe (AL), reveal that the AL is able to process the input from chemical receptors into distinct neural activity patterns, called olfactory neural codes. These exciting results show the importance of neural codes and their relation to perception. The next challenge is to \emph{model the dynamics} of neural codes. In our study, we perform multichannel recordings from the projection neurons in the AL driven by different odorants. We then derive a neural network from the electrophysiological data. The network consists of lateral-inhibitory neurons and excitatory neurons, and is capable of producing unique olfactory neural codes for the tested odorants. Specifically, we (i) design a projection, an odor space, for the neural recording from the AL, which discriminates between distinct odorants trajectories (ii) characterize scent recognition, i.e., decision-making based on olfactory signals and (iii) infer the wiring of the neural circuit, the connectome of the AL. We show that the constructed model is consistent with biological observations, such as contrast enhancement and robustness to noise. The study answers a key biological question in identifying how lateral inhibitory neurons can be wired to excitatory neurons to permit robust activity patterns

    Competition-based model of pheromone component ratio detection in the moth

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    For some moth species, especially those closely interrelated and sympatric, recognizing a specific pheromone component concentration ratio is essential for males to successfully locate conspecific females. We propose and determine the properties of a minimalist competition-based feed-forward neuronal model capable of detecting a certain ratio of pheromone components independently of overall concentration. This model represents an elementary recognition unit for the ratio of binary mixtures which we propose is entirely contained in the macroglomerular complex (MGC) of the male moth. A set of such units, along with projection neurons (PNs), can provide the input to higher brain centres. We found that (1) accuracy is mainly achieved by maintaining a certain ratio of connection strengths between olfactory receptor neurons (ORN) and local neurons (LN), much less by properties of the interconnections between the competing LNs proper. An exception to this rule is that it is beneficial if connections between generalist LNs (i.e. excited by either pheromone component) and specialist LNs (i.e. excited by one component only) have the same strength as the reciprocal specialist to generalist connections. (2) successful ratio recognition is achieved using latency-to-first-spike in the LN populations which, in contrast to expectations with a population rate code, leads to a broadening of responses for higher overall concentrations consistent with experimental observations. (3) when longer durations of the competition between LNs were observed it did not lead to higher recognition accuracy

    Neural Circuit Dynamics and Ensemble Coding in the Locust and Fruit Fly Olfactory System

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    Raw sensory information is usually processed and reformatted by an organism’s brain to carry out tasks like identification, discrimination, tracking and storage. The work presented in this dissertation focuses on the processing strategies of neural circuits in the early olfactory system in two insects, the locust and the fruit fly. Projection neurons (PNs) in the antennal lobe (AL) respond to an odor presented to the locust’s antennae by firing in slow information-carrying temporal patterns, consistent across trials. Their downstream targets, the Kenyon cells (KCs) of the mushroom body (MB), receive input from large ensembles of transiently synchronous PNs at a time. The information arrives in slices of time corresponding to cycles of oscillatory activity originating in the AL. In the first part of the thesis, ensemble-level analysis techniques are used to understand how the AL-MB system deals with the problem of identifying odors across different concentrations. Individual PN odor responses can vary dramatically with concentration, but invariant patterns in PN ensemble responses are shown to allow odor identity to be extracted across a wide range of intensities by the KCs. Second, the sensitivity of the early olfactory system to stimulus history is examined. The PN ensemble and the KCs are found capable of tracking an odor in most conditions where it is pulsed or overlapping with another, but they occasionally fail (are masked) or reach intermediate states distinct from those seen for the odors presented alone or in a static mixture. The last part of the thesis focuses on the development of new recording techniques in the fruit fly, an organism with well-studied genetics and behavior. Genetically expressed fluorescent sensors of calcium offer the best available option to study ensemble activity in the fly. Here, simultaneous electrophysiology and two-photon imaging are used to estimate the correlation between G-CaMP, a popular genetically expressible calcium sensor, and electrical activity in PNs. The sensor is found to have poor temporal resolution and to miss significant spiking activity. More generally, this combination of electrophysiology and imaging enables explorations of functional connectivity and calibrated imaging of ensemble activity in the fruit fly.</p

    Function and Morphology of the Antennal Lobe: New Developments

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    The antennal lobe of insects has emerged as an excellent model for olfactory processing in the CNS. In the present review we compile data from areas where substantial progress has been made during recent years: structure-function relationships within the glomerular array, integration and blend specificity, time coding and the effects of neuroactive substances and hormones on antennal lobe processing

    Non-invasive aerosol delivery and transport of gold nanoparticles to the brain

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    Targeted delivery of nanoscale carriers containing packaged payloads to the central nervous system has potential use in many diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Moreover, understanding of the bio-interactions of the engineered nanoparticles used for tissue-specific delivery by non-invasive delivery approaches are also of paramount interest. Here, we have examined this issue systematically in a relatively simple invertebrate model using insects. We synthesized 5 nm, positively charged gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and targeted their delivery using the electrospray aerosol generator. Our results revealed that after the exposure of synthesized aerosol to the insect antenna, AuNPs reached the brain within an hour. Nanoparticle accumulation in the brain increased linearly with the exposure time. Notably, electrophysiological recordings from neurons in the insect brain several hours after exposure did not show any significant alterations in their spontaneous and odor-evoked spiking properties. Taken together, our findings reveal that aerosolized delivery of nanoparticles can be an effective non-invasive approach for delivering nanoparticles to the brain, and also presents an approach to monitor the short-term nano-biointeractions

    Neuroethology of olfactory-guided behavior and its potential application in the control of harmful insects

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    Harmful insects include pests of crops and storage goods, and vectors of human and animal diseases. Throughout their history, humans have been fighting them using diverse methods. The fairly recent development of synthetic chemical insecticides promised efficient crop and health protection at a relatively low cost. However, the negative effects of those insecticides on human health and the environment, as well as the development of insect resistance, have been fueling the search for alternative control tools. New and promising alternative methods to fight harmful insects include the manipulation of their behavior using synthetic versions of "semiochemicals", which are natural volatile and non-volatile substances involved in the intra-and/or inter-specific communication between organisms. Synthetic semiochemicals can be used as trap baits to monitor the presence of insects, so that insecticide spraying can be planned rationally (i.e., only when and where insects are actually present). Other methods that use semiochemicals include insect annihilation by mass trapping, attract-and-kill techniques, behavioral disruption, and the use of repellents. In the last decades many investigations focused on the neural bases of insect's responses to semiochemicals. Those studies help understand how the olfactory system detects and processes information about odors, which could lead to the design of efficient control tools, including odor baits, repellents or ways to confound insects. Here we review our current knowledge about the neural mechanisms controlling olfactory responses to semiochemicals in harmful insects. We also discuss how this neuroethology approach can be used to design or improve pest/vector management strategies.Fil: Reisenman, Carolina Esther. University of California at Berkeley; Estados UnidosFil: Lei, Hong. University of Arizona; Estados UnidosFil: Guerenstein, Pablo Gustavo. Provincia de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones Científicas y Transferencia de Tecnología a la Producción; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentin

    Adaptive regulation of sparseness by feedforward inhibition

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    In the mushroom body of insects, odors are represented by very few spikes in a small number of neurons, a highly efficient strategy known as sparse coding. Physiological studies of these neurons have shown that sparseness is maintained across thousand-fold changes in odor concentration. Using a realistic computational model, we propose that sparseness in the olfactory system is regulated by adaptive feedforward inhibition. When odor concentration changes, feedforward inhibition modulates the duration of the temporal window over which the mushroom body neurons may integrate excitatory presynaptic input. This simple adaptive mechanism could maintain the sparseness of sensory representations across wide ranges of stimulus conditions
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