5 research outputs found

    De destinos turísticos inteligentes a regiones turísticas inteligentes

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    There is growing interest in developing smart tourism beyond individual smart destinations, but research and practice currently do not supply the necessary conceptualizations that could inform smart tourism development at a regional level. This paper argues that this is the case because of smart tourism’s roots in smart city ideas and literature. It discusses the main pillars of smart tourism and smart destinations and then illustrates how pervasive urban biases are in the smart development arena. The paper then highlights the many ways in which these are problematic for reaching regional smart tourism understandings and designing appropriate regional-level strategies. It calls for smart tourism regions to be defined beyond clusters of individual smart destinations and across all domains of smartness.Existe un creciente interés en el desarrollo del turismo inteligente más allá de los destinos inteligentes individuales, pero actualmente la investigación y la práctica no son capaces de ofrecer las conceptualizaciones necesarias que permitan conformar el desarrollo turístico inteligente en un nivel regional. Este artículo plantea si esto se debe a las raíces que el turismo inteligente tiene en las ideas de ciudades inteligentes y en la literatura. Se discuten los pilares principales del turismo inteligente y de los destinos inteligentes y, después, se ilustra cómo los sesgos urbanos generalizados existen en el área de desarrollo inteligente. Este artículo, después, resalta las múltiples formas en las que estos sesgos son problemáticos para la consecución de un entendimiento sobre el turismo inteligente regional y para el diseño de estrategias apropiadas para un nivel regional. Es necesario que las regiones turísticas inteligentes sean definidas como algo más que agrupaciones de destinos inteligentes individuales y en los que sean aplicables todos los dominios de inteligencia

    Impact of Traffic Connectivity on Island Development

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    Today the main problems of the islands are the poor demographic picture caused by depopulation, low birth rate, prevalence of the elderly population, and relatively low economic activities. In that reason, the paper presents the influence of the traffic connections between Croatian’s islands and mainland on the demographic picture of the islands. The aim of this paper is to conduct systematic and scientifically research of influence various factors on the demographic picture of the islands in order to insure the sustainable development of the islands and the retention of the inhabitants on the islands. This paper analyzes the population of Croatian’s islands according to the latest census and the category is correlated with the most prominent limiting factor of development, which is the traffic connection between islands and mainland. The research shows that the improvement of traffic connection and increased density of traffic network between islands and mainland does not have a direct impact on the number of island’s population, but it has a positive impact on all economic and social activities, by creating the prerequisites for sustainable development of the islands and raising the quality of life on islands, as evidenced by the growth of the island’s population on bridged islands and drop population in small islands and islands unrelated to bridges

    Co-creating a smart tourism local service system in rural areas: a case study from south

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementThe most recent trends show an increase in the urbanization of cities, and, consequently, inner territories become more depopulated, business activities get closed, services get reduced and the overall services become poor and not able to offer quality offers to visitors (Bolay, 2020). According to (United Nations, 2019), by 2050 more than three out of four people will be living in urban areas. Nowadays, many studies have addressed the evolution and features of Smart Cities (Van Dijk & Teuben, 2015) and tourism is also one of those spheres that got digitally transformed by Smart Cities (Khan, Woo, Nam, & Chathoth, 2017). One of the features of smart applications is the possibility to let the user be a driver of value in creating and sharing contents (Kontogianni & Alepis, 2020). However, the explosion of smart solutions enabled by the latest technological innovations has been mostly contextualized in urban environments while fewer solutions have been developed in less urbanized rural areas (Steyn & Johanson, 2010). The methodology used employs the merging of two of the core contemporary service research approaches: Service Science and Service-Dominant logic; the first offers an organizational framework to generate and integrate value co-creation in terms of a smart service systems (Polese, Botti, Grimaldi, Monta & Vesci, 2018). For the same purpose, but differently, the second proposes a different layout called service ecosystems (Vargo & Lusch, 2016). This combination of approaches overcomes individual model limitations by setting an integrated model that can be employed to hypercompetitive and experience-based sectors (Polese, Botti, Grimaldi, Monta & Vesci, 2018), and that was adopted by using a case study methodology, relying on semi-structured interviews

    A Model for the Smart Development of Island Territories

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    Transforming a city into a smart city is a long and complex process. If the aim is to modify large areas (regions / territories), the problem becomes significantly harder. Contrary to what might be expected, combining N smart cities within the same territory will not necessarily lead to a smart region. Although there are several smart-region experiments of an international nature, there is still no benchmark to facilitate this task. One possible reason for this is the varied and specific characteristics of each region. In the case of island territories, this task is made less complex due to the common problems that characterize them. This paper analyzes these characteristics, seeks common patterns and proposes a model for the smart development of island territories in an effort to harmonize and optimize the available resources by providing for smart planning that is more orderly, uniform and efficient. © 2016 ACM.Sin financiaciónNo data (2016)UE