8 research outputs found

    A Model for Mobile Learning Service Quality in University Environment

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    Owing to the rapid development in the field of technology, there is a growing interest in e-learning. However, there are many limitations to it which includes accessibility and mobility that makes educationalists and researchers think of m-learning as a potential alternative tool for providing easy and accessible educational service. Nevertheless, there is a lack of research that addresses the issue of mobile learning service quality in a university environment. Therefore, this study aims to propose a service quality model for m-learning in a university environment. In order to accomplish this, a study was carried out to identify students' perception about m-learning services, and the factors that lead to service quality of m-learning in a university environment. Consequently, the researcher developed and implemented an m-learning system prototype(MLS) in a university environment. This research was conducted in three phases. The first phase was to obtain information about students' perception on m-learning services by conducting a 25- item questionnaire on 97 university students that were randomly selected from different colleges in University Utara Malaysia (UUM). The questionnaire measured six parameters which include the availability of devices, the usage of devices, students' attitude towards technology, students' opinions about prices of hardware, usage and perception about e-learning, and usage and perception about m-learning. The findings revealed that mobile phone is the most acceptable technology device among the university students, and students who have a positive attitude toward e-learning are likely to have positive attitude toward m-learning. In addition, it was found that obtaining the educational content is the most important m-learning service. Furthermore, high prices of the mobile services and devices minimize the utilization of mobile learning services. The second phase was meant to identify the factors that lead to service quality of m-learning in a university environment. The researcher administered a 57-item-questionnaire on 258 students representing different colleges of UUM. The questionnaire measured ten dependent variables and three independent variables. The dependent variables were meant to measure service quality (interface design, reliability, responsiveness, trust, and personalization), information quality (content usefulness, content adequacy), and system quality (ease of use, accessibility, and interactivity).The dependent variables were meant to measure the causal relationship between overall learners ' perceived service quality, learner satisfaction, and learner behavioral intention to use the service in future. In order to analyze the obtained data, the researcher used structured equation modeling and exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The findings revealed that the factors that lead to service quality of m-learning in a university environment were interface design, reliability; trust, content usefulness, content adequacy, ease of use, accessibility, and interactivity. The third phase was carried out to implement the findings of the above two phases and present a practical example that reflects the dimensions of mobile learning service quality in a university environment. To accomplish this, the researcher developed the m-learning system prototype (MLSP) using Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology and object-oriented (OO) approach. This prototype has been developed, tested and implemented at University Utara Malaysia (UUM). The MLSP was evaluated by employing usability testing method; the field experiments based on the standard tests followed by questionnaire. The findings of the whole study revealed that learners' overall perception about mobile learning service quality is strongly related to their service' satisfaction which positively affects their behavioral intentions in using mobile learning service in the future

    An extended information system success model for mobile learning usage in Saudi Arabia universities

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    The emergence of 4G networks allows m-learning to be attractive for educational systems. Mobile devices have the potential to enhance accessibility and efficiency distribution of educational materials and information. Developing countries, especially in the Middle East, lag behind as they face difficulties in the adoption and use of m-learning. Previous researches stated that the studies in the success of m-learning are still insufficient in developing countries, particularly in Saudi Arabia where the number of students involved in m-learning also constitutes low percentages. Nine factors that influence the success of m-learning are incorporated and evaluated into a research model. A quantitative approach was used, where questionnaires were sent to three universities in KSA. The contributing factors and the relationships between them were evaluated using a Structural Equation Modelling technique. The research revealed that information quality, user satisfaction (US), trust in technology, attitude, organisation support, trust in organisation, and the net benefits of m-learning positively influence m-learning usage. In addition, the results confirmed that user satisfaction is positively affected by system quality (SEQ), service quality (SQ), and net benefits (NB) of using (U) the system. The results also showed that there is a significant relationship between NB and US for m-learning technology. This study extends the previous research by providing a conceptual model for the successful execution of m-learning services in universities. This mediating effect of US explains the impact of independent variables (IQ, SEQ, SQ) on U. It also examined the mediating effect of U in explaining the influence of US on the NB using m-learning services. The findings of this study are valuable as input for the Ministry of Higher Education and practitioners concerned with successful m-learning services. This study constructed a new model to enhance the mobile learning usage among students in universities

    Assessing the effect of service quality and information quality on customers’ overall perceived service quality in m-commerce

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    M-commerce is an emerging and rapidly evolving area as demonstrated by new technological innovations introduced to improve m-service. Motivated by the growing interest in online commerce, this research questions focuses on examining the dimensions of service quality and information quality that contribute to overall perceived service quality (OPSQ) in m-commerce. The three identified dimensions of service quality are reliability, personalization, and perceived risk, and the dimension of information quality is content usefulness.It was found in the study that there was a remarkable effect of content usefulness on the OPSQ.Other service quality dimensions however were found to have no significant effect with OPSQ.The findings suggest that service providers need to understand the consumers’ perspective and needs.In order to provide better services for users, companies need to pay more attention on controlling the perceived risk associated with using m-commerce

    Integrating Mobile Technology Quality Service, Trust and Cultural Factors Into Technology Acceptance of Mobile Learning: A Case of the Jordan Higher Education Institution

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    The success of mobile learning system in higher education depends a lot on the students‟ acceptance of the technology. From an early investigation, students at Jordanian higher educational institutions however are still unwilling to use mobile learning applications and services. The students‟ acceptance should be a key concern for the management of a university in considering the implementation of mobile learning system. The objective of this study is to identify the factors that influence the acceptance of mobile learning system based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed to five universities in Jordan, out of which 398 question-naires were returned, representing 79% response rate. Statistical techniques including bivariate correlation analyses, multiple linear and stepwise regression analyses, T-tests, and One-Way ANOVA were used. The results showed three core determinants: Culture, Trust, and Technology Service Quality as significantly influenced Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use. Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use moreover have significantly determined Attitude, while Perceived Usefulness and Attitude, have significantly determined users‟ Behavioral Intention. Among the five variables of culture, the study found Power Distance to be the most contributive variable, and Trust in University as the most contributive variable under the Trust factor. Meanwhile, the most contributive variable in Technology Service Quality factor is Accessibility. For the Demographic factors, the study proved that gender, mobile learning experience, and mobile internet experience have significantly influenced students‟ acceptance. Based on the results obtained, the study proposes a model of mobile learning acceptance based on TAM. A comprehensive understanding of this model will assist decision makers to enhance the acceptance of the mobile learning system among students in Jordanian higher educational institutions in the future

    Measuring service quality in m-commerce context: The case of Arab Open University, Jordan

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    This study explores the impact of service quality dimensions (website design, reliability, responsiveness, trust, personalization, perceived risk and perceived cognitive control), information quality dimensions (content usefulness and content adequacy) and system - quality dimensions (ease of use, accessibility, interactivity and perceived website innovativeness) on overall perceived service quality, customer satisfaction and behavioral intention. Based on existing literature, a conceptual model was developed. The SERVQUAL model and the Information system theories were used to explicate the relationship among the variables in the conceptual model. Using a survey research design, a sample of 618 university students and staff was drawn through simple random sampling. Combinations of inferential and descriptive statistics were performed assisted by the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Partial Least Square (PLS). The outcomes of this study show that responsiveness, content usefulness, content adequacy, ease of use, interactivity, and perceived website innovativeness have significant positive relationships with overall service quality. However, website design, reliability, trust, personalization and perceived risk do not have significant relationships with overall service quality. Similarly, and as expected, overall service quality significantly influences satisfaction while satisfaction positively influences the behavioral intention of mobile commerce customers in Jordan. As for policy and managerial recommendations, it is important that managers lay more emphasis on those factors that can make customers perceive the website of m-commerce to be of high quality as this will eventually affect their satisfaction and future behavioral intentions. Similarly, m-commerce service policy-makers should come up with policies that will enhance the nature of services being rendered, and that will bring greater benefits to the customers. Additionally, the policymakers should endeavour to position m-commerce in the minds of customers in such a way that it will bring about the intention to repeat patronage in the future. Finally, directions for future research are discussed

    Modelling the usage behaviour of G2C-ICT services among internally displaced people

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    The developments of government to citizen ICT (G2C-ICT) services have facilitated citizens’ governmental transactions and improved their life quality. However, the usage level of these services among citizens of war-torn developing countries such as Iraq is still low and does not fulfil governments aspirations. Moreover, based on the current literature, there is an absence of a model to clarify the ambiguous influencing factors affecting the usage among war-affected citizens like internally displaced people (IDP). Thus, this study aims to create a model of the influencing factors that affect the intention and usage behaviour of G2C-ICT services among IDP. This study extended the established factors of the Theory of Interpersonal Behaviour (TIB) with four important contextual factors; the perceived intensity of civil conflict (PICC), information security, trust, and service awareness. The quantitative method with simple random sampling technique was used for collecting data from 890 IDP. Structural Equation Modelling-Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS) was used to analyse data and investigate the relationships between the contributing factors. The findings demonstrate that the intention to use G2C-ICT services is significantly influenced by social factors, service awareness, trust, affect and perceived consequence but surprisingly not influenced by information security. The usage behaviour is influenced significantly by facilitating conditions, habit, and PICC. Contrary to the results of previous studies that applied TIB in other contexts, the findings imply that facilitating conditions, habit, and PICC determinants do not have a moderating effect on the correlation between intention and usage behaviour. The study contributes to the body of knowledge by determining the factors that influence the intention and usage behaviour of G2C-ICT services among citizens and examining TIB effectiveness in man-made disasters context. The findings could assist the governments of 92 less peaceful countries in their endeavour toward high usage of ICT applications among their citizens in alleviating the negative consequences of man-made disast

    Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Elektro (SNPTE) 2013

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    Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Elektro (SNPTE) 2013 ini diselenggarakan sebagai wahana bagi akademisi, peneliti, praktisi, asosiasi, industri dan pengambil kebijakan untuk bisa saling bertukar pikiran, bertukar pendapat, mempresentasikan pengalaman-pengalaman hasil penelitian maupun hasil kajian di bidang Pendidikan dan Teknologi Elektro. Tema dalam SNPTE 2013 ini adalah "Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Kejuruan Mengacu Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI)"

    A Model for Mobile Learning Service Quality in University Environment

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