37,366 research outputs found

    A model for classification based on the functional connectivity pattern dynamics of the brain

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    —Synchronized spontaneous low frequency fluctuations of the so called BOLD signal, as measured by functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), are known to represent the functional connections of different brain areas. Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) distance can be used as a similarity measure between BOLD signals of brain regions as an alternative of the traditionally used correlation coefficient and the usage of the DTW algorithm has further advantages: beside the DTW distance, the algorithm generates the warping path, i.e. the time-delay function between the compared two time-series. In this paper, we propose to use the relative length of the warping path as classification feature and demonstrate that the warping path itself carries important information when classifying patients according to cannabis addiction. We discuss biomedical relevance of our findings as well

    A Deep Probabilistic Spatiotemporal Framework for Dynamic Graph Representation Learning with Application to Brain Disorder Identification

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    Recent applications of pattern recognition techniques on brain connectome classification using functional connectivity (FC) neglect the non-Euclidean topology and causal dynamics of brain connectivity across time. In this paper, a deep probabilistic spatiotemporal framework developed based on variational Bayes (DSVB) is proposed to learn time-varying topological structures in dynamic brain FC networks for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) identification. The proposed framework incorporates a spatial-aware recurrent neural network to capture rich spatiotemporal patterns across dynamic FC networks, followed by a fully-connected neural network to exploit these learned patterns for subject-level classification. To overcome model overfitting on limited training datasets, an adversarial training strategy is introduced to learn graph embedding models that generalize well to unseen brain networks. Evaluation on the ABIDE resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging dataset shows that our proposed framework significantly outperformed state-of-the-art methods in identifying ASD. Dynamic FC analyses with DSVB learned embeddings reveal apparent group difference between ASD and healthy controls in network profiles and switching dynamics of brain states

    The Potential of the Human Connectome as a Biomarker of Brain Disease

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    The human connectome at the level of fiber tracts between brain regions has been shown to differ in patients with brain disorders compared to healthy control groups. Nonetheless, there is a potentially large number of different network organizations for individual patients that could lead to cognitive deficits prohibiting correct diagnosis. Therefore changes that can distinguish groups might not be sufficient to diagnose the disease that an individual patient suffers from and to indicate the best treatment option for that patient. We describe the challenges introduced by the large variability of connectomes within healthy subjects and patients and outline three common strategies to use connectomes as biomarkers of brain diseases. Finally, we propose a fourth option in using models of simulated brain activity (the dynamic connectome) based on structural connectivity rather than the structure (connectome) itself as a biomarker of disease. Dynamic connectomes, in addition to currently used structural, functional, or effective connectivity, could be an important future biomarker for clinical applications.Comment: Perspective Article for special issue on Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Healthy and Diseased Brain Network

    Deep Chronnectome Learning via Full Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Networks for MCI Diagnosis

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    Brain functional connectivity (FC) extracted from resting-state fMRI (RS-fMRI) has become a popular approach for disease diagnosis, where discriminating subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) from normal controls (NC) is still one of the most challenging problems. Dynamic functional connectivity (dFC), consisting of time-varying spatiotemporal dynamics, may characterize "chronnectome" diagnostic information for improving MCI classification. However, most of the current dFC studies are based on detecting discrete major brain status via spatial clustering, which ignores rich spatiotemporal dynamics contained in such chronnectome. We propose Deep Chronnectome Learning for exhaustively mining the comprehensive information, especially the hidden higher-level features, i.e., the dFC time series that may add critical diagnostic power for MCI classification. To this end, we devise a new Fully-connected Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Network (Full-BiLSTM) to effectively learn the periodic brain status changes using both past and future information for each brief time segment and then fuse them to form the final output. We have applied our method to a rigorously built large-scale multi-site database (i.e., with 164 data from NCs and 330 from MCIs, which can be further augmented by 25 folds). Our method outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches with an accuracy of 73.6% under solid cross-validations. We also made extensive comparisons among multiple variants of LSTM models. The results suggest high feasibility of our method with promising value also for other brain disorder diagnoses.Comment: The paper has been accepted by MICCAI201

    Classification-based prediction of effective connectivity between timeseries with a realistic cortical network model

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    Effective connectivity measures the pattern of causal interactions between brain regions. Traditionally, these patterns of causality are inferred from brain recordings using either non-parametric, i.e., model-free, or parametric, i.e., model-based, approaches. The latter approaches, when based on biophysically plausible models, have the advantage that they may facilitate the interpretation of causality in terms of underlying neural mechanisms. Recent biophysically plausible neural network models of recurrent microcircuits have shown the ability to reproduce well the characteristics of real neural activity and can be applied to model interacting cortical circuits. Unfortunately, however, it is challenging to invert these models in order to estimate effective connectivity from observed data. Here, we propose to use a classification-based method to approximate the result of such complex model inversion. The classifier predicts the pattern of causal interactions given a multivariate timeseries as input. The classifier is trained on a large number of pairs of multivariate timeseries and the respective pattern of causal interactions, which are generated by simulation from the neural network model. In simulated experiments, we show that the proposed method is much more accurate in detecting the causal structure of timeseries than current best practice methods. Additionally, we present further results to characterize the validity of the neural network model and the ability of the classifier to adapt to the generative model of the data