6,020 research outputs found

    The national cloud computing strategy

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    Executive summary On 5 October 2012 the Prime Minister announced that the Australian Government would develop a National Cloud Computing Strategy. This announcement recognised the synergies between the National Broadband Network (NBN) and cloud computing, but also the important role for government in providing the tools that small business, individuals and government agencies need to realise the promise of cloud computing. This strategy has been developed in a partnership between government, industry and consumer groups and outlines a vision for cloud computing in Australia: Australians will create and use world-class cloud services to boost innovation and productivity across the digital economy. When organisations adopt cloud services, they are generally more productive, innovate better and operate with greater agility. As a nation, Australia is well placed to take advantage of cloud computing for a range of reasons—including a stable socio-economic system, a strong rule of law, and a highly diverse and skilled Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector. At the individual level there are many organisations across the economy that have implemented innovative cloud computing services that have transformed the way they operate. However, as a group, Australian small business and not-for-profit organisations lag behind their counterparts in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries in the use of online technology. This places these organisations at a competitive disadvantage, which could be overcome through the use of cloud computing services. One reason for this has been insufficient access to the necessary infrastructure to support sophisticated cloud services—the relatively slow download or upload speeds in many parts of Australia have limited the adoption of cloud services. The NBN is changing this and is a key enabler of the digital economy more broadly. There are other reasons that cloud computing has not been adopted more generally in Australia, including a lack of awareness of how to make best use of cloud computing and a lack of confidence that some organisations and individuals have in adopting cloud computing services. This strategy has identified three core goals and a set of actions to achieve the government’s vision. However, as the cloud services market continues to evolve, users and providers of cloud services must remain responsive to change. Likewise, the government will continue to adapt its strategy in response to market and technological changes

    The silver lining: cloud computing and small and medium enterprises

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    This paper shows how Australian businesses can get the most out of one of the biggest global innovations: information communications technology. Overview: Innovation – the successful application of new ideas – drives Australia’s productivity. Australia’s biggest innovation opportunity lies in creatively exploiting global innovations. One of the biggest of these is information and communications technology. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are an engine of the Australian economy. They employ two-thirds of Australian private sector workers and contribute half of Australia’s private sector GDP. Yet many SMEs have low productivity. Innovations may spread slowly to many smaller firms because they lack the capital or market intelligence that large firms can access. Online innovations – including mobile devices, e-commerce, and cloud computing – offer opportunities for firms of all sizes to become far more productive. This paper explores issues raised at a workshop run by Grattan Institute and Google on how policymakers and business can accelerate the spread of cloud computing among SMEs. It uses cloud computing – the delivery of on-demand information technology services over the Internet – as a case study for how online technologies can benefit smaller firms. Cloud computing can help level the playing field for smaller firms. It allows them to access sophisticated IT services that were previously out of reach. For example, it can allow them to manage and monitor their sales, operations and finances in real time. The cloud also offers capabilities that were previously unavailable to firms of any scale. For example, it allows multiple users to access applications or update documents at the same time from mobile devices. Cloud computing makes it easier for small firms to take new ideas to market. Firms that use cloud computing report more growth in revenue and profit than others do. But many Australian SMEs say they do not use cloud services. Many are not aware of the benefits or believe they do not have skills to capture them. Some are concerned about transition costs, data security and privacy. Networks are too slow or unreliable for cloud services in some areas of the country. Workshop participants agreed that government and industry can remove obstacles to the use of cloud computing and help SMEs capture its benefits. The industry itself should lead the education of SMEs on the case for cloud computing. Yet government can:  Choose policy settings that promote broader productivity growth and innovation;  Ensure interaction with government over the internet is the default for all businesses;  Provide an appropriate policy environment for investment in broadband networks that meet the needs of small business. Information technology’s contribution to productivity is just getting started. Small and medium enterprises should get on board

    Innovative Asia: Advancing the Knowledge-Based Economy - Highlights of the Forthcoming ADB Study Report

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    [Excerpt] The development of knowledge-based economies (KBEs) is both an imperative and an opportunity for developing Asia. It is an imperative to sustain high rates of growth in the future and an opportunity whereby emerging economies can draw from beneficial trending developments that may allow them to move faster to advance in global value chains and in position in world markets. Over the last quarter of a century, driven mostly by cheap labor, developing countries in Asia have seen unprecedented growth rates and contributions to the global economy. Sustaining Asia’s growth trajectory, however, requires developing economies to seek different approaches to economic growth and progress, especially if they aspire to move from the middle-income to the high-income level. KBE is an important platform that can enable them to sustain growth and even accelerate it. It is time for Asia to consolidate and accelerate its pace of growth. Asia is positioned in a unique moment in history with many advantages that can serve as a boost: to name a couple, an expanding middle of the pyramid—Asia is likely to hold 50% of the global middle class and 40% of the global consumer market by 2020; and the growing importance of intra-regional trade within Asia, increasing from 54% in 2001 to 58% in 2011. Many developing economies are well placed to assimilate frontier technologies into their manufacturing environment

    Analysis of Portugal´s macroenvironment in the view of digital transformation of smes using the peste framework - exploration of technological factors

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    The digital transformation has revolutionized entire sectors in recent years. Yet, SMEs struggle to successfully implement such profound organizational transformations, endangering their competitiveness in the long term. Scholars study internal, company-related factors almost exclusively, whereas external factors are sparsely considered. Therefore, this thesis applies the PESTE framework to investigate external factors affecting the digital transformation of Portuguese SMEs. The following section explores technological factors (knowledge transfer and digital infrastructure and connectivity) in Portugal, analyzing the external environment on SMEs' digital transformation. Based on these findings, recommendations were developed, including interdisciplinary data collection processes, innovation hubs, tailored training, and trust seal

    New Forms of Employment

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    Societal and economic developments, such as the need for increased flexibility by both employers and workers, have resulted in the emergence of new forms of employment across Europe. These have transformed the traditional one-to-one relationship between employer and employee. They are also characterised by unconventional work patterns and places of work, or by the irregular provision of work. However, little is known about these ‘new forms of employment’, their distinctive features and the implications they have for working conditions and the labour market. To fill this knowledge gap, Eurofound conducted a Europe-wide mapping exercise to identify the emerging trends. This resulted in the categorisation of nine broad types of new employment forms. On the basis of this, the available literature and data were analysed; 66 case studies were also conducted and analysed to illustrate how these new employment forms operate in Member States and their effects on working conditions and the labour market

    Review and Analysis of the Digital Health Sector and Skills for Scotland : A Report by the Digital Health and Care Institute in Partnership with Skills Development Scotland

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    This report has been produced by the Digital Health and Care Institute (DHI), as commissioned by Skills Development Scotland to investigate and analyse the Digital Health sector and its skills issues in Scotland. The digital health sector is characterised as emerging from the conjunction of health and care services, mobile health and ICT, and it is one of the fastest growing economic sectors globally, hungry for skilled staff. In this report 'digital health' encompasses companies that produce, provide and service digital health solutions on the one hand, and health and care service providers that utilize and implement digital healthcare solutions and tools in the delivery of their services on the other. As the health and care sector catches up with the other economic sectors in digitization, the need for personnel in digital health and care both in the private and the public sectors increases exponentially. Digital health is a diverse, interdisciplinary sector, something that is reflected in the skills required in the field, ranging from higher level computing, such as software development and software engineering to project management and business-related skills. There is a specific lack of personnel who are proficient in ICT but also have an understanding of health and care. However, while the sector is finding it hard to find suitably skilled graduates, and to offer them competitive salaries, the unemployment among ICT graduates is higher than in other disciplines. Furthermore, currently there are only a handful of courses, and these only on post-graduate level, offering digital health education in Scotland. The biggest single factor restricting economic growth in the sector is the lack of suitably skilled personnel. Digital health is going to face severe challenges in the near future, if the disparity between what the education and training provision offers and what the digital health sector needs is not bridged. Currently, companies are using all available means to attract skilled employees, ranging from recruiting from other sectors to offering in-house training, internships, modern apprenticeships and industrial placements to students and graduates. In order for Scotland to capitalize on the expanding digital health market, it is vital to ensure that there is a sufficient supply of skilled workers entering into the sector. Based on the research discussed in this report the DHI have made several recommendations that focus on: * Reviewing the existing education and training provision with digital health in mind; * involving digital health employees more closely in the development of the curricula in computing and health and care; and * Raising the profile of digital health sector in Scotland

    Exploring the challenges in developing and managing digital agility among Sri Lankan family business owners during the economic crisis situation

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    The purpose of this qualitative study is to explore the ongoing post-pandemic challenges in developing and managing digital agility among Sri Lankan family business owners. This study used a mono-method qualitative approach to identify the management strategies using the self-determination theory and social exchange theory to cope with digital agility among Sri Lankan family business owners. Authors interviewed 25 family business owners in Sri Lanka and assessed the findings using the NVivo software. A total of five thematic findings have been identified as challenges in developing and managing digital agility among Sri Lankan Family Business owners. According to this study, digital capability plays a significant role in supporting top management to apply ambidextrous leadership during turbulent times. Findings contributes to the family business owners in Sri Lanka to identify proper strategies in overcoming the challenges associated with developing and managing digital agility of family business firms

    Supply chain transformation programme : prospectus

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