10 research outputs found

    Fast anisotropic Gauss filtering

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    Abstract. We derive the decomposition of the anisotropic Gaussian in a one dimensional Gauss filter in the x-direction followed by a one dimensional filter in a non-orthogonal direction ϕ. So also the anisotropic Gaussian can be decomposed by dimension. This appears to be extremely efficient from a computing perspective. An implementation scheme for normal convolution and for recursive filtering is proposed. Also directed derivative filters are demonstrated. For the recursive implementation, filtering an 512 × 512 image is performed within 65 msec, independent of the standard deviations and orientation of the filter. Accuracy of the filters is still reasonable when compared to truncation error or recursive approximation error. The anisotropic Gaussian filtering method allows fast calculation of edge and ridge maps, with high spatial and angular accuracy. For tracking applications, the normal anisotropic convolution scheme is more advantageous, with applications in the detection of dashed lines in engineering drawings. The recursive implementation is more attractive in feature detection applications, for instance in affine invariant edge and ridge detection in computer vision. The proposed computational filtering method enables the practical applicability of orientation scale-space analysis

    Design and Validation of a Tool for Neurite Tracing and Analysis in Fluorescence Microscopy Images

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    Background: For the investigation of the molecular mechanisms involved in neurite outgrowth and differentiation, accurate and reproducible segmentation and quantification of neuronal processes are a prerequisite. To facilitate this task, we developed a semiautomatic neurite tracing technique. This article describes the design and validation of the technique. Methods: The technique was compared to fully manual delineation. Four observers repeatedly traced selected neurites in 20 fluorescence microscopy images of cells in culture, using both methods. Accuracy and reproducibility were determined by comparing the tracings to high-resolution reference tracings, using two error measures. Labor intensiveness was measured in numbers of mouse clicks required. The significance of the results was determined by a Student t-test and by analysis of variance. Results: Both methods slightly underestimated the true neurite length, but the differences were not unanimously significant. The average deviation from the true neurite centerline was a factor 2.6 smaller with the developed technique compared to fully manual tracing. Intraobserver variability in the respective measures was reduced by a factor 6.0 and 23.2. Interobserver variability was reduced by a factor 2.4 and 8.8, respectively, and labor intensiveness by a factor 3.3. Conclusions: Providing similar accuracy in measuring neurite length, significantly improved accuracy in neurite centerline extraction, and significantly improved reproducibility and reduced labor intensiveness, the developed technique may replace fully manual tracing methods

    Segmentation of whole cells and cell nuclei from 3-D optical microscope images using dynamic programming

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    金æČąć€§ć­ŠćŒ»è–Źäżć„ç ”ç©¶ćŸŸćŒ»ć­Šçł»Communications between cells in large part drive tissue development and function, as well as disease-related processes such as tumorigenesis. Understanding the mechanistic bases of these processes necessitates quantifying specific molecules in adjacent cells or cell nuclei of intact tissue. However, a major restriction on such analyses is the lack of an efficient method that correctly segments each object (cell or nucleus) from 3-D images of an intact tissue specimen. We report a highly reliable and accurate semi-automatic algorithmic method for segmenting fluorescence-labeled cells or nuclei from 3-D tissue images. Segmentation begins with semi-automatic, 2-D object delineation in a user-selected plane, using dynamic programming (DP) to locate the border with an accumulated intensity per unit length greater that any other possible border around the same object. Then the two surfaces of the object in planes above and below the selected plane are found using an algorithm that combines DP and combinatorial searching. Following segmentation, any perceived errors can be interactively corrected. Segmentation accuracy is not significantly affected by intermittent labeling of object surfaces, diffuse surfaces, or spurious signals away from surfaces. The unique strength of the segmentation method was demonstrated on a variety of biological tissue samples where all cells, including irregularly shaped cells, were accurately segmented based on visual inspection. © 2006 IEEE

    Automatic Mesh-Based Segmentation of Multiple Organs in MR Images

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    La segmentation de structures anatomiques multiples dans des images de rĂ©sonance magnĂ©tique (RM) est souvent requise dans des applications de gĂ©nie biomĂ©dical telles que la simulation numĂ©rique, la chirurgie guidĂ©e par l’image, la planification de traitements, etc. De plus, il y a un besoin croissant pour une segmentation automatique d’organes multiples et de structures complexes Ă  partir de cette modalitĂ© d’imagerie. Il existe plusieurs techniques de segmentation multi-objets qui ont Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©es avec succĂšs sur des images de tomographie axiale Ă  rayons-X (CT). Cependant, dans le cas des images RM cette tĂąche est plus difficile en raison de l’inhomogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des intensitĂ©s dans ces images et de la variabilitĂ© dans l’apparence des structures anatomiques. Par consĂ©quent, l’état de l’art sur la segmentation multi-objets sur des images RM est beaucoup plus faible que celui sur les images CT. Parmi les travaux qui portent sur la segmentation d’images RM, les approches basĂ©es sur la segmentation de rĂ©gions sont sensibles au bruit et la non uniformitĂ© de l’intensitĂ© dans les images. Les approches basĂ©es sur les contours ont de la difficultĂ© Ă  regrouper les informations sur les contours de sorte Ă  produire un contour fermĂ© cohĂ©rent. Les techniques basĂ©es sur les atlas peuvent avoir des problĂšmes en prĂ©sence de structures complexes avec une grande variabilitĂ© anatomique. Les modĂšles dĂ©formables reprĂ©sentent une des mĂ©thodes les plus populaire pour la dĂ©tection automatique de diffĂ©rents organes dans les images RM. Cependant, ces modĂšles souffrent encore d’une limitation importante qui est leur sensibilitĂ© Ă  la position initiale et la forme du modĂšle. Une initialisation inappropriĂ©e peut conduire Ă  un Ă©chec dans l’extraction des frontiĂšres des objets. D’un autre cĂŽtĂ©, le but ultime d’une segmentation automatique multi-objets dans les images RM est de produire un modĂšle qui peut aider Ă  extraire les caractĂ©ristiques structurelles d’organes distincts dans les images. Les mĂ©thodes d’initialisation automatique actuelles qui utilisent diffĂ©rents descripteurs ne rĂ©ussissent pas complĂštement l’extraction d’objets multiples dans les images RM. Nous avons besoin d’exploiter une information plus riche qui se trouve dans les contours des organes. Dans ce contexte les maillages adaptatifs anisotropiques semblent ĂȘtre une solution potentielle au problĂšme soulevĂ©. Les maillages adaptatifs anisotropiques construits Ă  partir des images RM contiennent de l’information Ă  un plus haut niveau d’abstraction reprĂ©sentant les Ă©lĂ©ments, d’une orientation et d’une forme donnĂ©e, qui constituent les diffĂ©rents organes dans l’image. Les mĂ©thodes existantes pour la construction de maillages adaptatifs sont basĂ©es sur les intensitĂ©s dans l’image et possĂšdent une limitation pratique qui est l’alignement inadĂ©quat des Ă©lĂ©ments du maillage en prĂ©sence de contours inclinĂ©s dans l’image. Par consĂ©quent, nous avons aussi besoin d’amĂ©liorer le processus d’adaptation de maillage pour produire une meilleure reprĂ©sentation de l’image basĂ©e sur un maillage.----------ABSTRACT: Segmentation of multiple anatomical structures in MR images is often required for biomedical engineering applications such as clinical simulation, image-guided surgery, treatment planning, etc. Moreover, there is a growing need for automatic segmentation of multiple organs and complex structures from this medical imaging modality. Many successful multi-object segmentation attempts were introduced for CT images. However in the case of MR images it is a more challenging task due to intensity inhomogeneity and variability of anatomy appearance. Therefore, state-of-the-art in multi-object MR segmentation is very inferior to that of CT images. In literature dealing with MR image segmentation, the region-based approaches are sensitive to noise and non-uniformity in the input image. The edge-based approaches are challenging to group the edge information into a coherent closed contour. The atlas-based techniques can be problematic for complicated structures with anatomical variability. Deformable models are among the most popular methods for automatic detection of different organs in MR images. However they still have an important limitation which is that they are sensitive to initial position and shape of the model. An unsuitable initialization may provide failure to capture the true boundaries of the objects. On the other hand, a useful aim for an automatic multi-object MR segmentation is to provide a model which promotes understanding of the structural features of the distinct objects within the MR images. The current automatic initialization methods which have used different descriptors are not completely successful in extracting multiple objects from MR images and we need to find richer information that is available from edges. In this regard, anisotropic adaptive meshes seem to be a potential solution to the aforesaid limitation. Anisotropic adaptive meshes constructed from MR images contain higher level, abstract information about the anatomical structures of the organs within the image retained as the elements shape and orientation. Existing methods for constructing adaptive meshes based on image features have a practical limitation where manifest itself in inadequate mesh elements alignment to inclined edges in the image. Therefore, we also have to enhance mesh adaptation process to provide a better mesh-based representation. In this Ph.D. project, considering the highlighted limitations we are going to present a novel method for automatic segmentation of multiple organs in MR images by incorporating mesh adaptation techniques. In our progress, first, we improve an anisotropic adaptation process for the meshes that are constructed from MR images where the mesh elements align adequately to the image content and improve mesh anisotropy along edges in all directions. Then the resulting adaptive meshes are used for initialization of multiple active models which leads to extract initial object boundaries close to the true boundaries of multiple objects simultaneously. Finally, the Vector Field Convolution method is utilized to guide curve evolution towards the object boundaries to obtain the final segmentation results and present a better performance in terms of speed and accuracy

    A Minimum Cost Approach for Segmenting Networks of Lines

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    A minimum cost approach for segmenting networks of lines

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    The extraction and interpretation of networks of lines from images yields important organizational information of the network under consideration. In this paper, a one-parameter algorithm for the extraction of line networks from images is presented. The parameter indicates the extracted saliency level from a hierarchical graph. Input for the algorithm is the domain specific knowledge of interconnection points. Graph morphological tools are used to extract the minimum cost graph which best segments the network