49 research outputs found

    Design of an UAV swarm

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    This master thesis tries to give an overview on the general aspects involved in the design of an UAV swarm. UAV swarms are continuoulsy gaining popularity amongst researchers and UAV manufacturers, since they allow greater success rates in task accomplishing with reduced times. Appart from this, multiple UAVs cooperating between them opens a new field of missions that can only be carried in this way. All the topics explained within this master thesis will explain all the agents involved in the design of an UAV swarm, from the communication protocols between them, navigation and trajectory analysis and task allocation

    Aggregation-mediated Collective Perception and Action in a Group of Miniature Robots

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    We introduce a novel case study in which a group of miniaturized robots screen an environment for undesirable cells, and destroy them. Because miniaturized robots are usually endowed with reactive controllers and minimalist sensing and actuation capabilities, they must collaborate in order to achieve their task successfully. In this paper, we show how aggregation can mediate both collective perception and action while maintaining the scalability of the algorithm. First, we demonstrate the feasibility of our approach by implementing it on a real group of Alice mobile robots, which are only two centimeters in size. Then, we use a combination of both realistic simulations and macroscopic models in order to find optimal parameters that maximize the number of undesirable cells destroyed while minimizing the impact on the healthy population. Finally, we discuss the limitations of these models, both in terms of accuracy, computational cost, and scalability, and we outline the importance of an appropriate multi-level modeling methodology to ensure the relevance and the faithfulness of such models

    Aerial collective systems

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    Deployment of multiple flying robots has attracted the interest of several research groups in the recent times both because such a feat represents many interesting scientific challenges and because aerial collective systems have a huge potential in terms of applications. By working together, multiple robots can perform a given task quicker or more efficiently than a single system. Furthermore, multiple robots can share computing, sensing and communication payloads thus leading to lighter robots that could be safer than a larger system, easier to transport and even disposable in some cases. Deploying a fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles instead of a single aircraft allows rapid coverage of a relatively larger area or volume. Collaborating airborne agents can help each other by relaying communication or by providing navigation means to their neighbours. Flying in formation provides an effective way of decongesting the airspace. Aerial swarms also have an enormous artistic potential because they allow creating physical 3D structures that can dynamically change their shape over time. However, the challenges to actually build and control aerial swarms are numerous. First of all, a flying platform is often more complicated to engineer than a terrestrial robot because of the inherent weight constraints and the absence of mechanical link with any inertial frame that could provide mechanical stability and state reference. In the first section of this chapter, we therefore review this challenges and provide pointers to state-of-the-art methods to solve them. Then as soon as flying robots need to interact with each other, all sorts of problems arise such as wireless communication from and to rapidly moving objects and relative positioning. The aim of section 3 is therefore to review possible approaches to technically enable coordination among flying systems. Finally, section 4 tackles the challenge of designing individual controllers that enable a coherent behavior at the level of the swarm. This challenge is made even more difficult with flying robots because of their 3D nature and their motion constraints that are often related to the specific architectures of the underlying physical platforms. In this third section is complementary to the rest of this book as it focusses only on methods that have been designed for aerial collective systems

    Recent Advances in Multi Robot Systems

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    To design a team of robots which is able to perform given tasks is a great concern of many members of robotics community. There are many problems left to be solved in order to have the fully functional robot team. Robotics community is trying hard to solve such problems (navigation, task allocation, communication, adaptation, control, ...). This book represents the contributions of the top researchers in this field and will serve as a valuable tool for professionals in this interdisciplinary field. It is focused on the challenging issues of team architectures, vehicle learning and adaptation, heterogeneous group control and cooperation, task selection, dynamic autonomy, mixed initiative, and human and robot team interaction. The book consists of 16 chapters introducing both basic research and advanced developments. Topics covered include kinematics, dynamic analysis, accuracy, optimization design, modelling, simulation and control of multi robot systems