5 research outputs found

    A Minimal Incentive-based Demand Response Program With Self Reported Baseline Mechanism

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    In this paper, we propose a novel incentive based Demand Response (DR) program with a self reported baseline mechanism. The System Operator (SO) managing the DR program recruits consumers or aggregators of DR resources. The recruited consumers are required to only report their baseline, which is the minimal information necessary for any DR program. During a DR event, a set of consumers, from this pool of recruited consumers, are randomly selected. The consumers are selected such that the required load reduction is delivered. The selected consumers, who reduce their load, are rewarded for their services and other recruited consumers, who deviate from their reported baseline, are penalized. The randomization in selection and penalty ensure that the baseline inflation is controlled. We also justify that the selection probability can be simultaneously used to control SO's cost. This allows the SO to design the mechanism such that its cost is almost optimal when there are no recruitment costs or at least significantly reduced otherwise. Finally, we also show that the proposed method of self-reported baseline outperforms other baseline estimation methods commonly used in practice

    Perceção do consumidor final de energia sobre redes inteligentes e a sua participação ativa

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    O paradigma dos sistemas energéticos encontra-se em mudança. O aparecimento das redes inteligentes virá revolucionar o papel do utilizador final de energia, passando a ter um papel ativo nas redes inteligentes. Esta mudança irá ter um impacto considerável no utilizador final, afetando hábitos de consumo e de gestão de energia. A não preparação do utilizador final para as mudanças que aí veem, irá potenciar um impacto negativo e um aumento de custos de energia. Torna-se assim fundamental estudar a perceção dos atuais utilizadores finais de energia sobre as redes inteligentes. Esta tese tem como objetivo o estudo da perceção do utilizador final e o estudo do impacto que esta perceção irá ter na rede inteligente. Será realizado um inquérito ao utilizador final para estudar e avaliar a sua perceção sobre redes inteligentes e sobre a participação ativa do utilizador final nas redes inteligentes. Esta tese irá ainda desenvolver um simulador que permitirá avaliar a participação ativa dos utilizadores finais tendo em conta o inquérito realizado. O simulador permitirá o estudo de vários cenários e irá permitir comparar vários níveis de participação. A comparação dos resultados das simulações irá permitir identificar quais os pontos que prejudicam a participação ativa dos utilizadores finais. Como resultado, esta tese irá elaborar uma estratégia de comunicação com o utilizador final para promover e maximizar a sua participação ativa nas redes inteligentes. A estratégia de comunicação terá em conta o resultado do inquérito realizado e os resultados das simulações.The paradigm of energy systems is changing. The appearance of smart grids will change the role of the end-user, taking an active role in smart grids. This change will have a significant impact on the end-user, affecting consumption and energy management habits. Failure to prepare the end-user for the changes that will come will have a negative impact and an increase in energy costs. Therefore, it is essential to study the perception of current energy end-users about smart grids. This thesis aims to study the perception of the end-user and to study the impact that this perception will have on the smart grid. An end-user survey will be conducted to study and assess their perception of smart grids and the active participation of the end-user in smart grids. This thesis will also develop a simulator that will allow evaluating the active participation of end-users taking into account the carried-out survey. The simulator will allow the study of several scenarios and will allow the comparison of different levels of participation. The comparison of the results of the simulations will allow the identification of which points hinder the active participation of the end-users. As a result, this thesis will develop a communication strategy with the end-user to promote and maximize their active participation in smart grids. The communication strategy will take into account the result of the survey and the results of the simulations