2 research outputs found

    Mutual superimposing of SAR and ground-level shooting images mediated by intermediate multi-altitude images

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    When satellite-based SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) images and images acquired from the ground are registered, they offer a wealth of information such as topographic, vegetation or water surface to be extracted from the ground-level shooting images. Simultaneously, high temporal-resolution and high spatial-resolution information obtained by the ground-level shooting images can be superimposed on satellite images. However, due to the differences in imaging modality, spatial resolutions, and observation angle, it was not easy to directly extract the corresponding points between them. This paper proposes an image registration method to estimate the correspondence between SAR images and ground-level shooting images through a set of multi-altitude images taken at different heights

    筑波大学計算科学研究センター 平成30年度 年次報告書

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    まえがき ...... 21 センター組織と構成員 ...... 42 平成30 年度の活動状況 ...... 83 各研究部門の報告 ...... 15I. 素粒子物理研究部門 ...... 15II. 宇宙物理研究部門 ....... 40III. 原子核物理研究部門 ...... 65IV. 量子物性研究部門 ...... 83V. 生命科学研究部門 ...... 110 V-1. 生命機能情報分野 ...... 110 V-2. 分子進化分野 ...... 125VI. 地球環境研究部門 ...... 140VII. 高性能計算システム研究部門 ...... 155VIII. 計算情報学研究部門 ...... 207 VIII-1. データ基盤分野 ...... 207 VIII-2. 計算メディア分野 ...... 22